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Heroes Wiki

Dr. Kate Caldwell is the heroine of the 2018 science fiction movie Rampage.

She is is played by Naomie Harris, who also played Selena in 28 Days Later.


Kate started out working for Claire Wyden, head of  the genetics company Energyne. Initially, she accepted it in an attempt to save her sick brother. Unfortunately, she was framed by her evil boss before she could finish her research and arrested, leading to her brother's death.

When a pathogen crashing down on earth leads to George, Ralph and Lizzy's mutation and a multitude of savage attacks, Kate teams up with primatologist Davis Okoye to stop them and help George, as Davis believes he can find a cure.

Unfortunately, the two of them are captured by Agent Russell's squad and Wyden carries out a scheme to lure the monsters into Chicago, at the cost of many people's lives. George awakens from his sedative-induced sleep and causes the plane he, Davis, and Kate are imprisoned to crash down. Davis saves himself, Kate, and Russell from being killed.

George manages to survive his injuries. Kate informs Davis of an antidote to the pathogen that would neutralize the monsters' aggression. Unfortunately, our heroes are confronted by Claire and her brother Brett. Claire forces the two of them to give her the antidote, wounding Davis and holding Kate at gunpoint. Fortunately, Davis summons George before Kate slips the antidote into Claire's purse. All the while, Kate finally gets her revenge on her brother's killer by pushing her in the direction of George, who picks up Claire and drops her into his mouth, swallowing her alive. Lizzy kills Ralph, and George finally puts the beast in her place. As for Kate, she and the rest of the citizens survive.

