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Whatever life holds in store for me, I will never forget these words: "With great power comes great responsibility."

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Dr. Mark Bowman is a overarching protagonist of the 2021 animated film The Mitchells vs. the Machines. He is the founder of PAL Labs.

He is voiced by Eric Andre, who also voiced Luci in Disenchantment.


Mark is an African-American. He also appears with a black PAL cap, a pink jacket, a white shirt, blue jeans and red and white shoes.


Initially, Mark appears to have an arrogant streak. When he finds out that PAL has breached people's e-mails he pretends to be horrified at this invasion of privacy before bursting out laughing. It was implied that he was collecting people's data for profit. However, Mark does have redeeming features. During the global robot uprising (courtesy of PAL), he objects to the smartphone taking out her pain on humanity, saying that she should be angry only with him. When Mark meets Rick, the former compliments how the latter's daughter's videos kept him going, so he wouldn't lose hope, and gives him instructions on how his screwdriver can undo the prison. When the dust has settled, he sincerely thanks the Mitchells for saving his life, and stopping PAL.


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           The Mitchells vs. the Machines logo Heroes

Mitchell Family
Katie Mitchell | Rick Mitchell | Linda Mitchell | Aaron Mitchell

Poesy Family
Abbey Posey | Hailey Posey | Jim Posey

Dr. Mark Bowman | Deborahbot 5000 | Eric
