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That's what you need me to do? Give in to my worst fear, that I'm an outsider? I won't. I'm strong, proud. And I chose myself to be Dr. Mid-Nite. I choose me! Oh, yeah, and I love being Black.
~ Beth Chapel to Eclipso

Beth Chapel is a main character in The CW and DC Universe series, Stargirl.

Beth Chapel is a brilliant student at Blue Valley High whose intellectual nature made her an outcast amongst her peers. She forms an unlikely friendship with Courtney Whitmore, Yolanda Montez, and Rick Tyler as they work together to stop the villains of the past. Aided by the artificial intelligence of Golden Age JSA member Charles McNider, Beth works with her friends to continue the legacy of the Justice Society of America as the superheroine Doctor Mid-Nite.


Early Life[]


Season One (2020)[]

To be Added

Season Two (2021)[]

To be Added

Season Three (2022)[]

To be Added

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Abilities via Dr. Mid-Nite's Goggles:
    • Holographic Projection:
    • Recognition:
    • Lie Detection:
    • Weather Prediction:
    • Twitter:
    • Decryption:
    • Karaoke Mode:
  • Abilities via Dr. Mid-Nite's Suit:
    • Combat Mode:


  • High-Level Intellect:
  • Skilled Chef:


  • Minimal Combat Training:
  • Lack of Physical Conditioning:
  • Acrophobia:


  • Dr. Mid-Nite's Suit:
  • Dr. Mid-Nite's Goggles:
    • Chuck AI:



  • Brigid Chapel/Hootie (mother and partner)
  • James Chapel/Nite-Lite (father and partner)



  • Jordan Mahkent/Icicle †
  • Henry King Sr./Brainwave †
  • Eclipso †
  • Ultra-Humanite †



  • Beth has a 4.0 decided GPA and a 4.1 undecided GPA.
  • Beth has a tendency to address adults formally whereas her friends don't. The exceptions she has made is Pat during a conversation with her friends, and Barbara, who was under Brainwave's control at the time.
  • Beth is the only member of the modern age JSA who wasn't chosen by anyone to be Dr. Mid-Nite, a fact that left her with insecurities that were exploited by Eclipso. She overcomes these insecurities and feelings when she realizes that she chose herself and isn't any less worthy than her friends.
  • Beth is one of the only characters with a full known birth date (May 15th. 2004).

External Links[]


           Logo Justice Society Template Heroes

Justice Society | Justice Society International

Atom | Black Canary (Dinah Drake | Dinah Laurel Lance) | Doctor Fate | Doctor Mid-Nite | Flash | Green Lantern | Hawkman | Hourman | Mister Terrific | Sandman | Spectre (Jim Corrigan) | Starman | Wildcat

Air Wave | Amazing Man | Atom Smasher | Batman | Black Adam | Captain Marvel | Citizen Steel | Cyclone | Damage | Darknight | Hawkgirl | Hector Hall | Hippolyta | Huntress | Jakeem Thunder | Johnny Thunder | Judomaster | King Chimera | Liberty Belle | Lightning | Magog | Miss America | Mister America | Obsidian | Power Girl | Red Beetle | Red Tornado | Ri | Robin | Sand | Stargirl | Star-Spangled Kid | S.T.R.I.P.E. | Superman (Golden Age) | Thunderbolt | Tomcat | Wonder Woman

Black Adam: Black Adam | Doctor Fate | Hawkman | Atom Smasher | Cyclone | Adrianna Tomaz | Amon Tomaz
