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Durak is an Orsimer ranger and member of the Dawnguard. According to dialogue, he joined the order to avenge the deaths of his two wives, who were killed by vampires.


Burak Lost two wives to vampire and vowed to avenge them.He later found and joined the Dawnguard


He is initially met by the Dragonborn as a random encounter. He will appear in one of the major cities of Skyrim, where he offers them a chance to join the Dawnguard, a recently reestablished ancient order of vampire hunters.

Later on, he is seen outside of Fort Dawnguard, practicing his aim with a crossbow. When asked about the bow, he mentions that it is common for people not to be familiar with it, as it is a Dawnguard specialty. However, he will give the Dragonborn a standard crossbow and some steel bolts to practice.

Upon the completion of the quest "Prophet," he becomes available as a follower. If the Dragonborn is not an Orc, and also has not become Blood-Kin through some other means, he will also send word to Orc strongholds throughout Skyrim, so that they allow the Dragonborn entry.

After the Dragonborn and Serana return to Fort Dawnguard with Auriel's Bow, Isran rallies the Dawnguard to attack Castle Volkihar and eliminate Harkon and his court before they can carry out the Tyranny of the Sun prophecy. Durak joins the group Isran takes to attack Harkon, and can be killed if he is overwhelmed by Harkon's court members once inside the castle. If he survives, he remains in the main hall with Isran, Sorine Jurard, Gunmar, and Celann to cover the Dragonborn's back as they and Serana prepare to confront Harkon alone.


As a follower, Durak has no level cap, as with fellow Dawnguard followers Celann and Ingjard. His specialties are Archery, Light Armor, One-Handed, and Block.


This article contains content derived from the "Durak" article on the Elder Scrolls Wiki, licensed under CC-BY-SA.


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