“ | I looked up to you. I wanted to be like you. But Redtail was my mentor. I owe him more than any cat. And you killed him. You killed him and betrayed the Clan. I'd rather die than follow you. | „ |
~ Dustpelt rejecting Tigerclaw's offer to follow him into exile |
“ | Dustpelt? The dusky tom often argued with Firestar, but Lionblaze suspected the two warriors relished their disagreements, sparking off each other and never holding grudges. | „ |
~ Lionblaze reflecting upon Firestar and Dustpelt's relationship |
Dustpelt is a major character in Erin Hunter's Warriors books franchise.
He is a ThunderClan warrior who first served as a rival to Fireheart before becoming one of his most loyal and reliable warriors. Dustpelt is one of the most recognizable senior warriors from ThunderClan and is characterized by his pride in his origins, his sharp tongue and his distrust in strangers and cats from other clans.
Dustpelt is born to ThunderClan warriors Fuzzypelt and Robinwing alongside his brother Ravenpaw. As an apprentice, Dustpaw is not very close to his brother but rather spends most of his time with his denmate Sandpaw. He is first apprenticed to Redtail but, after the deputy’s death, Darkstripe becomes his mentor. When Firepaw, a former kittypet, is invited by Bluestar into ThunderClan, Dustpaw looks down on him and the two quickly develop an aversion for each other and become rivals. It is aggravated by the fact that Fireheart receives his warrior name before him despite beginning his training later, and also because Dustpaw is a follower of Tigerclaw, Fireheart’s nemesis.
Dustpaw grows increasingly resentful toward Fireheart as the warrior is given the prestigious mission of bringing WindClan back into the moor, brings his kittypet-born nephew into ThunderClan without authorization and grows closer to Sandpaw, Dustpaw’s former friend. He eventually earns his warrior name Dustpelt after bravely defending the camp against the group of exiled rogues led by Brokenstar.
When Tigerclaw’s attempt to kill Bluestar is thwarted and revealed to the clan by Fireheart, Dustpelt is invited by the fallen deputy to join him into exile. Despite the fact that he used to look up to him, the young warrior earns his clanmates’ respect by bluntly rejecting the offer in the name of his former mentor Redtail, who was murdered by Tigerclaw.
Dustpelt begins to show more respect to Fireheart after the latter rises to the position of deputy. He earns his first apprentice, Ashpaw, and takes some distance from Tigerclaw’s former supporters Longtail and Darkstripe. When Darkstripe and the elders blame Fireheart for the fire ravaging through ThunderClan’s forest, forcing them to seek shelter on RiverClan territory, Dustpelt defends his deputy against his own former mentor. Nevertheless he maintains his defiant attitude toward Fireheart.
Dustpelt grows closer to his apprentice’s sister Fernpaw and he encourages her to tell Fireheart about Swiftpaw and Brightpaw’s plan to fight the dog pack threatening ThunderClan by themselves. Later on, he is one of the warriors chosen to outrun and lead the dogs to the gorges. He eventually takes part in the battle against BloodClan which he survives from.
After Ferncloud is given her warrior name, Dustpelt officially becomes mates with her and fathers Spiderkit and Shrewkit. While Firestar and Sandstorm are away on their quest to find SkyClan, Dustpelt is critical toward Graystripe’s leadership over the clan. He also learns that Ashfur has been promoting him as temporary deputy and feels disgruntled over it. He eventually agrees with Graystripe’s plan to fight BloodClan with the help of Gremlin and he becomes a supporter of the gray tom.
After Firestar and Sandstorm return from their journey, Dustpelt is given their daughter Squirrelpaw as his second apprentice and becomes a father to Birchkit, Larchkit and Hollykit. Dustpelt is left without an apprentice when Squirrelpaw follows Brambleclaw on his quest to the sun-drown-place. When Twolegs begin to destroy the forest, scaring the prey away, hunger strikes upon the clans and Dustpelt loses his two daughters to starvation. Soon after, his son Shrewpaw is killed by a Twoleg monster while he was chasing a pheasant on a Thunderpath, leaving him heartbroken. He takes part in the Great Journey and spends most of the trip carrying and looking after his younger son Birchkit to preserve him from the same fate as his sisters.
Dustpelt is vocal about naming a new deputy after Graystripe is taken away by the Twolegs. He supports Onewhisker’s appointment as WindClan leader by Tallstar in his dying moments and participates in the fight against Mudclaw during his rebellion to take back the power over WindClan. He also takes part in the battle against the badgers invading the ThunderClan camp. Soon after, Stormfur and Brook are welcomed into ThunderClan by Firestar and Dustpelt is one of the leading voices among those who believe that he is wrong in admitting so many strangers into the clan, like Daisy not so long ago.
Ferncloud gives birth to Dustpelt’s last litter of kittens, Foxkit and Icekit, and is given Hazelpaw as his final apprentice. When Millie is invited into ThunderClan upon Graystripe’s return, Dustpelt is wary of new stranger blood within the clan, especially after she refuses to change her name for a new, more clan-like one.
Dustpelt leads one of the three patrols sent by Firestar to fight the WindClan and RiverClan invaders during the battle of the eclipse. Later on, he is one of the first warriors to suffer from the greencough outbreak and is quarantined in the abandoned Twoleg den with his sick clanmates. On the way to a Gathering, he is one of the first to notice Ashfur’s body floating in the stream separating WindClan from ThunderClan, and he pulls him out of the water and carries him back to camp with the help of Lionblaze and Graystripe. He is among the many cats who want to seek revenge against WindClan, believing them to be guilty of Ashfur’s death.
Dustpelt begins to grow old but his loyalty is unfaltering, so much so that Lionblaze is certain that he is not training in the Dark Forest. When the reasons for Ashfur’s death are revealed, Dustpelt defends his murderer, Hollyleaf, claiming that she has done the right thing for the clan. During the Great Battle, Ferncloud is killed by Brokenstar, leaving Dustpelt devastated. He disowns his son Birchfall for having trained with the Dark Forest and insists on not leaving his dead mate’s side.
After Bramblestar rises as ThunderClan’s leader, Dustpelt still has trouble moving on from Ferncloud’s death. He is reported to wake up from intense nightmares each morning and his age starts to show. Yet, despite his growing old, he insists on refusing to join the elders, claiming that he needs something to keep him focused so that he does not suffer too much from his memories. Following the Great Storm that floods the ThunderClan camp, Dustpelt often cooperates with Brackenfur to turn the tunnels into a new, temporary living place. He is mortally wounded during a battle against badgers and refuses Blamblestar’s help and proposal to join the elders, accepting his death and reuniting with his kin in StarClan.
Dustpelt is later seen as a ghost by Bramblestar, standing along with Firestar at their former fellow apprentices’, Sandstorm and Graystripe, side. During Leafpool and Squirrelflight’s trial in StarClan, the latter also seizes the opportunity to talk with her former mentor, who acknowledges her quick-learning skills.
Dustpelt is a dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes. He is lithe with a strong, heavy build and thin fur. As he grew old, his muzzle also began to fade to gray.
Dustpelt is renowned as one of ThunderClan’s most loyal warriors. Despite not liking Firestar ever since they have known each other as apprentices, especially because of his kittypet origins, his generosity toward stranger cats and Dustpelt’s own jealousy, he shows unshakable loyalty to him from the day Tigerstar’s betrayal is undisclosed. He respects his position of deputy and then leader and, even though he often argues with him about his decisions, he ultimately follows them. In spite of their arguments, Firestar and Dustpelt strongly respect each other, as shown when the former emotionally supports the latter after the death of his daughter Larchkit. Lionblaze even suspects that the two like each other more than they appear to.
Dustpelt has an immense sense of honor. He rejects Tigerclaw’s invitation to join him into exile, feeling betrayed by his attempt to kill Bluestar and by his assassination of Redtail, Dustpelt’s former mentor. His honor is mostly based on patriotic beliefs: he strongly defends ThunderClan’s supremacy and his pride in his clan is such that he puts its interests above all else. As such he is wary of strangers and cats from other clans. He is keen on keeping the borders supervised and he resents Firestar and Bramblestar for inviting non-ThunderClan cats into the clan, even if it is only temporary.
Dustpelt’s wariness toward strangers, coupled with his bravery, makes him a reckless and aggressive warrior. He is often willing to fight other clans over territory conflicts or simple provocations or insults. His warmongering nature doesn’t prevent him from having prudence though, and he is able to manage his anger. He can also be harsh with his clanmates, often using his authority as a senior warrior to scorn the young ones when they are acting foolish or imprudent. However, he cares for them and especially for his mate and his kits, acting as a good father for them. He is also heavily respected as a senior warrior by the rest of his clan.
- According to Cherith Baldry, the reason why Dustpelt was mischievous with Firestar at first was because he liked Sandstorm but she loved Firestar instead of him.
- However, jealousy cannot explain why Dustpelt was disdainful ever since Firestar joined ThunderClan, as Sandstorm used to act the same way toward the latter.
- In Fading Echoes, Lionblaze remarks that Dustpelt is always arguing with Firestar but he suspects that the two of them actually enjoy their quarrels and bear no grudge against each other.
External Links[]
- Dustpelt on the Warriors Wiki
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