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Welcome to Good Burger, home of the Good Burger! Can I take your order?
~ Ed's catchphrase.
When you mess with Good Burger, you go in the grinder!
~ Ed, along with Dex, to Kurt, and his most famous quote.

Edward, or more commonly known as Ed, is the main protagonist of the 1997 Nickelodeon comedy movie Good Burger, and its 2023 sequel, Good Burger 2. Ed from Good Burger is also recurring sketch from all that.

He is portrayed by Kel Mitchell, who also portrays Double G in Game Shakers.


He is dim-witted and bumbling, but comedic and lovable. After arriving to Good Burger late, he discovers the new fast food restaurant, "Mondo Burger". He first saw Dexter while he was doing a delivery. He allows him to work at Good Burger, and introduce him to the rest of the group. He is really good at differing a good burger, and a mondo burger. Later on, he and Dexter were confronted by Kurt Bozwell and his henchmen, but the Mondo Burger restaurant exploded. By the end of the film, he is seen saying his catchphrase. Mostly, he usually scares off the customers and messes up their order. Mostly, he is very absent minded a lot of times. He barely understand people's emotions. He doesn’t know he is offending or being rude to people or the customers.


  • His boss never fires him from Good Burger, even though he always screws things up or even scares off the customers whenever they complain about stuff. Although after he introduces his sauce to Good Burger's menu, it's clear how valuable he is to the restaurant.
  • Mostly he is similar to Sheldon Cooper who barely understands people's emotions or end up offending or hurting people. Just like both of them, they never apologize or understand what they did wrong.
  • Mostly Ed is usually a minor antagonist and anti hero in all that sketches and in the movies.
  • Mostly Ed in all that sketches where he scares off all the customers in good burgers of his incompetence and rude behavior.


External Links[]




Ed | Dexter Reed | Otis | Spatch | Mia Reed
