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Eddie Fender, (Japanese: Tateyuki Shigaraki), is one of the two tritagonists (alongside Eustace Winner) in the 2011 visual novel Ace Attorney Investigations 2: Prosecutor's Gambit, the second installment of the Investigations duology within the Ace Attorney franchise.

He was a former assistant of Gregory Edgeworth before becoming a defense attorney and owning the Edgeworth Law Offices. After meeting Gregory's son Edgeworth he starts questioning about his ways on becoming a prosecutor rather than a defense attorney like his father.


The IS-7 Incident[]

In December 2000, Gregory Edgeworth insisted Fender work a case accompanying him, in what would come to a close as their only case together, the IS-7 Incident. Edgeworth's client was the legendary TV set cook Samson Tangaroa, who was blamed for murdering his friend, the sculptor Paul Halique, all the while a candy store contest occurred at Tangaroa's mansion. During their analysis, Edgeworth and Fender battled the shameful prosecutor Manfred von Karma, who had never lost a case in his life. Von Karma attempted to stop the two from investigating further.

During the investigation, the frozen dessert sculptures that Halique made for the contest vanished. Tangaroa's helper, Judy Bound, demanded that she assist. Von Karma afterward took her in for interrogation, in addition to the added contest competitors, Carmelo Gusto and Delicia Scone. Meanwhile, Edgeworth found that, even though the prosecutor demanded that the autopsy repost was in their ownership, it had actually vanished. Additionally, the victim was discovered to be a carver who adopted the nickname Artie Frost.

In court, Edgeworth challenged von Karma about the vanishing of the corpse, but the prosecutor answered by accompanying a fake postmortem report. The trial endured for a year, until von Karma forced Tangaroa to admit to being a conspirator to the murder. However, Edgeworth confirmed that the evidence that had existed was forged; the detective of the case, Ian Sideman, had threatened to accuse Hall of being involved in the crime. Although Edgeworth still lost the case, von Karma was punished for his actions, ruining his "perfect" record. After the trial, Gregory Edgeworth was killed by an unknown man (that was later revealed to be von Karma 15 years later) inside the tribunal lift.

Fender took over the Edgeworth Law Offices, inheriting Edgeworth's hat. He attempted to appeal Tangaroa's case, but even though von Karma had left the case to various other prosecutors, the appeal was abandoned on account of a lack of new evidence. Fender and Bound continued to visit Tangaroa, and though he was unable to visit sometimes, Bound continued to do so daily. Meanwhile, Gregory's son, Miles Edgeworth, grew up, and von Karma changed him to become a heartless prosecutor. Fender grew to dislike Edgeworth, who had deserted his father's course to imitate what von Karma was, who went against all of what he believed in.

An Unsteady Homecoming[]

Eighteen years after Gregory's murder, Fender was sent from another country to defend Bronco Knight, who was blamed for trying to kill his executive, President Di-Jun Wang of Zheng Fa, in addition to murdering the president's head bodyguard, Bastian Rook. However, upon visiting the detention center, Knight was found dead. Fender stumbled upon Gregory's son, Miles Edgeworth, checking the prison with Dick Gumshoe and Kay Faraday. Fender reacted in a scornful manner to Edgeworth (and even originally compared him to Manfred von Karma).

Eventually, Miles was removed from the examination by Verity Gavèlle and replaced by Eustace Winner, who continued to try to accuse Simeon Saint of Knight's murder. Fender agreed to defend Saint and was sent to the detention center repeatedly. To his surprise, Miles tried to talk to him in the foyer. Miles requested to be Fender's helper so that he could continue fact-finding. Fender initially opposed the idea, as he still didn’t trust Miles. However, he consented to Miles's offer after Gumshoe and Faraday supported him, saying that he had abandoned his former habits that had existed due to von Karma.

Upon trying to communicate with him, Saint became fearful of the group, even lying about him being a corporate worker. Because of this, it was not until later that Fender became informed that he was an entertainer who had worked on a show at the penitentiary. Nonetheless, Fender, Miles, and Faraday ultimately revealed the real murderer: the penitentiary manager, Fifi Laguarde. Through this process, Fender realized that Miles really did redeem himself and presented the young prosecutor a place in the Edgeworth Law Offices as a defense attorney. Miles rejected this offer, however.

IS-7 Incident[]

A few days later, Fender saw that Bound had purchased Tangaroa's mansion and was changing it into the Zodiac Art Gallery with the goal of finishing the works of Artie Frost, containing assorted replicas of his frozen dessert sculptures from the IS-7 Incident. Wondering what this all meant, Fender took Miles along to the gallery, which was where Gregory's last case, the IS-7 Incident, took place. However, Carmelo Gusto, who was at the scene 18 years ago, nearly died to a poisonous gas trap inside the interior of the sculptures. Even more, the body of Paul Halique, which had been gone for all those years, unexpectedly resurfaced in a water fountain.

Fender started to suspect that these occurrences had happened due to a plan by Bound to reveal the reality behind the IS-7 Incident and find the actual felon. It was finally found that the material had happened unseen in the interior of the frozen dessert sculptures, which Bound had taken bureaucracy, unaware just before purchasing the manor that the frame was secret inside. Fender and Miles finally confirmed that Gusto was actually the murderer and the statute of limitations on the incident had not expired for him. Thus, the IS-7 Incident was completely resolved. Fender asked Bound if he could take care of defending her in court, at which point she tearfully agreed.

Murder at the Bigg Building[]

On April 5, 2019, news of a murder at the Bigg Building spread fast. Fender saw that Miles was on account of having a trial accompanying the Prosecutorial Investigation Committee skilled, and rushed to Edgeworth's commission, place he establish him except Faraday. Faraday was now in pain from memory loss and was being damned for the murder of Rosie Ringer, and Miles had abandoned his symbol difficult to insulate her. The two determined to interrogate the murderer and the cause of Faraday's blackout, which managed to the finding of a secret illegal commerce sell-off of lawman evidence.

The Chairman of the P.I.C., Excelsius Winner, reliable to twist the authenticity, and even had Miles arrested, but all the while the latest's trial, entirety approached light. Excelsius was the sell-off leader and had destroyed Ringer for fear that she attracted revenge on him for a past atrocity. As a result of this, Eustace, Excelsius's offspring, went continuously. As Eustace was presumed to persevere Laguarde's trial and Ringer was assumed expected her the attorney representing the defendant, Fender consented to take the place of the armament, while Franziska von Karma performed as the prosecutor.

Laguarde's Trial[]

The following epoch, the trial of Fifi Laguarde started. However, all of the evidence for the case, containing the murder arm, was gone, and Gavèlle hurriedly reliable completely the trial in an innocent decision. Miles found that Gavèlle's selected offspring, Shaun Fenn, had happened abducted by Excelsius's allies in consideration of compelling Gavèlle into acquitting Laguarde. Fender and Franziska stopped the trial as Miles raise two together Eustace and Fenn, in addition to a network 'tween Excelsius and Laguarde. Fender named Excelsius to the stand and resumed to put off just before Miles and Eustace entered. Eustace take over the prosecutor's counter and challenged his father about his cases, finally trying that he had reliable to throw away the evidence against Laguarde.

Once the trial was decided, Miles and Shi-Long Lang examined the murder of President Wang, the one that had happened erect dead former that epoch in a Global Studios photographing portion next to the Bigg Building. Meanwhile, Fender and Franziska examined the network middle from two points Excelsius and Laguarde further, and establish that Excelsius had happened administratively of the SS-5 Incident 12 age earlier. It was finally found that the CEO had really happened destroyed all along the SS-5 Incident, and the individual the one had just happened killed was a stand-in for the actor the one who had cooperated to accompany Excelsius and Laguarde to follow the premier. This surpassed Miles's face and noticeable Saint afterward understanding that he had destroyed the fake boss and organized the murders of Knight and Ringer.

Two days later, Miles was certain in the second place as a prosecutor, and to use his position to be in a dispute or fight the differences and abuses from what or which place the standard endured. Fender proverb the alike conclusion in the more immature Edgeworth that Gregory had and wished him well on his new course.


As a teenager, Fender stuttered a lot and was surely frightened. He was very open about his impressions, specifically his veneration towards Gregory and Tangaroa. He had a dress of consuming the pages on his tablet of paper to "relive" the outline that he noted.

The adult Fender is far more fun-loving, certain, and relaxed, and frequently uses rancor and jokes when handling possible choices. He has grown the practice of avoiding his answers and implications, and never completely appearance his poker hand, as proved in a consideration accompanying Miles Edgeworth over chess, at which point he lies and claims he isn't competent at the game, at which point Miles retorts that he has never happened intelligent to defeat him. His paper-consuming tendency cease, alternatively dislodged accompanying a desire to request family (usually daughters) for hugs, that he claims to have gathered from his occasion away. The singular visualized to take him the knowledgeable his offer was Fifi Laguarde, the one who made inquiries accompanying a kiss also, much to Fender's shock. He is less surely startled than he previously in time or order, though the dog Helmut still governed to transmit him running. Despite his relaxed demeanor, nevertheless, Fender has an affection for validity, a sharp mind, and a violent faithfulness towards his customers.

Fender grasped excellent respect towards Gregory, even going up until now concerning copy his old mentor's habit of conceding to the remainder of something. His originally disdainful stance towards Miles was innately consumed by this respect, as he sensed that the more immature Edgeworth had deserted his father's course to imitate what someone else is doing officer of the law the one who had destroyed him. However, upon being disturbed seeing Miles, Fender promptly realized that he was far more like Gregory Edgeworth than Manfred von Karma, and started medicating him as a friend. Fender gives "reports" to Gregory by reprimanding a traditional photograph of Gregory and Fender from the IS-7 hearing.

Unlike other defense attorneys, many of Fender's famous and destined customers have happened blameworthy as loaded. His interpretation behind protecting specific things is obviously on account of bearing sorrow towards their difficulty and being occupied to help the ruling class sustain a less rough finding.


  • In the unofficial fan translation of the game, he is called Raymond Shields.
  • Eddie Fender's name is a play on the word 'defender', referring to his occupation as a defense attorney.

External Links[]


           Ace Attorney Logo Heroes

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy
Phoenix Wright | Miles Edgeworth | Larry Butz | Dick Gumshoe | Mia Fey | Maya Fey | Pearl Fey | Marvin Grossberg | Ema Skye | Lana Skye | Franziska von Karma | Godot | Misty Fey | Gregory Edgeworth | Jake Marshall | Neil Marshall | Bruce Goodman | Iris | Mike Meekins

Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney
Apollo Justice | Spark Brushel | Romein LeTouse | Thalassa Gramarye | Trucy Wright | Klavier Gavin

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies
Athena Cykes | Metis Cykes | Simon Blackquill | Aura Blackquill | Bobby Fulbright | Candice Arme | Damian Tenma | Rex Kyubi | Juniper Woods | Hugh O'Conner | Robin Newman | Constance Courte | Yuri Cosmos | Solomon Starbuck | Clay Terran | Orla Shipley | Jack Shipley | Herman Crab | Norma DePlume | Sasha Buckler | Marlon Rimes

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Spirit of Justice
Nahyuta Sahdmadhi | Ahlbi Ur'gaid | Amara Sigatar Khura'in | Khura'inese Judge | Beh'leeb Inmee | Tahrust Inmee | Archie Buff | Defiant Dragons | Jove Justice | Ellen Wyatt | Sorin Sprocket | Dhurke Sahdmadhi | Rayfa Padma Khura'in | Datz Are'bal

Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth
Kay Faraday | Byrne Faraday | Rhoda Teneiro | Wendy Oldbag | Colias Palaeno | Shi-Long Lang | Tyrell Badd | Buddy Faith

Ace Attorney Investigations 2: Prosecutor's Gambit
Eddie Fender | Eustace Winner | Bastian Rook | Samson Tangaroa | Judy Bound | Da-Long Lang | Verity Gavèlle | Rosie Ringer | Alf Aldown | Di-Jun Wang

Professor Layton Vs Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Hershel Layton | Luke Triton | Espella Cantabella

The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles
Ryunosuke Naruhodo | Susato Mikotoba | Kazuma Asogi | Barok van Zieks | Maria Gorey | Herlock Sholmes | John Garrideb | Tobias Gregson | Roly Beate | Pop Windibank | Iris Wilson | Gina Lestrade | Yujin Mikotoba | Rei Membami | Satoru Hosonaga

The Ace Attorney Anime
Avery Richman | Regina Loccomoti | Other Train Attendants |
