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“ | He was wrong. Turns out, I'm a hero after all. | „ |
~ Eddie to Iris West after sacrificing himself for saving the Team Flash. |
Detective Edward "Eddie" Thawne, also known as Dr. Malcolm Gilmore and Cobalt Blue, is a major character in the 2014 TV series The Flash.
He is portrayed by Rick Cosnett.
Early life[]
As a child, Eddie was a short and overweight person who was frequently bullied. Eddie's father was also a senator who closed down a factory many people depended on which worsened Eddie's situation. Eddie was then trained in boxing to protect himself by his gym coach.
Service In The Central City Police Department[]
Eddie Thawne became the partner of Joe West, boyfriend to Iris West, and good friend to Barry Allen. Eddie knew that metahumans were real and Barry was secretly a vigilante known as the Flash. Eddie was revealed to be Eobard Thawne's ancestor. Eddie killed himself to prevent Eobard from existing so he can protect his friends and stop Eobard from causing more harm than good.
Eddie keeps track of arrests and will do anything to catch criminals. Eddie has a compassionate side since he covered Joe's shifts so he can visit Barry while he was in coma. Eddie once didn't think the Flash was real and thought whoever thought that were on drugs. Eddie starts to dislike the Flash after Roy Bivolo brainwashed the Flash into attacking him. However since his near-death experience at the hands of Reverse-Flash, he seems to have changed his mind. He later saved the Flash when he was nearly defeated by Heat Wave and Captain Cold.
Eddie cares about Iris a lot such as keeping their relationship from Joe a secret for nine months until Iris was ready to admit it. Iris would often take Eddie to places he wasn't interested in such as the diamond exhibition at the Central City Museum.
Eddie is also good friends with Joe, yet Iris' relationship with him would often keep Joe wary. Eddie was helpful to Joe by investigating "Harrison Wells" for him.
Eddie also is good friends with Barry, who didn't like Eddie at first since he was dating Iris. Barry was surprised to hear that Eddie felt threatened by him when they met. Eddie still felt that Barry may harbor feelings for Iris even thought she denied it.
He's also shown to care about people as he tried to talk a man out of committing suicide. He's also shown to have a laid back personality when the man asked if he would let him get back on top of the building after the Flash put him safely on the bottom only for Eddie to reply no in a comical manner.
- Genius Level Intellect/Master Detective/Master Tactician: Eddie is a skilled detective, being exceedingly capable of tracking meta-human criminals in the first season. He later was able to deduce that something was off about his life as "Malcolm Gilmore", which led to him successfully tracking down his original self and history despite not having any memory of it. Eddie proved capable of planning police sting operations, as well as helped plan a trap for the Reverse Flash, which would have succeeded had the man in question not been part of its design. Eddie successfully outsmarted Eobard Thawne, one of the smarted strategists in the Arrowverse, recognizing that the only way to stop him was to remove Thawne from existence by Eddie shooting himself. After his resurrection, Eddie successfully went head-to-head against Team Flash multiple times and matched Barry Allen's wits. He later assembled a group composed of the Flash's greatest speeder adversaries and successfully convinced them to work for him, impressive considering the immense egos they possessed.
- Expert Scientist: After being resurrected as "Dr. Malcolm Gilmore" Eddie possesses a high expertise in multiple sciences, which allowed him to expand his understanding of his new abilities.
- Expert hand-to-hand combatant: Eddie is also skilled in unarmed, having learned boxing and self-defense skills when he was young and presumably gained further training as a police officer. He was capable enough of holding his own against multiple meta-criminals across the series, and holding his own against Barry after becoming Cobalt Blue.
- Expert Marksman: As a trained police officer Eddie has competent firearms training.
- In the comics, the ancestor of Eobard Thawne was a janitor named Malcolm Thawne who was actually Barry Allen's long lost twin brother. In the show, it was assumed Eddie would become Cobalt Blue and that Barry was his brother. Furthermore this could adapt to him reprising his role as cobalt blue in season 9, some thing of which turned out to be true.
External Links[]
- Eddie Thawne on the Arrowverse Wiki
- Cobalt Blue on the Villains Wiki
- Cobalt Blue on the Inconsistently Heinous Wiki