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Eden Sinclair

Eden Sinclair

Eden Sinclair is the main protagonist in the 2008 post apocalyptic film Doomsday.

She is portrayed by Rhona Mitra, who also potrayed Sonja in Underworld: Rise of the Lycans.

In the year 2008, an epidemic breaks out in Scotland and many people die from a virus called the "Reaper Virus". The country is walled up to contain the virus. Some of the Scots try to cross the border to England but the English soldiers won't allow it and one on the people is infected and the soldiers shoot the infected man and some of the other people get infected blood and get shot. A riot break out. A woman and her little girl, Eden Sinclair try to dodge the bullets but Eden gets a piece of glass in her eye and loses her right eye.

While the soldiers are getting ready to evacuate in a helicopter, Eden's mom pleads for the soldiers to take Eden with them and one of the soldiers gets out of the helicopter and gives Eden his place. Eden's mom gives the soldiers a letter with their address on it and the helicopter takes off.

Years later in the year 2035, Eden Sinclair is an adult now and has an artificial eye. She is now working for the English Government in the Department of Domestic Security (DDS) as a major and was working with a partner John Michaelson, taking down a slave smuggling ring and the main leader Richter, who holds her partner hostage and Richter shoots her partner and then Eden kills Richter.

After the raid, she would meet up with her superior and friend Chief Bill Nelson of the Department of Domestic Security (DDS) and smoke a cigarette. He can she something is bothering her. He tells her if she carries one like this she will end up one fucked up individual.

Later on, Bill Nelson would come to her for an important mission. The Reaper Virus is back and some infected were found in a drug raid. Bill informs her of survivors in Scotland told to him by Prime Minister John Hatcher and Deputy Prime Minister Michael Canaris. Bill tells her that as he will meet up with Michael Canaris and does. Eden arrives at a helicopter with Canaris in it and he informative her about a possible cure in Scotland. A team has been assembled and will meet up at the wall. Canaris gives her some information on Marcus Kane, the scientist who at the time when the virus broke out mave have found a cure.

Arriving at the wall, she would meet Sgt. Norton, Corporal Reed, Miller, Chandler, Carpenter, the doctors Talbot and Stirling. They would go into Scotland to Glasgow to find the cure and arrive at the hospital in Glasgow. A survivor is discovered by Chandler.

Carpenter gets killed by mauraders and the team would have to fight their way out of the hospital and make it back to the tanks. The team is attacked by mauraders, Chandler is killed by the survivor and Corporal Reed is killed. Miller gets killed. Eden Sinclair and Dr. Talbot are captured by some mauraders led by Viper. Sgt. Norton and Dr. Stirling escape. Eden is put in a cell and is interrogated by Sol, the leader of the mauraders. Eden tells Sol that she came over the wall and Sol realizes it and he tells her Kane told them their was nothing behind the wall. Sol believes that Eden can lead his people over the wall. Sol leaves the cell and goes to a gathering. Sol's people burn Doctor Talbot alive and eat him.

Eden manages to get a hold of the guard outside and force him to open up the cell. She kills the guard and another prisoner in the cell named Cally tells Eden to release her cause she can lead them to Kane. Eden encounters Viper and they would fight each other with swords. Eden pushes Viper to Cally's cell. Cally holds Viper and Eden decapitates Viper. Eden releases Cally and then would meet up with Sgt. Norton and Ben Stirling. The team would go to the train station and Be chased after by Sol and his mauraders. At the train, Joshua, who is Cally's ally, would sees Eden saying she looks dangerous, Cally days she is. Joshua starts up the train and then team would escape from Sol.

While on the train, Cally reveals that she and Sol are Kane's children. Eden tells her she needs to find Kane. Joshua stops the train and they would walk to a short cut in an abandoned military fall out shelter. In the woods, they would encounter some medieval soldiers and Telamon, who is Kane's executioner. Joshua is killed and the team surrender and are taken to Kane. And their Eden and the team would meet Marcus Kane.

Kane tells Sinclair that he knew they'd be watching the cities. That's why we chose this place. Out of sight, out of mind. I suppose it was only a matter of time before they sent someone to ask the question "why are you alive, when you should be dead?" These walls around you; they were built to last, and so shall we. What we've built here, from the ashes, is pure blood. Uninfected by the outside world... until now. Dr. Stirling asks Kane "Have you found the cure?" and Kane responds "Ah, even now you still cling to hope, huh? If I were you, I would abandon any such thought." Ben Stirling says "There's always hope." Kane tells him "But there is no cure. There never was. We had prevailed here, not because of science but through natural selection. Survival of the fittest. We have earned the right to live here. Purged of the likes of you."

Eden tells him that the Reaper Virus is back. Kane, bitter and angry tells her "How dare they sent you here asking for my help, They started this fire. They can burn in it". Kane has them taken to a cell and has his second-in-command, Chancellor Falco, burn Cally with a iron pike, to cleanse her of her bring the infection there.

Kane talks to Eden Sinclair, who is in a cage near an arena where she is about to get ready to fight Telamon. Kane asks here, what is it like out there? and she says what do you care?, Kane responds "I'm curious", she says "Same shit, different era". Kane says about them being right to remain hidden and she tells him that his family might be still alive and that he should think about their pain. Kane tells here that is is not a day after they closed the gates at the wall and does not think about them. He says what to you know, what have you ever lost? and then walks off and goes to the top to watch the battle and Sinclair defeats Telamon. Kane sees explosions and tells his followers to man the defenses and execute the prisoners. Dr Stirling and Sgt. Norton escape from the cell they were in and save Sinclair and Cally comes with them and Kane sees his daughter ride off with them.

Being chased by the Chancellor Falco and some soldiers go to the military fall out shelter. Eden finds a phone but in one of the boxes and a car in the big container. Sgt. Norton is killed by Chancellor Falco and Eden, Cally and Dr. Stirling escape from the shelter and drive off. Eden calls Canaris with the phone and tells him that she has a package she is delivering. Not too long after Sol and his mauraders are chasing after them in vehicles. Sol, driving a car with Viper's dead body and head reattached. Sol jumps onto Edens car and attacks them. A bus that is trying to ambush the. Shooting out saw blades and Eden drives the car into the bus, killing Sol.

The surviving members of the team meet up with a helicopter with Michael Canaris. Eden activates the recording device on her artificial eye and does record their conversation. Canaris asks Sinclair "Rough ride?" she responds "Rough enough". Canaris demands that they hand over the cure. Stirling tells Canaris that Cally is the cure cause she is immune. Stirling does not trust Canaris. Eden tells Stirling that she nothing left to bargain with. Eden asks Canaris if he has a cigarette and Canaris tells her "Come with me and I will get you all the cigarettes you want". She refuses and tells her he could have used someone like her and she stays behind. Dr. Stirling and Cally leave in the helicopter with Canaris.

Eden drives off and visits her home to find a picture of her and her mom. Bill Nelson arrives at Eden's home in Glasgow and they talk. Bill tells Eden that Canaris will be holding on to the cure for awhile. Eden gives Nelson evidence to bring Canaris down. Bill tells her that Canaris will come looking for her. Eden tells Bill he'll know where to find me. Eden and Bill say their goodbyes. Eden drives off and arrives where the mauraders are at and she pulls out Sol's severed head and says "If you're hungry, you could have a piece of your friend." The mauraders cheer her on and she becomes their new leader.
