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And now time resumes!

~ Nia telling Electra.

Electra is one of Rex's helpers in Xenoblade Chronicles 2. She is Rare Blade.

She was voiced by Himika Akaneya in Japanese and Clare Corbett in English.


Electra has blond hair. She has balls of hair on her head. She has hairbands on her hair. She has a sharp tooth. She has a silver costume. She has silver boots with purple socks. She has 2 red cloths. She has red horns. She has yellow eyes. She has an electric god symbol on her chest. She has neon blue pattern on her costume. She has a gold necklace on her neck. She has a tail like a bunny. She has titanium cuffs with neon blue style and a blue circle. She has neon blue style on her arms.



After she awakens, she started jumping and bounding. She introduces herself. Then she uses thunderstorm on herself to make her hairtails look like fuzzballs. Then she cries. Her hammer appeared. She started smashing with electric powers. She must do her best. She jumps with her hammer to make a pose.

Blade Quest[]

Electra looks at a civilian crying. Then she goes to a civilian. She tells the civilian that what is wrong. She uses her arms to zap the civilian by accident. She tells the girl that she is sorry. She saw the civilian running away before she tells her to come back. She never meant to hurt anyone. She is told by Rex that she is okay and it's an accident. She goes closer to Nia and zaps her by accident. she tells Nia that if she doesn't control her power, it could be better to have without it. She runs away from Rex and his allies.



  • Electra is designed by Asato Mizu, creator of the Denkigai no Honya-san manga series.


XenobladeBannerAgain Heroes

Playable Characters
Shulk | Reyn | Fiora | Sharla | Dunban | Melia Antiqua | Riki

Supporting Characters
Alvis | Arglas | Juju | Kallian | Linada | Meyneth | Miqol | Otharon | Sorean | Vanea

XC Future Connected

Shulk | Melia Antiqua | Kino | Nene

Xenoblade Chronicles X logo

Main Characters
Cross | Elma | Doug | Gwin | Irina | L | Lin

Recruitable Characters
Alexa | Bozé | Celica | Frye H.B. | Hope | Mia | Murderess | Nagi | Phog | Yelv

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 logo

Main Characters
Rex | Pyra | Mythra | Pneuma | Nia | Dromarch | Tora | Poppi | Morag Ladair | Brighid | Zeke von Genbu | Pandoria

Supporting Characters
Azurda | Vandham | Fan la Norne | Roc | Aegaeon | The Architect

Rare Blades
Adenine | Agate | Azami | Boreas Corvin | Crossette | Dagas | Dahlia | Elma | Electra | Finch | Fiora | Floren | Godfrey | Gorg | Herald | Kasandra | Kora | KOS-MOS 2.0 | Newt | Nim | Perceval | Perun | Poppibuster & Poppi Mk. II | Praxis | Sheba | Shulk | T-elos | Theory | Ursula | Vale | Vess | Wulfric | Zenobia

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Torna logo

Lora | Jin | Haze | Addam | Mythra | Minoth | Hugo | Brighid | Aegaeon

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 logo

Noah | Mio | Eunie | Taion | Lanz | Sena

Riku | Manana | Ethel | Valdi | Zeon | Teach | Isurd | Juniper | Alexandria | Fiona | Segiri | Miyabi | Cammuravi | Monica Vandham | Gray | Ghondor Vandham | Ashera | Triton | Melia Antiqua | Nia | Ino | Masha

C | M | T

Matthew | Na'el | Nikol | Glimmer | Panacea | Linka | Riku

The Liberators
A | Shulk | Rex | Panacea | Linka | Riku
