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They were the First Spinjitzu Master's guardians, each endowed with an Elemental Power that has passed down through generations.
~ Garmadon to the ninja about the Elemental Masters.

The Elemental Masters are major characters in the animated series, Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu. They are the powerful martial artists who protected the First Spinjitzu Master during his battle of the Overlord. They also fought off the Serpentine with their leader. They passed down their powers to their descendants through the generations. On the fourth season of the show, the young Elemental Masters initially competed against the Ninja in the Tournament of Elements until the heroes warned them about the truth behind the contest and convinced them to turn against Chen. From here on, they are now allies.


The Invitation[]

The young Elemental Masters make their debut in The Invitation, where they are waiting at the docks for the ferry to arrive for the tournament. Soon, a boat arrives, and everyone is boarding when a woman in orange looks back at Kai, causing him to ignore everything Lloyd says. On deck, Lloyd questions Garmadon about his knowing Clouse while Kai questions him about the other elements. Garmadon explains that they were led to believe they were special, yet never question where or how the got their powers. He then states everyone on board is a descendant of an original Elemental Master, guardians to the First Spinjitzu Master. Kai then realizes the same thing goes for Nya, though he states she can't do what he can; Garmadon only says power can be awoken when needed most. He goes on, saying the fighters serve no master, yet unlocked their true potentials. He uses a pale stranger turning himself invisible with the power of Light as one example, then uses Griffin Turner, Master of Speed as another. The woman is soon being pulled by a brute wearing gauntlets, annoying Kai to take action. The brute, introducing himself as Karlof, states he only wants her cloak, though Kai begins to insult him and his gauntlets. Despite the woman and Garmadon telling him to ease up, Kai continues insulting Karlof until he punches the Red Ninja across the deck.

Only One Can Remain[]

The ferry reaches Chen’s Island where the Element Masters and Ninja rush out of the vehicle and follow the directions of Clouse and his master’s henchman to the main fortress of the island where Chen explains the rules of the contest. A few moments later, Chen declares the first round begins, making eager contestants run off.

Lloyd runs to a Jadeblade close to his room, but other attendants of the tournament also compete for it. While getting close, Lloyd is rushed by Ash, narrowly outsmarting and defeating him. Jay, on the other hand, is taking a bath, when Bolobo enters his room, trying to find a Jadeblade. The Blue Ninja soon puts on a towel and knocks him to the floor, only to find a Jadeblade in a light. Bolobo takes it, prompting Jay to turn on Starfarer which amuses the Master of Nature, allowing Jay to whack him with his towel, while commenting on his room.

Cole, on a full stomach, is searching for a Jadeblade and comes close to obtaining one, only to lose it to Griffin Turner who grabs it from him. Later, while more contestants goes after the same Jadeblade as the Earth Ninja, they eventually bury him but he soon overthrows them. Invizable quickly get on his feet (as one of the people who tackled Cole for the same Jadeblade) and snatches the object. Cole makes a mini earthquake which covers Invizable in dust, giving Cole the chance to knock him out. He grabs the blade and raises it in triumph, but Gravis takes it. Ironically, another blade was on the floor hidden in the shadows, allowing Cole to take it unaware. Kai and Skylor spot a blade on their rooftop only for Skylor to manipulate the Master of Fire into receiving the Jadeblade for her. Frustrated at his efforts, Kai soon sees Karlof jogging over the last blade; the Fire master takes this as an opportunity to still remain in the tournament. The results are revealed as Karlof walks over to Chen waving the Jadeblade in triumph. Unbeknownst to him, Kai sneaks up to snatch the object and flies parallel to Karlof where he turns in his stolen blade.


The Elemental Masters and Ninja continue competing against each other. Back at Chen's Island, the Tournament of Elements is on break. All the competitors are in the cafeteria eating breakfast. Chen then announces the six masters competing to get the Jadeblades next. The masters consist of Griffin Turner, Gravis, Ash, Bolobo, and stops on Neuro. Jay thinks the Ninja get the day off but just as he finishes his sentence, Kai is announced, much to his (and surprisingly, Skylor's) shock.

The first match begins with Griffin versus Gravis to obtain a Jadeblade from the top of of a rose blossom tree. Griffin's element initially gave him a headstart, but Gravis catches up to him by means of levitation. The second match between Neuro and Bolobo begins, where the Jadeblade rets on top of a boulder. Neuro reads Bolobo's mind to see his opening move and in doing so, he uses his vines to gain ground in climbing, which makes Bolobo go after him. The final match between Kai and Ash takes place on a bridge over a volcano, with the Jadeblade and the competitors on a wooden bridge. Kai goes straight for the blade, but Ash flips the bridge over, causing it to fall on a rock below. Kai climbs under the bridge and attempts to kick Ash, but the Master of Smoke uses his powers to evade the attack. Kai countinously attacks Ash, with none of his blow landing while Ash keeps disappearing and reappearing and his punches landing, eventually sending the Master of Fire throught the bridge and hanging.

Meanwhile, The Master of Nature traps the Master of Mind, though, he quickly escapes and sends his opponent to the ground using his powers, to which Garmadon remarks the power of the mind. However, Bolobo trapped Neuro in a multitude of vines again where Lloyd points out "in man vs nature, nature usually wins." Griffin then begins to mess with Gravis by running to different branches, but it backfires and the Master of Gravity pins him using the blossoms. Kai initially struggles to hang on to the plank worrying Skylor, but he flips himself back onto secured planks and uses his Spinjitzu to push Ash back, though, the end result is the same. Lloyd encourages him to use his powers, so Kai then launches multiple fireballs, only for Ash to dodge them while they begin burning through the bridge. With Neuro trapped, Bolobo uses his powers to grab the Jadeblade but Neuro gives him a headache, giving him the chance to climb the vines and take the blade, winning and eliminating the Master of Nature. The Master of Speed escapes and Gravis, having had enough, uses his powers to bring the Jadeblade to him, only for Griffin to run in and take it, eliminating Gravis. Chen activates a trapdoor even though Gravis is still levitating, so he drops a sandbag on him and sends him through, causing Griffin to question how many buttons Chen has. As Kai and Ash's battle continues, Clouse attempts to use his Magic, though, Chen prevents him from doing so being entertained by the fight. Ash manages to apprehend Kai, but he launches one more fireball which successfully burns through the last of the bridge, sending both of them onto the rocks below. The two then battle in midair over the Jadeblade where they're evenly matched until Ash makes for the blade. Kai then attacks him, where he uses his powers to avoid being hit; Kai using this to his advantage to take the blade and end the match with Ash eliminated.

Soon, most of the contestants are looking at the brackets and when the Ninja see for themselves, they're shocked to find Cole and Jay have been set up to fight next. The Ninja confront Clouse about this, but he brushes it off. Garmadon tells them to accept it but Jay hysterically tells him that one of them has to lose. Lloyd points out they won't have to fight if they find Zane; in addition, their fight isn't until that night. Kai suggests they ask Neuro for help, where he reads their minds and puts Jay and Cole against each other. Lloyd points out to Neuro why they need him, to which he denies as helping them might hurt his chances in the tournament. Lloyd manages to convince him by letting him read his mind and seeing what happened to Karlof. Neuro is surprised that was what Chen's plans are as Lloyd tells him it was only a matter of before the villain steals his power in the future. He then asks Neuro if he would join them as the Master of Mind considers the offer. Later, Neuro tries to find Chen to read his mind but Clouse gets in the way and threatens to tell the other fighters that he's helping the Ninja. Neuro reads his mind for a moment and promptly leaves. In the stadium, Jay and Cole train for the match, each destroying a punching bag with a picture of their opponent. Neuro then approaches and tells Kai what he discovered: Clouse has a spell book where the page marked 149 has a spell that requires everyone's powers, though he couldn't find a way to stop the fight.

Ninja Roll[]

Skylor is about to fight Jacob Pevsner, the Master of Sound and they begin to smash vases in order to find a Jadeblade. Garmadon is surprised at how much stronger Jacob is since the last time he saw him while Skylor tries to throw him off her trail. Kai soon arrives and makes his way to his seat, stepping on everyone's toes in the process. Jay is concerned that the other competitors will gun for them so long as they're a team, though Lloyd says they are a team, even with Cole and Zane missing. Kai soon realizes Skylor's fighting just as she sets Jacob's sitar on fire, while Jay fills Garmadon in on his crush on her until they found out they might be related. Garmadon explains that Skylor's element isn't Fire—it's Amber, meaning she can absorb another element, which immediately brings Kai's feelings back. Jacob soon has the advantage using blow darts, though, Skylor tricks him into firing into paper where the sound of the air throws him off long enough to her to break the last vase and take the Jadeblade. After Jacob is eliminated, Chen announces he initially wanted to give everyone jewels for their work in the Tournament, though, due to Jay's fight with Cole yesterday, he rejects the idea and takes away everyone's private suites, forcing them to sleep in the chow house. As Jay and Kai berate each other while the other competitors leave, Garmadon warns them that if they don't make friends with the others, they'll try to eliminate them by any means necessary.

While the competitors rest, the remaining three Ninja discuss a plan but quickly jump back to their beds just as Clouse arrives. He orders Master Chen’s servants to add roller-skates to everyone’s feet, making the contestants curious while Jay is excited to skate, stating that he's skating champion. Clouse only says Lloyd will fight Chamille, Master of Form before leaving. Lloyd is confused as to who Chamille is, to which Kai seemingly explains how she can disguise herself to find another's weaknesses. Lloyd points out his only weakness is his aching back (as a result of the mattress he slept on), but as Kai skates away, he appears on the other side, struggling to balance on his skates. Lloyd soon realizes that Chamille, disguised as Kai, tricked him into pointing out his only weakness to her.

Back in the factory, Jacob makes his move to escape. As Cole and Karlof watch, things go well but as Jacob reaches the door, Clouse enters and catches him. Jacob berates the others for not warning him (Karlof preventing Cole from doing so), while Clouse orders for the Master of Sound to feed his snake. Cole is horrified upon hearing this but Karlof, not wanting to get in trouble, dumps a bag of flour on him in order to get him to go back to work.

The competitors enter a roller rink where Chen announces the next event: a Thunderblade race. He tosses Lloyd and Chamille each a Jadeblade and says that whoever crosses the finish line with their Jadeblades and has more points before time runs out wins. Turner notes that everyone's wearing skates and asks why the others are even there, to which Chen stated they're allowed to choose teams to affect the outcome. Almost everyone sides with Chamille, leaving the Ninja at a huge disadvantage. After the competitors are set in place, the race starts with Lloyd and Chamille getting a headstart while the others follow soon after. Skylor asks Kai what's left from stopping him from winning the Tournament if Lloyd was out, to which he says he doesn't think of it before she knocks him down. By now, Lloyd and Chamille have each gained a point and have caught up to the others, who stop Lloyd from passing. Jay decides to make an opening by shocking Neuro, which works and stops everyone else: however, the plan fails as Kai accidentally knocks into Lloyd, causing him to fall behind by one point.

Back at the race, Chamille is still ahead of Lloyd by one point, with the score now 4-3. Jay whips Lloyd only to discover it's Chamille in disguise. She then orders Shade to hit Lloyd's back, succeeding and making him drop his Jadeblade. Paleman then takes it, only for Jay to take it back and knock him off the track. Everyone does whatever they can to stop the Ninja (with only Kai taking the hits), with Chen even releasing a buggy to extend Chamille's lead.

Lloyd is soon ambushed by Paleman, Shade and even Neuro, and when Jay tries to help, Turner accelerates him around the track and into the Green Ninja, though it helps his back. Skylor comes up to Kai, saying he's convincing and Lloyd will soon be eliminated.

With the score now 8-5, Kai decides to help, despite not keeping balanced and uses his powers to hit Chamille and making her drop her Blade, allowing Jay to take it. Skylor attempts to berate Kai for what he did, though he snaps and says that as Ninja they stick together, causing Skylor regret trusting him. Jay approaches him and informs him of Lloyd's progress, though Kai now realizes Garmadon was right about distrusting the others. He then states if everyone knew about Chen's true intentions, they'd help: Chamille then takes back her Jadeblade.

Kai latches onto Skylor, explaining what he meant and revealing the real nature of the Tournament: upon mentioning the spell, Paleman becomes interested. Jay and Lloyd do the same to Turner, who doubts it: Neuro confirms it after he stops Tox from attacking them. Jay is surprised the Master of Mind had chosen that moment to help, to which he explains he wanted to be on the winning team. Chamille attacks Kai and he lands near the buggy, allowing him and Skylor to take it. They drive up to Lloyd and let him take it, where it transforms into his color. While the others keep Shade and Tox from attacking the Green Ninja, Chen goes all out on his traps, all of which fail. The score becomes tied and Lloyd tries to convince Chamille to join them, though she pulls him out of the buggy, leaving them to go head on in a sword fight.

Chen becomes worried of Lloyd winning and orders Clouse to use his magic, but he's stopped by Garmadon. The scorekeeper then tries to rig Lloyd's score, but Skylor, having obtained Gravis' gravity, has him float helplessly. The two racers soon cross the finish line just as time runs out, with the final score being 13 each. However, Chamille is revealed to have dropped her Jadeblade, making Lloyd the winner.

Skylor then drops the score keeper, jokingly changing Lloyd's score to 106 and having Garmadon remark that his son broke Chen's record. Chen, however refuses to have the event count, claiming Lloyd cheated and is disqualified, though Turner stands up for the Green Ninja and states Chen cheated, where the Master claims what his rules says, goes. Paleman, Kai, and Jay protest if Lloyd's out, then so are they whereas Skylor states if everyone is eliminated, there is no Tournament. With that along with Clouse confirming it, Chen is forced to comply and eliminates Chamille. As everyone cheers for Lloyd, Skylor warns Kai that because of this, Chen will do anything to eliminate the Ninja. Kai then states that as long as everyone sticks together, there's always hope.

Spy for a Spy[]

In Chen's factory, Cole works with Karlof and the recently-eliminated Chamille on making fortune cookies. Surprised at seeing the Earth Ninja so happy all of a sudden, the Master of Metal questions him. Cole explains that now he's found Zane and is attempting to break out. He slips a note in one of the fortune cookies saying what his condition is to the Ninja and places it on a dish piled with fortune cookies for a banquet Chen is hosting. Karlof tells Cole that if he does escape to come back and rescue him which Cole hurriedly agrees to do before giving out the cookies. Despite a close call, the cookie makes it past the guards without any suspicions.

The banquet is being held for the eight remaining competitors who have made it to the second round. Lloyd is suspicious at first, but Chen tells him to lighten up. He also congratulates Shadow for his impressive victory against Tox. The masters discuss their current standpoint, while Griffin Turner states he attempted to enlist Shadow, but he refused. As the fortune cookies are brought in, Chen demands to have them brought to him while Clouse reminds him of the competitors' whispering, revealing they have a spy feeding them the alliance's information. As Chen decides to take action, he puts the fortune with Cole's message back. He rises and tells the remaining eight that he knows that they have a secret alliance and that the Tournament is about stealing everyone's powers. To crumble the alliance, Chen lies by claiming that whoever wins gets his Staff of Elements. An disgusted Lloyd reveals Neuro had read Clouse's mind, though he denies it after being glared at. This, combined with Griffin saying that Lloyd just wants the staff for himself is enough to weaken the alliance. Jay states the Ninja now need proof to fully convince everyone while being pestered by a kabuki, until it's revealed to be Nya. After telling Jay she knows what happened between him and Cole, she tells the Ninja that she and Dareth are undercover and that one person in their group must be a spy if Chen managed to find out about their plans. Skylor approaches them and gives Kai the fortune with Cole's message, surprising everyone that Cole had managed to find Zane and making Kai glad to know he can trust her. Jay questions who the spy could be, while Lloyd becomes convinced it's Shadow and glares at him.

In Kai's quarters, all the fighters are gathered to find the spy. Garmadon suggests they show their backs to determine who the spy is, since the one who has a snake tattoo on their back would be considered as part of the cult. Eventually, it comes down to Skylor and Shadow, the former attempting to stall and guilt trip Kai until he says he trusts her. Just before she does show, Griffin notices Shadow attempting to escape, stating he isn't their ally or the spy and he'll do what it takes to get the staff. Lloyd's attempt to stop him results in Jay's leg being crushed. As Shadow escapes, Neuro brands him as the spy while Kai attempts to apologize Skylor, who shows him her back without a tattoo.


In a blimp above Chen's Island, each of the remaining Elemental Masters are at odds with each other in some way: Griffin Turner announces to Jay that he'll be eliminated next due to his broken leg, Kai is still convinced that Shadow is the spy, and Skylor is annoyed with Paleman flirting with her. Lloyd is nervous about the height they're at, as is Neuro who enters the cockpit only to find no one driving the blimp. Onscreen, Chen announces the competitors won't be hunting for the Jadeblades; they'll be hunting Nya, with the promise of moving the one who captures her to the final round. The Ninja realize she has the spell and that they'll need to find her before the others do. Chen then tells everyone that he'll open the bottom to start the challenge and releases parachutes for everyone except Garmadon, claiming he didn't know he was there. The bottom opens and everyone scrambles to grab a parachute while free-falling. Everyone except Lloyd and Garmadon get a parachute, so Lloyd lets his father take the last parachute and tries to summon his dragon. Just before he hits the trees, he overcomes his fear of falling and creates the Energy Dragon to safely land himself. After the Elemental Masters land, Chen says that there are "special gifts" hidden around the island to aid them in their search for Nya. Shade takes a bow and arrows while Jay reluctantly decides to take a mech so he doesn't have to walk. The Elemental Masters set off following footprints, while Lloyd and Garmadon spot the Samurai X symbol and follow that.

Meanwhile, in the Noodle Factory, Karlof is listening in on a conversation between some of the Anacondrai Cultists, who are discussing how Cole and Zane escaped. After they leave, Karlof calls the "all clear." Zane and a flour-covered Cole emerge from behind two barrels and begin to work on an escape plan. Zane says that he analyzed the sewer systems and that the Elemental Masters will be able to escape because the sewers will be able to hold their weight by a slim margin. At that moment, two Anacondrai Cultists shove a captured Dareth into the factory. Dareth walks over to the Ninja, greeting Cole and commenting that Zane "looks different." Noticing Dareth's bulging stomach, Karlof asks Cole by how slim of a margin the sewers will hold their weight if his weight was added. With a sigh, Cole says that the plan won't work and goes back to brainstorming ideas. Dareth, in the meantime, is only worried about making his favorite food again.

Nya is seen running and narrowly avoids being spotted by Shadow, who stops upon hearing the loudspeaker go off. He is soon surrounded by Clouse and six Anacondrai Grunts, who tell him that his time in the Tournament is up as Shadow realizes the Ninja were telling the truth about Chen. Clouse confirms this by telling him that "Only one can remain and it will be Chen!" before having his men capture Shadow, much to Nya's shock.

In another part of the jungle, Kai calls out to his sister and realizes he's being followed. Before he can launch an attack, it's revealed to be Skylor, both of them noticing the other doesn't have one of Chen's treats. Still working for her father, she easily convinces Kai to work with her to find Nya. Accepting the proposal, Kai also adds how he can still trust her, which she agrees with. In the D.B. Express, Clouse and Eyezor return, having captured Paleman while he was invisible. The Master of Light tells Chen he won't succeed, though Chen calls him boring and orders Eyezor to lock him up. As Chen countinues to complain about no trapdoor features, Clouse informs him of his daughter being with Kai while Lloyd and Garmadon are nowhere to be found. Chen then orders his subordinate to find the latter two as well as capture the remaining Masters.

In the factory, Cole crosses off on the captives' plan to encase themselves in industrial size egg rolls and asks for another suggestion. Karlof states that since he was a aeronautic engineer in his hometown, Metalonia, they could build a roto jet to blow their way out: Cole, however, points out they don't have a roto jet and that it would be useless since they're underground. Dareth is still determined to make puffy potstickers and decides to make a machine capable of doing so. Zane then realizes that Dareth is right: the captives could use machine parts to build the jet. He and Karlof go to create blueprints for the schematic while the others find parts, leaving Cole to complain that they're still underground.

Back at the D.B. Express, Chen has captured Kai who is thrown into its cell with the others, while Jay states Lloyd can still save them. Chen declares he's planning on it and while he laughs in triumph, Skylor looks at Kai knowing she had not only betrayed his trust: she had broken his heart.

The Forgotten Element[]

In the Anacondrai Temple, Kai, Jay, Griffin Turner, Neuro, Paleman, and Shade are being led in chains made of Vengestone to have their powers taken away. As most of the Masters lament on the situation of not heeding the Ninjas' warning, Neuro remarks they should've teamed up sooner but it's too late now. Jay attempts to keep a positive attitude as Kai berates him for that since they're about to be powerless. Jay is still confident that Lloyd'll save them. Upon being brought before Clouse and Skylor, Kai questions how she could help her father knowing he'll need her element for the spell. Saying she had no choice, Kai says whoever planned to have him fall for her, it worked, which surprises Skylor, and she smiles to herself. Chen arrives via Gravity-defying throne, happy with the décor and that he'll have more elements in his Staff. Jay states his belief in Lloyd, which Chen doubts but waits a few seconds to see if he's right. Getting bored, Chen raises his Staff and takes the Masters' powers. Upon Chen ordering for the Masters to be sent to the factory, Skylor begs for Kai to be spared, saying he can help them, to which he agrees with noting of her feelings for him.

In the factory, Jay is set to work and soon spots Cole and Zane, whom he's impressed with, due to his new form. Cole explains the guards think he and Zane escaped and their progress on the roto jet, while the guards assume Karlof is fixing a noodle machine. Upon Cole asking where Kai is, Jay states he's receiving special treatment. Jay is working on the roto jet when Karlof signals the Ninja of Zugu approaching. Zugu tells them of the feast celebrating the Green Ninja's defeat and that they need noodles for it. Upon removing the sheet, they realize the truth while Cole jumps in and begins firing. However, the blaster overheats while the Masters turn the Jet to fire while Karlof continues work on getting it to fly. Firing two missiles, they make an opening and push the jet through.

In the dungeon, the serpent is close while Garmadon assumes that karma has caught up to him for destroying the Great Devourer. Just as the serpent is about to eat Nya, the Masters crash through the wall with the roto jet and shoot the ceiling, crushing the serpent with rocks. Nya hugs Zane in joy of his return, while Cole encourages Karlof on completing the jet.

By now, Skylor has completely lost her power and Chen proceeds to take Lloyd's Energy. As Clouse begins the spell, Kai tells Chen he forgot one element: surprise. Skylor then kicks the Staff out of her father's hands and Kai uses it to free Lloyd, hold off the cultists and freeze Clouse. Lloyd tells him to destroy the Staff, but Kai begins to become corrupted by its power. Just before he uses it on Lloyd and Skylor, everyone busts in and attack, causing him to drop the Staff. Lloyd is happy to see Zane again as they fight off the cultists. Chen spots his staff and runs to retrieve it but Kai spots and grabs the Staff before Chen does and destroys it, restoring everyone's elements allowing them to overpower the cultists.

With the Elemental Masters now in control of the island, Nya and Garmadon assure Kai they'll find the remaining cultists and rescue Skylor, while Kai says that they found an old friend, but he didn't expect to make new ones.

The Day of the Dragon[]

On Chen's Island, the factory workers sink the blimp under Jay's command as a way to keep Chen and the remaining Anacondrai Cultist on the island: he then has Bolobo uses his vines to sink the ferry. Cole tells the Ninja that the palace and their rooms are empty while Lloyd comforts Kai about Skylor, saying that while she couldn't pick her family, she picked a good friend. And with the addition of Cole saying with no other way off the island, they'll find them. Garmadon approaches and congratulates the five on bringing the Elemental Masters together and sticking together, though he warns them to keep their guard up. Meanwhile, Karlof works on modifying Jay's mech while Nya informs Master Wu and Misako on Chen's apparent defeat. Wu also reveals that the Bounty is nearly complete and that they'll use it to bring everyone home.

Back on the coast, Griffin boasts to Neuro that he could easily win on Jay's game show when the Master of Mind receives a message from Skylor and sends the Master of Speed to the Ninja to inform them of what happened. Kai takes off on one of the crushers while Jay takes the mech, Garmadon and Cole take the Jet, Zane takes a buggy, Nya takes the D.B. Express, and Lloyd leaves on his dragon, leaving Karlof to wish he could do the same. Everyone takes off, leaving Dareth (who was telling Chen's kabuki of when he controlled the Stone Army with the Helmet of Shadows) behind.

On the coast, Nya and Cole hand over Eyezor and Zugu to Karlof, who asks for Chen's current position to which Cole states he escaped: in turn, the Black Ninja asks if Zane came back which Karlof denies. Garmadon returns and questions where Kai and Skylor were, to which Shadow informs him of their message before Garmadon's tattoo begins to glow and causes him to collapse. In the crystal caves, the transformation is revealed to have begun, Kapau reciting the spell in Clouse's place. As Chope finishes the spell (Kapau having fainted from its effects), Kai urges Skylor to resist the transformation. However, the transformation is completed which Chen cheers for while back on the coast, Garmadon, the Ninja, and the Elemental Masters try to hold off the snake-turned cultists, but are forced to retreat. Jay nearly attacks Garmadon, to which he becomes annoyed and brings up the forms and bodies he had before they begin to hold the door.

The Elemental Masters are amazed by with Jay remarking none of them could so before questioning how he summoned it, to which Zane states it was facing his fear and doubt which cause realize it wasn't something in front of holding him back but inside him that held him back. Zane states by facing his inner turmoil he was able to unlock his dragon power. Kai and Skylor also return, riding Kai's Elemental Fire Dragon supporting his theory, convincing and encouraging everyone to unlock their dragons. As everyone flies off, Garmadon (riding with Lloyd) states a battle from their past return but they will rise to face it.

Kai states that although Chen brought them there so only one of them remained, he didn't take into account that they were already one - together.

The Greatest Fear of All[]

The Ninja and the Elemental Masters are continuing the journey back to New Ninjago City, making up for lost time as they're a day behind Chen (having left Dareth on the island and going back to get him). As everyone enters the city, Lloyd reminds them that no matter what Chen does, they must stick together. As they land, the citizens see Skylor as a Serpentine, they panicked and run off. Garmadon realizes they're the first ones anyone saw; Chen hasn't attacked yet. Lloyd then tells him that he and Skylor must get out of sight before telling the Elemental Masters to protect the people. As they leave, Skylor notices her hand changing back to normal.

The Ninja and the other Elemental Masters pursue Chen's noodle trucks across Ninjago using their Elemental Dragons, while Chen and the remaining fake Anacondrai depart from the camp, leaving Pythor to be eaten by the Swamp Rat. Skylor and Master soon realize that the trucks are creating a diversion to spread the Elemental Masters out and leave Ninjago defenseless, and Master orders everyone to stop the trucks. After all of the trucks are crashed or stopped by the Elemental Masters, they open the trailers up—only to find that they're empty, with no fake Anacondrai inside. As Chen's army converges on Jamanakai Village and begins to wreak havoc, with Chen laughing at his success.

The Corridor of Elders[]

Meanwhile, the Ninja and the other Elemental Masters are scattered all around Ninjago after chasing down the decoy trucks. Nya attempts to contact them from the new Destiny's Bounty, but Chen takes over the airwaves and tells the senseis, Nya, Misako, and his daughter that he wants to make a truce. Garmadon points out that he's the reason the original truce was abandoned, though Wu inquires of his demands: if they, the Ninja and the elemental masters leave Ninjago for good, he won't cause anymore damage. Wu asks for time to think it over, leaving his brother stunned that he's even entertaining the Master, to which he says they need to buy more time. Chen advises Garmadon that he should listen to Wu due to his way with words and ultimately reveals to Misako that it was Wu who wrote the letter that caused her to fall in love with Garmadon. Chen then reveals he lied about the truce and only wanted to reveal the truth. Angered, Wu declares that Garmadon is no sensei, though Skylor quickly breaks up the fight telling Wu that since Chen divided the Ninja, he's now trying to divide the brothers.

Elsewhere, Lloyd meets up with Neuro who informs the Green Ninja that Chen's army is heading west. Lloyd instructs the Master of the Mind to send a message to the other elemental masters ordering them to Nya's Samurai X Cave. Once everyone has returned, Kai remarks to Skylor that the spell is wearing off faster, though she points out that Chen is still hurting everyone. Lloyd notices his uncle acting cold towards his father and realizes the truth behind the letter has been revealed. Nya informs them that Chen has taken over the entire eastern coast in the time it took for them to get back. Gravis questions how they can stop them since almost all of them have lost their dragons, to which Wu points out that the Corridor of Elders will be the best place to make their final stand, and the elemental masters agree. The Ninja journey all over Ninjago to rally support from the citizens.

The Ninja, their allies, the Elemental Masters and the citizens of Ninjago, along with the Serpentine, the Nindroids, The Stone Army, the Skulkin, the Pirates, and the inmates from Kryptarium Prison get to the Corridor and prepare to start the ultimate battle against the Anacondrai Cultists. The group manage to keep the snakes from passing and do what they can to make sure they keep the upper hand. As Shadow takes control of a bladecopter, Nya, Misako and the sensei's use the Destiny's Bounty to destroy the vehicles, managing to save Skales who expresses relief at seeing the ship again. Having had enough, Chen uses the Roto Jet to widen the opening allowing his followers to pass through the Corridor.

Pythor, having escaped Chen's camp riding the rat and carrying Chen's spell book, rides up and tells Lloyd to take him to his father because he knows the way to end the battle. As Lloyd does so, Skylor attacks Chen as revenge for what he's caused. Lloyd carries Pythor to the Destiny's Bounty where he tells Garmadon that he can stop the Cultists by sacrificing himself and going to the Cursed Realm in the place of Arcturus and the other Anacondrai generals, so their spirits would be unleashed on the cultists. Everyone is reluctant, but at the same time they know it must be done. Lloyd, however, gets angry at the notion that his father will desert him once more and not come back this time, and he angrily departs from the Bounty. In a fit of rage, Lloyd dives into the battle and takes his anger out on the fake Anacondrai, as he remembers his past with his father.

Wu begins to read the spell to open the portal to the Cursed Realm, while Misako tells Garmadon she's already forgiven him about the letter. As Garmadon asks her to tell Lloyd he's sorry, Lloyd returns, saying he can tell him himself. Lloyd takes the spellbook, stating that he'll banish his father since it only seems fair that he does it. As the portal opens, Garmadon says that while he sought to make the world into his own image, he never realized he already had in his own son. Lloyd finishes reading the spell, and Garmadon violently ascends towards the portal. As he vanishes in an overwhelming flash of light, seven Anacondrai spirits, including Arcturus come out from the portal. The original Anacondrai curse Chen's entire army and turn them into ghosts, to which they too ascend to the Cursed Realm. Chen tries to reason with them, but Arcturus calls him a liar, a cheater and an imposter before he curses him and banishes Chen to the Cursed Realm.

The war ends, but Lloyd is sad because of his father's apparent death. Arcturus's spirit comes to Pythor and says that he made their ancestors' proud, and turns him into back to normal size. Arcturus then thanks Lloyd for his and the others' help for doing what they couldn't: uniting all kinds (especially Human and Serpentine) as one. He then says that Lloyd and his friends are now Ninjago's greatest warriors before flying away into another portal.

Later that day, the Ninja and the Elemental masters agree to keep in contact and come to their aid should they need it. As Skylor begins to leave, Kai awkwardly but successfully offers her the chance to become a Ninja: though flattered, she declines as since Chen is gone, she is now owner of the noodle house. Just before the two are about to kiss, Dareth interrupts the moment where Skylor immediately says she'll put the Puffy Potsticker back on the Noodle House's menu. Dareth is satisfied, while Kai and Skylor agree to keep in touch before the orange ninja leaves.

Karlof gets everyone to clean up the Corridor of Elders while the ninja, Nya, Wu, and Misako sit around a fire on a broken statue, watching construction workers building a statue of Garmadon in the Corridor. Lloyd is comforted by his mother while Kai holds a toast to the Anacondrai, the greatest warriors of their time. Jay then realizes it's their turn to make their ancestors proud as Lloyd says people are proud of who comes before them to show them the way and says goodbye to his father. Wu says his loss will affect them all though Misako says it's his life that will since he's the reason they were brought together. Lloyd then gives a heartwarming speech about his father.


  • The First Spinjitzu Master and Ray are currently the only known Elemental Masters.
  • Most of Elemental Masters has a Elemental Dragon which is similar to Lloyd's.


           Ninjago Logo Heroes

TV Series
The Ninja: Master Wu | Cole | Jay | Zane | Kai | Lloyd | Nya
The Serpentine: Arcturus | Clancee | Pythor P. Chumsworth | Skales
Nindroids: Nindroid Sentries | Echo Zane | P.I.X.A.L.
Elemental Masters: Ash | Bolobo | Gravis | Griffin Turner | Jacob Pevsner | Karlof | Mr. Pale | Neuro | Shade | Skylor | Tox | Ray | Maya | Nyad
Police: Commissioner | Hounddog McBrag
The Resistance
First Realm: Faith | Firstbourne
The Never-Realm: Akita | Krag | The Resistance (Grimfax | Kataru)
Prime Empire Residents: League of Jay | Okino | Blazey H. Speed | Scott
Shintaro: Queen Vania | The Upply (Korgran | Fungus | Plundar | Adam)
Keepers of the Amulet: Chief Mammatus |PoulErik
Merlopia: Benthomaar | Trimaar | Glutinous
Other: Brad Tudabone | Clutch Powers | Cyrus Borg | Dareth | Dr. Julien | First Spinjitzu Master | Flintlocke | Garmadon | Harumi | Hutchins | Lil' Nelson | Misako Montgomery Garmadon | Mistaké | Morro | New Ninja | Ronin | Twitchy Tim | Unagami

The LEGO Ninjago Movie
Master Wu | Secret Ninja Force (Lloyd | Kai | Jay | Nya | Cole | Zane)

Dragons Rising
Arin | Sora | Riyu | Source Dragon of Energy | Euphrasia | Wyldfyre | Alfonzo Frohicky | Arrakore | Geo | Bonzle | Percival Tartigrade | Rapton | Egalt | Rontu | Gandalaria | Source Dragon of Motion | Frak | Roby

See Also
Lego Heroes | Legends of Chima Heroes
