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Maybe there's another way to save both of our homes.
~ Elena to Noah Diaz.

Elena Wallace is one of the two deuteragonists (alongside Mirage) of the 2023 film Transformers: Rise of the Beasts.

She is an intern and artifact researcher from Brooklyn who is swept into the war between the Maximals, the Autobots and the Terrorcons.

She was portrayed by Dominique Fishback


Like Noah, Elena is dragged into a conflict with the stranded Autobots, the Maximals and the Terrorcons. This was something that Elena was not expecting. She is a very bright woman who is able to spot a forgery from a mile away. However, her sleazy boss, Jillian, keeps taking credit for her work, much to Elena's frustration. Unlike her boss, Elena is enthusiastic about History, as shown when Jillian dismissed Elena's suspicions that the Airazor statue was of Peruvian origin. She is also willing to do anything to save not just her home but the Autobots' homeworld as well.

Elena is also insightful, pointing out that Noah and Optimus are more like than they realize: they are both responsible older brothers trying to protect their families. She also believes there is another way to save both Cybertron and Earth without destroying the Transwarp key that Optimus needs to return home. She was also able to decipher the runes left by the Maximals and that is was a code meant to shut down the console activated the Transwarp key.



Early Life[]

Elena Wallace lived in downtown Brooklyn, New York with her father. He was a cabbie who was able to talk to her about anything, mainly science and history. Despite their small income, they were happy together. Elena was inspired to become a historian. She was able to get a job as an intern at the natural history museum of Archeology and spot a forgery from a mile away. However, Elena's boss, Jillian kept stealing her work and always sent her to pick up coffee or her dry cleaning.



  • Elena sings when she is nervous.


           Transformers Reboot Films Logo Reboot Films Heroes

Bumblebee | Optimus Prime | Arcee | Wheeljack | Cliffjumper | Mirage | Stratosphere | Brawn | Ratchet | Ironhide

Optimus Primal | Cheetor | Rhinox | Airazor | Apelinq

Sector 7
Doctor Powell | Jack Burns | Seymour Simmons | Tom Banachek

Charlie Watson | Memo Gutierrez | Otis Watson | Noah Diaz | Elena Wallace
