Eleven after she escapes from Hawkins National Laboratory.
Eleven entering Benny's Burgers.
Eleven walking into the restaurant.
Eleven seeing the restaurant owner, Benny talk to his customers.
Eleven enters the restaurant's kitchen.
Eleven finding a plate of French fries.
Eleven devouring some French fries.
Eleven eating before she is spotted by Benny.
Eleven being caught by Benny.
Eleven eating a burger as Benny tries to talk to her.
Eleven introducing herself to Benny.
Eleven noticing a fan as Benny calls social services.
Eleven using her powers to stop the fan.
After stopping the fan, Eleven finishes her meal.
Later, Eleven eats some ice cream.
When someone knocks on the restaurant's door, Eleven watches Benny go to answer it.
Eleven horrified to see Benny getting brutally killed before she manages to escape.
Eleven having been brought to Mike's house by the boys.
Eleven being questioned by the boys.
Eleven sitting on a sofa as she's questioned.
Eleven startled when Dustin claps loud to confirm whether she's deaf or not.
Eleven looking at Mike when he notes how of scared and cold she is.
Eleven startled by the sound of thunder.
Eleven being given a pair of clean clothes by Mike.
Eleven taking the clothes.
Eleven going to undress right in front of the boys.
Eleven being stopped by Mike as Dustin and Lucas look away in disgust.
Eleven being told she has to change clothes in a bathroom.
Eleven going to change in his basement's bathroom.
(Mike: "You don't want it closed?") "No."
(Mike: "Is that better?") "Yes."
Eleven in the Wheeler's basement bathroom.
After changing clothes, Eleven is provided an area to sleep for the night.
When Mike asks for her name, Eleven goes to show him her tattoo on her wrist.
Eleven introducing herself to Mike.
Eleven "El" falling asleep.
The next morning, El is greeted by Mike.
El given an Eggo waffle for breakfast.
El hearing Mike propose a plan to have her ask his mom for help, which she immediately denies.
El telling Mike that she is in trouble.
El alone in the pillow fort after Mike leaves.
El being offered anything to drink when Mike returns after his parents leave for work.
El being shown Mike's TV.
El going to look at picture frames of Mike's family.
"Pretty."-El complimenting a picture of Mike's older sister,
Nancy Wheeler.
El seeing a La-Z-Boy chair.
El going to sit in the La-Z-Boy chair.
El smiling as she enjoys the La-Z-Boy.
El and Mike bonding as they play with the La-Z-Boy.
El sitting on Mike's bed when Dustin and Lucas arrive.
El watching the boys discuss how she knows their friend, Will is missing.
El being grabbed by the shoulders by Lucas who demands to know where Will is.
Eleven scared as she doesn't know how to answer Lucas's question.
"No."-El revealing her powers to the boys.
Later, El notices the boys' Dungeons & Dragons game board.
El going to use the game board as the boys watch her.
"Will."-El holding a miniature wizard, referencing him as Will.
El having flipped the game board upside down before places the miniature wizard figure on it.
El trying to explain Will's situation to the boys by saying he is hiding from a monster, using a Demogorgon figurine as a reference.
Later, El uses her powers to make the Millennium Falcon toy float in the air.
El deciding to explore Mike's house of curiosity.
El having exited the basement.
El sitting on the La-Z-Boy chair.
A flashback of Eleven wearing brain sensors during her time as a test subject.
Eleven crushing a Coca Cola can with her powers.
After crushing the Coca Cola can with her powers, Eleven is surprised to find her nose is bleeding.
Eleven being watched and tested by Dr. Brenner and his colleagues.
Back in the present, El turns off the TV after remembering her time at Hawkins Lab.
El exploring the second floor of the Wheeler house.
El entering Mike's older sister, Nancy's bedroom.
El looking at photos of Nancy's life.
El, Mike, and Lucas walking through the woods.
El hearing Mike ask what she's talking about.
El pointing to a cut on Mike's chin.
"Mike. Friends tell the truth."
El hearing Mike explain how he was bullied and tripped by a kid named Troy Walsh.
El listening to Mike explain what a bully is.
El hearing Mike explain he didn't want her to think he was a loser.
(Mike: "Oh, okay. Cool.") "Cool."
El and the boys continuing to walk through the woods.
El and the boys biking through the woods.
El and the boys arriving at Sattler's Quarry.
El and the boys hiding behind a fire truck.
El and the boys seeing Will's "body" being pulled out of the quarry.
El and Mike shocked to see Will's "body".
El seeing Mike angry with her.
El being accused of lying about Will being alive by Mike.
El, Lucas, and Dustin having watched a sad Mike leave the quarry.
After finding Will's "body," Eleven works on Mike's supercom.
As Eleven works on the supercom, she is accused by Mike for lying to him.
Eleven sees Mike is angry with her as he believes Will to be dead.
However, Eleven channels her powers to contact Will through the supercom.
Eleven contacting Will through Mike's supercom.
Eleven handing Mike his supercom so he can hear Will's voice.
Eleven successfully convincing Mike that Will is still alive.
El watching Mike going to use some makeup.
El staring at Mike as he uses a makeup brush and some powder.
El having a tense reaction when Mike puts makeup on her for the first time.
El having lip balm applied to her lips.
El after Mike finishes her makeup.
El wearing a pink dress and a blonde wig.
El hearing Mike compliment her new look.
El finding a mirror in the hallway.
"Pretty good."-El liking her new look.
El and Mike riding on the bike together.
The kids riding their bikes through the town of Hawkins.
The Party getting closer to reaching the middle school.
El and the boys sitting in the audience during the assembly.
El and Dustin sitting together.
El and her friends noticing Troy and James laugh during the assembly.
"Mouthbreather."-El calling Troy a mouth breather.
El with Mike as he confronts Troy after the assembly.
El listening to Mike call the bullies for their disrespect towards Will.
El and her friends hearing Troy and James mock them over Will's "death".
El looking at Mike, seeing he's enraged.
El using her powers to cause Troy to wet his pants, humiliating himself.
El smiling at Mike to let him know she caused Troy to wet his pants.
Eleven watching Mike, Lucas and Dustin set up the Heathkit Ham Shack radio so she can contact Will.
El closing her eyes as she begins to use her powers.
A flashback of Eleven about to do another session with Dr. Brenner.
Eleven being instructed to find and listen to a patient while repeating what he says to Brenner.
Eleven using her powers to locate the man as per Brenner's request.
Eleven being told by Brenner to tell him what words the man is saying.
Instead, Eleven uses technopathy to transmit the man's voice through a speaker.
El using the Ham Shack radio as the boys watch her.
El using her powers to transmit Will's voice through the radio.
El's nose beginning to bleed as she transmits Will's voice through the radio.
El and her friends witnessing the Ham Shack radio getting destroyed.
El and Mike watch Dustin put out the flames with a fire extinguisher.
El being checked on Mike and Lucas.
Eleven tired and exhausted after using her powers.
El being carried by the boys.
El, Mike, and Lucas escape from the school as a fire alarm is triggered.
El resting on the coach upon returning to the Wheeler house after escaping the school.
"Upside down."-El when the boys go over what Will was saying.
After the boys realize Will is an alternate dimension, El denies knowing how to get to the other dimension.
"How far, Papa?"-Eleven in a flashback.
Eleven told by Brenner that they do remote traveling at a far distance.
Eleven walking up a staircase.
El going to get ready for her "bathtub".
Eleven having brain sensors placed on her head.
Eleven going to be placed in a sensory deprivation tank.
Eleven in the sensory deprivation tank.
A flashback of Eleven laying on her bed at Hawkins Lab.
Eleven having been a plant by Dr. Brenner.
Eleven told by Brenner that they are going to make history today.
Back in the present, El wakes up the next morning in the forest.
El angrily looking at her reflection within the pond.
Feeling hungry, El finds a local grocery store.
El walking through the store as some people take notice of her.
In a flashback, Eleven is guided by Dr. Brenner to the sensory deprivation tank.
El getting prepared by several scientists before she is put into the sensory deprivation tank.
El being ordered by Brenner to make contact with the creature, under the pretense its reaching out to her.
El in the sensory deprivation tank.
Back in the present, Eleven calls the store manager a "mouthbreather" when he tries talking to her.
Eleven stealing boxes of Eggos from the store.
El eating Eggos as she hears Mike and Dustin looking for her.
Eleven saving Mike and Dustin from Troy and James.
Eleven in the void during a flashback.
Eleven finding the monster.
Eleven walking towards the monster.
Eleven approaching the monster.
Eleven making contact with the monster.
Eleven screaming after making contact with the monster, causing the gate to the Upside Down to be open before she escapes the lab.
El, Mike, and Dustin running out of the house to flee from the agents.
El and Mike running up a hill.
El and Mike being spotted by Brenner and his men after they get on the bike.
El, Mike, and Dustin riding their bikes to escape from Brenner and his men.
El holding onto Mike as he pedals his bike.
El, Mike, and Dustin fleeing as they're being pursued.
El and Mike hearing Dustin rely on where Lucas wants to meet them after receiving a transmission from him.
El, Mike, and Dustin biking through the neighborhood.
El and Mike being pursued by HNL vans.
El and her friends going to bike through people's backyards to escape their pursuers.
The Party reuniting at the streets Elm and Cherry in the neighborhood.
El and Mike hearing the vans behind them.
El and Lucas seeing the vans are hot on their tails.
El, Mike, and Lucas seeing a van drive in front of them.
El flipping the van with her mind.
El and Mike watching the van fly above their heads.
El causing the van to land upside down, stopping the other vans from pursuing her and her friends.
El and her friends managing to escape from Brenner and his men.
The kids explaining the Upside Down to Joyce, Jonathan, Nancy, and Hopper.
(Hopper: "Is this gate underground?") "Yes."
(Hopper: "Near a large water tank?") "Yes."
El having nodded her head after Joyce asks her if she is able to contact her son in the Upside Down.
El hearing Nancy ask if she can also find her best friend, Barbara Holland who's also trapped in the Upside Down.
El trying to find Will and Barb with her powers.
El sadly revealing she cannot find Will and Barbara as she apologizes to her friends.
El and the others watching Dustin call Mr. Clarke to ask how to build a sensory deprivation tank.
El and the others watching Dustin claim to Mr. Clarke that the sensory deprivation tank is for "fun".
El and the others watching Dustin persuade Mr. Clarke to tell him how to build a sensory deprivation tank.
El watching Dustin manage to get the information on how to build a sensory deprivation tank from Mr. Clarke.
El watching Dustin ask Joyce if she has a kiddie pool.
El looking at Joyce who tells Dustin she has a kiddie pool.
El hearing Dustin say they'll just need lots of salt for the sensory deprivation tank.
El hearing Dustin answer Hopper's question on how much salt they'll need which is fifteen hundred pounds of salt.
El hearing Nancy ask where they'll get lots of salt before Hopper says they'll use de-icing salt from the middle school.
El getting ready to go into an inflatable pool after friends finish making it equivalent to a sensory deprivation tank.
El wearing the duct taped covered goggles.
El being guided into the pool.
El after being guided into the makeshift sensory deprivation tank.
El being watched by her friends and allies as she lays down in the pool.
El floating in the makeshift sensory deprivation tank.
Eleven in the makeshift sensory deprivation tank so she can find Will and Barbara Holland.
The kids sitting on the bleachers.
The kids sitting quietly as Joyce and Jonathan tell Hopper where Castle Byers is located.
The kids sitting as Joyce and Jonathan follow Hopper to rescue Will from the Upside Down.
El and Mike sitting in the cafeteria together.
El and Mike talking and discussing what they should do after Will is found and El is free from being used as a weapon from the government.
El smiling when Mike offers her to come live with him and his family.
"Will you be like my brother?"
El asking Mike why things would feel different between them.
"Mike, friends don't lie."
El listening to Mike explain he wants to take her out to a school dance called the Snow Ball as she learns the concept of school dances.
El watching Mike struggling to explain who you usually go to school dances with.
El and Mike sharing a kiss.
El surprised by the kiss, realizing Mike is in love with her.
When hearing cars park outside of the school, El watches Mike leave to investigate.
El, Dustin, and Lucas helping themselves to cans of chocolate pudding.
El, Dustin, and Lucas being alerted by Mike that the government agents have arrived at the school.
El, Mike, and Dustin running through the school.
The kids being spotted by some agents.
The kids turning around to run the other way to escape from the agents.
The kids being cornered by the agents who begin to hold them at gunpoint.
El using her powers to kill Agent Connie Frazier and the other agents.
El having killed Connie and the other agents to protect her friends.
The kids watching the agents surrounding them fall to the floor dead after El kills them.
El having passed out onto the floor due to her powers taking a heavy physical toll on her body.
El being checked on by Dustin and Lucas.
An unconscious El lying on the floor.
Eleven's sacrifice when defeating the Demogorgon.
Eleven sitting at the dinner table with Hopper.
Eleven with Hopper in the cabin.
Eleven reopening the Demogorgon's portal to escape from the Upside Down.
In a flashback, El sees Hopper walking in the woods.
Eleven revealing herself to Hopper.
El waking up the next morning.
El laying down on her bed as Hopper says he's making Eggo extravaganzas for breakfast.
El sitting at the breakfast table.
El eating breakfast with Hopper.
"He says needs me."-El upon being asked by Hopper if she used her powers to spy on Mike.
El hearing Hopper promise that once it's safe, she'll be able to reunite with Mike and the rest of her friends.
El reminding Hopper all of the days when he promised her when she can see her friends again.
El asking Hopper when will it be safe to see her friends again.
El starting to get angry when Hopper doesn't have an answer to her question.
El's powers causing the breakfast food to spill all over Hopper.
El getting impatient and frustrated with having to wait so long to see her friends again.
In a flashback, El cleans her shoes upon arriving at a cabin in the woods.
El listening to Hopper explain the cabin belonged to his grandfather.
El and Hopper looking around the cabin whom they decide to make it their home.
El hearing music for the first time when Hopper plays an album on a record player.
El sweeping the floor with a broom.
El sitting in her new bedroom.
El learning how to communicate in morse code.
El and Hopper setting up the trip wire outside the cabin.
El being told by Hopper what happens if someone makes contact with the trip-sure.
El and Hopper having finished setting up the trip-wire.
El and Hopper there's gonna be some rules while she hides with him.
El listening to the rules Hopper has set up for her.
El opening the cabin's front door, breaking Hopper's rules.
El listening to Hopper's rules to always keep the cabin's curtains closed, only open the door if she hears Hopper's secret knock, and do not go outside during the day.
El outside of the cabin, disobeying Hopper and breaking his rules.
El having heard Hopper's three rules.
Eleven hesitant to leave the cabin and disobey Hopper's orders.
However, Eleven takes her chances and leaves the cabin for the first time in months.
Walking in the woods, Eleven watches a mother playing with her child.
In a flashback, El asks Hopper about her mom which he tells her that she is "dead."
Eleven asking the mother and child where the Hawkins Middle School is.
After getting directions, Eleven using her powers to move a swing set which unintentionally frightens the mother and her child.
Eleven arrives at the middle school.
Eleven begins searching for Mike throughout the school.
Eleven hears Mike's voice.
Eleven finds Mike in the school gym with another girl named
Max Mayfield.
Eleven becomes instantly jealous of Max where she telekinetically throws her off her skateboard.
Eleven realizing her mistake in trying to reunite with Mike, as he helps Max.
The next day, El hears Hopper trying to talk to her about what happened last night.
El hearing Hopper say he'll consider fixing the TV if she cleans up the cabin.
El in the cabin's destroyed living room.
El finding and holding the wires to the TV.
El going to clean up her mess.
El noticing a loose floorboard.
El curious about the floorboard.
El opening the floorboard, discovering it to be a door where she finds a hidden storage unit.
Peeking through the storage, El takes an interest in a box for Hawkins lab.
After taking the box out of the storage, El goes to open it and look through its contents.
El sitting on the sofa as she goes through the box's contents.
El going to read another file from the box.
El reading a newspaper article from the file.
El reading and learning about a woman named Terry Ives from the newspaper article.
El finding a photo of Brenner with Terry Ives.
El looking at the photograph of Brenner and Terry Ives.
A curious El deciding to look for Terry Ives.
El putting on a blindfold.
El blindfolded as she goes to use her powers to find Terry Ives.
El finding Terry Ives in the void.
El watching Terry before the woman senses her presence.
When Terry calls her Jane, El realizes Jane is her birth name and that Terry is her mother.
El interacting with her mother for the first time.
El watching her mother disappear before her eyes.
El shocked to see her mom vanish.
El on her knees, beginning to cry.
El sobbing after she exits out of her mental void.
El crying after finding out her mom is still alive and that Hopper lied to her.
The next day, El arrives at her mother's house after being given a lift by a friendly truck driver.
El watching the truck drive away after being dropped off at her destination.
El arriving at the Ives house.
El nervous to reunite with her mother.
El knocking on the front door.
"Thin mints?"-El meeting her maternal aunt, Becky Ives.
El after Becky slams and locks the door; due to mistaking her as someone selling magazines.
El about to use her powers.
El telekinetically unlocking and opening the door, much to her aunt's shock.
El seeing her mother in person for the first time in years.
El trying to talk to her mother.
El looking at her mother who does not recognize or acknowledge her.
El looking at her mom as her aunt explains how broken her mind.
El and Becky sitting at the kitchen table.
"She won't get better...will she?"
El asking if the dream her mom has repeatedly is good.
El getting emotional over her mom and her condition.
El being told by her aunt that her mom never gave up on finding her.
El comforting her aunt over hearing how upset she is too over Terry's condition.
Eleven with her mother and aunt.
El sitting in her nursery.
El looking at the photograph of Eight.
El closing her eyes to look for Eight.
El having entered the void.
El finding a grown up Eight in the void.
El waking up as her nostril begins to bleed.
Upon entering the kitchen, El hears her Aunt Becky talking to someone.
El seeing her Aunt Becky talking on the phone.
El feeling betrayed when she overhears her aunt calling the police about her.
El deciding to run away and seek out Eight on her own.
El traveling by herself after running away from her aunt.
El getting off the bus after arriving at her destination.
El having arrived in Chicago, Illinois.
El admiring her new surroundings.
El walking past two cops who remind her of Hopper.
El continuing to wander through Chicago.
El looking up at a building, admiring it.
(Man: "Hey! Watch it, kid!") "Mouth breather."
El continuing to walk through the city of Chicago.
El walking through the poorest parts of the city.
El seeing lots of hobos living in the poorest parts of Chicago.
El continuing her journey.
El entering the warehouse.
El looking around the warehouse.
El calling out to anyone living in the warehouse.
El saying she's looking for her sister.
El being teased by a man named Axel.
El handing the picture of a young Kali to the punks to show what her sister looks like.
(Mick: "Is that Kali?") "Kali?"
El being threatened by Axel who demands to know how she knows about Kali.
El being grabbed by Axel before he lets go and screams in fright.
El responding to Kali's question on where she got the picture of her.
El having "picked up" the knife with her mind, shocking Kali and her gang.
"I saw you. In the rainbow room."
(Kali: "What's your name?") "Jane."
El and Kali emotional to see each other for the first time in years.
El and Kali sharing a hug.
El talking to Kali in private.
El nodding as Kali tells her that the people of Hawkins Lab will always see people like them as monsters.
El being told by Kali that her gifts make her special.
"Wait, do you have a gift?"
El watching Kali show her ability to create illusions.
El and Kali watching an illusionary, glowing butterfly around them.
El and Kali giggling when El tries to make sure Kali is not something she's hallucinating.
El having returned to the void in her sleep.
Through Hopper's radio, El hears him transmit an apology to her for their argument.
El being woken up by Kali the next morning.
El being escorted by Kali.
"Spider hater."-El upon being introduced to Axel.
El being introduced to the members of Kali's gang.
El being greeted by Funshine, one of Kali's associates.
El being told by Kali that no one in her gang are test subjects like them.
El asking what are outcasts.
El hearing how Kali found and formed her gang as each member was rejected by society.
El asking the gang who they fight against.
"You hurt the bad men?"-El upon hearing the gang explain they fight against the people who had hurt them in their pasts.
El realizing Kali and her gang are killers when they explain they murder their former tormentors to make them pay for their crimes.
"I'm a fighter. I've killed."
El explaining how she was abused by the people of Hawkins Lab.
El being told by Kali to come with her.
El and Kali walking outside together.
El listening to Kali describe how like her, she felt a lot of inner pain.
El told by Kali to practice her powers by moving a train cart.
El trying to use her powers to pull the train cart forward.
El exhausted from her efforts to pull the train.
El recalling the moment she flipped the HNL van over when Kali asks her about it.
Told to focus on her emotions instead of the train's weight, El goes to try pulling the train again.
El using her powers to pull the train cart forward.
El motivated by Kali to use her negative emotions to harness her powers.
El learning to harness and control her powers.
El's nose bleeding as she pulls the train cart.
El getting stronger with her powers as she successfully pulls the train cart forward.
An exhausted El on the ground as Kali's gang cheers for her.
(Kali: "So how do you feel?") "Good."
El being shown a bulletin board covered in photographs of people who used to work for Hawkins Lab.
El wanting to go after the man who tortured her mother.
El using her powers to locate the man who tortured her mother, Ray Carroll.
El being watched over by Kali's gang as she looks for Ray Carroll.
El having removed her blindfold after she locates Ray Carroll.
El, Axel, Funshine, Dottie, and Kali about to get ready for their heist.
El about to be given a makeover.
El and Kali's gang leaving to go on their heist.
El and Kali arriving at a drugstore.
El and Kali talking to a cashier where the latter distracts him with an illusion.
With the cashier distracted, El, Kali, and the other criminals start robbing the store to gather supplies.
El going to grab a box of Eggos.
El seeing the cashier aim a gun at Kali when her illusion on him wears off.
El using her powers to push the cashier into a wall, knocking him unconscious.
El, Kali/Eight, and the criminals looking over the unconscious cashier before they escape.
Upon arriving at Ray Carroll's apartment, El uses her powers to check and see if he's home.
"He's watching television."
El saying to Kali and her gang that Ray is alone.
El and the criminals wearing masks, ready to break into Ray Carroll's apartment.
El, Kali and Axel having broken into Ray Carroll's apartment.
El standing next to Axel.
El and the criminals intimidating Ray.
El and Kali confronting Ray Carroll.
An illusion of El and Kali as little girls to help Ray remember them.
After Ray remembers them, El and Kali watch Ray drop to his knees, begging for mercy.
El angrily attacking Ray with her powers.
El glaring at Ray who claims he was only following Brenner's orders.
El going to use her powers on Ray before he pleads with her.
When Ray promises to take her and Kali to Brenner, claiming he's still alive, El refuses to believe him.
El being told by Kali to kill Ray.
El telekinetically strangling Ray.
El realizing Ray has daughters of his own upon noticing a photograph of him with his children.
Upon finding out Ray has a family of his own, El is unable to kill him and ultimately decides to spare him.
El about to stop Kali from killing Ray herself.
El and Kali hearing a police siren as Ray's children had called the cops.
El avoiding eye contact with Kali after she stops her from killing Ray.
El and Kali escaping before the police arrive.
El being warned by Kali to never interfere or take away her opportunity to take revenge.
El sitting by herself after returning to Kali's hideout.
"They were kids."-El defending her decision to spare Ray and explaining why she chose to show him mercy to Kali.
El listening to Kali explain her backstory on how she escaped the lab and tried to in vain to find a new family to take her in and love her.
El shocked to see Brenner behind her.
"You're not real."-El realizing Kali is projecting an illusion of Brenner.
El being taunted by the illusion of Brenner.
El getting scared as the illusion of Brenner continues to mock her.
El crying in fright after Kali makes the illusion of Brenner disappear.
El regretting her decision to run away and join Kali's gang even more.
El reminiscing Mike and Hopper.
Missing Hopper and Mike, El goes to enter her mental void to see them.
El having returned to the void.
El finding Hopper at Hawkins Lab.
El running over to Mike when she notices him trying to frantically warn that a trap has been set.
El frantically looking for Mike when he vanishes.
El having exited out of the void when she hears the police raiding the warehouse.
El looking out a window, seeing police officers enter the warehouse.
El being told by Kali that they need to go.
El and Kali running up the stairs to evade the police.
El and Kali running to meet up with the rest of the gang.
El, Funshine, Axel, & Mick bracing themselves as Kali orders to stand still and be quiet.
El and Axel nervous as they stay quiet while Kali uses her powers to make themselves invisible to the police.
El fleeing with Axel and Mick as they escape the warehouse.
El being helped by Axel and Mick as they go to take cover.
El and Kali's gang taking cover as the police officers fire their guns.
El, Axel, and Mick taking cover before Kali uses her powers to create a barrier between them and the cops.
El after escaping the police and leaving Kali's gang.
El sitting in a bus to head back to Hawkins, Indiana.
"I'm going to my friends. I'm going home."
El having arrived at the Byers' house once she returns to Hawkins.
El having came to her friends' rescue, saving them from a pack of adolescent Demogorgons.
El seeing Mike for the first time in a year.
El happy to see Mike again.
El and Mike emotional to see each other for the first time in a year.
El and Mike happily reuniting with each other.
El being embraced by Mike.