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Comprised in Pickle Heart, Sun, Wind, and Rain! This Bakugan has got it all goin on! Please Put You're Hands together for the Debut of Aquos Elfin, Version 2!
~ Elfin

Elfin is a protagonist and Preyas' girlfriend from Bakugan. Like Preyas, Elfin can change the attributes to Ventus, Darkus and Aquos. She evolves into Minx Elfin. She is the guardian Bakugan of Marucho and she also known Preyas before he was captured by the Vestals. She has a frog-like head on her head.

Bakugan: New Vestroia[]

Minx Elfin first appears when The Six Ancient Soldiers gave their attribute energies to Drago and the other Resistance Bakugan. Elfin gained Frosch's Aquos energy and evolved into Minx Elfin.

She helps Cross Draganoid and Magma Wilda battle Helios MK2 and won, although in the end it really came down to a battle between Maxus Cross Dragonoid and Maxus Helios MK2 after Elfin and Wilda were defeated.

In episode 35, she had left on her own since her and Preyas had been arguing a lot and was almost taken by Shadow Prove and Prince Hydron until Preyas and Marucho came to rescue her. Minx Elfin and Preyas later battled against Dryoid and MAC Spider. When Preyas nearly got hit by Shadow's MAC Spider's ability: 'Spider Cannon,' she sacrificed herself to save Preyas, losing the Aquos Attribute Energy. Preyas became enraged, and fiercely defeated Shadow's MAC Spider and Hydron's Dryoid. After the battle Elfin and Preyas argued about Preyas admitting his feelings about her.

In episode 40, She battles Aluze and Mac Spider along with Knight Percival, but they both lose, thanks to Professor Clay's cheat in which their Gs would automatically revert to their base level in the Mother Palace.

In episode 44, when Spectra Phantom returns for yet another rematch, she encourages Drago along with Saint Nemus, Knight Percival, Magma Wilda, and Master Ingram.

In episode 51, she fought the Alternative with the rest of the Brawlers, and later in episode 52 they managed to destroy it. During this episode, Minx Elfin played a major part by shielding the team with 'Mega Blue Shield', along with Saint Nemus.

Bakugan: Mechtanium Surge[]

In episode 44, she was seen with the army of Bakugan to defend New Vestroia. When Amazon was destroyed she jumped forward to make an attack out of anger. Preyas followed her trying to stop her. She was destroyed by Mechtavius Destroyer. She was later revived due to the brawlers traveling back in time and stopping Mechtavius Destroyer from getting off of Volcano Island.


She can shoot water orbs from her head for a quick shot or change it up for a field wide explosion. She can even create forcefields with her Blue Shield ability witch can block attacks from Hades, a Bakugan modeled directly off the Darkus Bakugan Hydranoid. If she wants to piss off her opponents, she can use Deltă Marine Snow which can shut off her opponents' moves. While most of Elfin's abilities are unique only to her, all Bakugan should be able to utilize moves that are exclusive to their own Attribute. For Aquas Bakugan în particular, they can use moves like Dive Mirage witch lets them dive underneath anything and Water Refrain which can seal off their opponents' ability to use any special ability for a set amount of time. On top of that she is one of the few Bakugan who can change their own attribute on command. It's nothing too special since she can can only change into 2 different attributes, Ventus and Darkus. But she does hold the honor as being the only Bakugan who can forcibly change her opponent's attribute with Subterra Reaction. Despite her attribute changing limitations she is still a force with Ventus and Darkus. As Ventus she can conjure up massive gusts of wind along with being able to scramble with machinery. She can even shoot miniature pellets of Ventus energy called Twin Mercury. As Darkus she gain some form of illusion casting. Perfect for turning a bright day into a black night. Once more, she can retract stolen energy from her body as well as being able to shoot beams of Darkus energy called Moon Rainbow. While Minx Elfin has never showcased the ability to turn into Ventus or change opponent's attribute, she should still be able to since an evolved Bakugan's evolution upgrades some of their previous forms. With all these abilities it's no wonder she was able to help the resistance to free the Bakugan from slavery. Moreover, Elfin got a massive power boost. With the Aquas Attribute power, it evolved Elfin into her new form - Minx Elfin. As Minx Elfin, she gains a massive increase in all stats. Her evolved state granted her upgrades from her previous state. Turning her Blue Shield into the Super Blue Shield and her Darkus form increases Moon Rainbow into the devastating Super Moon Bow. She also has an ability that increases her power via miniature Elfins cheearleading and has an attack called Ding Dong Ditch. Still, she threw down with some of the strongest Bakugan out there. She's strong enough to defeat the Mechanical Darkus Hades, damage the Haos Magician Bronties, and injure the ferocious Pyrus Dragon Cyborg Helios, hai she is fast enough to dodge attacks from. And during her time as Dual Elfin she should be comparable to other Bakugan on lesser levels. Even more, she has fought characters who uses Haos attributes. With Haos being Light essentially, and she has been shown to directly intercept attacks that are made of Haos energy. Even more impressive, she once blocked an attack from the Alternative Weapons System. A weapon so destructive that while not even at full power, it was still capable of obliterating planets.




           Bakugan LOGO Heroes

Main Heroes
Dan Kuso | Marucho Marukura | Shun Kazami | Julie Makimoto | Runo Misaki | Alice Gehabich | Mira Clay | Baron Leltoy | Ace Grit | Spectra Phantom | Gus Grav | Jake Vallory | Fabia Sheen | Paige | Rafe | Ren Krawler

Secondary Heroes
Player (Bakugan Battle Brawlers) | Player (Defenders of the Core) | Player (Dimensions) | Player (Champions of Vestroia) | Dr. Michael Gehabich | Joe Brown | JJ Dolls | Nene | Akira | Shuji | Chan Lee | Billy Gilbert | Julio Santana | Komba O'Charlie | Klaus von Hertzon | Masqerade | Prince Hydron | Christopher | Gunz Lazar | Team Anubias | Team Sellon | Zenet Surrow | Jesse Glenn | Lena Isis | Mason Brown | Ben | Robin | Jack Punt | Noah | Chris | Soon | Castle Knights | Jin | Dylan | Serena Sheen | Captain Elright | Linus Claude | Code Eve | Kato | Nurzak

Drago | Tigrerra | Preyas | Skyress | Gorem | Hydranoid | Nemus | Wilda | Mock Dragonoid | Preyas Angelo | Leonidas | Rubanoid | Elfin | Cycloid | Harpus | Tentaclear | Fourtress | Scorpio | Baliton | Piercian | Falcon Fly | Tripod Epsilon | Hylash | Shadow Wing | Wontu | Infinity Trister | Boulderon | Wolfurio | Ingram | Taylean | Avior | Linehalt | Coredem | Akwimos | Hawktor | Aranaut | Percival | Wavern | Sirenoid | Juggernoid | Falconeer | Serpenoid | Ravenoid | Helios | Vulcan | Scraper | Klawgor | Foxbat | Fencer | Leefram | Spindle | Dark Hound | Grakas Hound | Grafias | Brachium | Spitarm | Spyderfencer | Betadron | Worton | Accelerak | Thorak | Flytris | Sabator | Zenthon | Silent Strike | Zenthon Titan | Faser Titan | Slynix | Vexfist | Swift Sweep | Chromopod | Spidaro | Clawsaurus | Aerogan | Neo Ziperator | Raptorix | Nova Lion | Reptak | Jaakor | Skytruss | Orbeum | Radizen | Roxtor | Amazon | Genesis Dragonoid | Tricloid | Rabeeder | Contestir | Plitheon | Phosphos | Rubanoid | Ziperator Force | Dragonoid Destroyer | Dragonoid Colossus

Six Ancient Warriors
Apollonir | Frosch | Oberus | Clayf | Lar Lion | Exedra
