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Heroes Wiki

Eli Pepperjack is a major character from Dreamwork’s Tales of Arcadia franchise.



Eli was often bullied by Steve Palchuk, who is the school bully. Eli was bullied about the strange things he sees, while many others are not able to.

When Steve told Eli about what he just saw and captured, which is a goblin, they both teamed up to be Creepslayerz. They suspected Jim Lake Jr. to be a threat, since he teams up with monsters. When they are in the museum, they discovered that Jim is a hero. They threw the bag of flour at the Gruesome and it died.


Eli and Steve are still working together as Creepslayerz. They also team up with Aja, Krel, Toby and AAARRRGGHH!!!.


Eli appeared as a small teenage boy with glasses. He also had a black one-sided hair.


Eli is very observant with what he sees. He discovered things himself that others are not able to see. He is also very nerdy, but intelligent.


           Tales of Arcadia logo Heroes

Guardians of Arcadia
Ninth Configuration
Jim Lake Jr. | Toby Domzalski | Claire Nuñez | Blinky Galadrigal | AAARRRGGHH!!! | Aja Tarron | Krel Tarron | Varvatos Vex | Douxie Casperan

Team Trollhunters
Jim Lake Jr. | Toby Domzalski | Claire Nuñez | Blinky Galadrigal | AAARRRGGHH!!! | Draal the Deadly | Gnome Chompsky | NotEnrique

House Tarron
Aja Tarron | Krel Tarron | Varvatos Vex | Luug | King Fialkov and Queen Coranda | Mothership

Team Creepslayerz
Steve Palchuk | Eli Pepperjack

Douxie Casperan | Merlin | Archie | Morgana

Jim Lake Jr. | Blinky Galadrigal | AAARRRGGHH!!! | Deya the Deliverer | Kanjigar the Courageous | Draal the Deadly | NotEnrique | Vendel | Stricklander | Nomura

Akiridions | Zadra | Izita | Loth Saborian

Knights of the Round Table
Sir Lancelot | Sir Galahad

Dr. Barbara Lake | Stuart | Buster | Sergeant Costas | Seklos | Nari | Nimue | Charlemagne the Devourer
