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Whatever life holds in store for me, I will never forget these words: "With great power comes great responsibility."

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Your childish prank is over. I will now show you how to truly lead a country.
~ Elizard to Carissa
Until now, killing Othinus was the only option we could think of, but a certain boy showed us a completely different way. As head of state, I wish to show my respect for that. It could not have been an easy path. He overcame anguish, doubt, fear, anger, and all sorts of other emotions to reach an answer that none of us could.
~ Elizard's speech.

Queen Elizard is a major character in the A Certain Magical Index franchise.

She is the Queen Regnant of the United Kingdom and matriarch of the British Royal Family. As the monarch and leader of one of the three major magical factions of the country, she's one of the strongest magicians in Europe, and due to her status as the reigning monarch she carries Curtana Second, a powerful magical weapon.

She is voiced by Yoko Soumi in Japanese (who also voices Olivier Mira Armstrong in Fullmetal Alchemist) and by Casey Casper in English.


Elizard is a woman of advanced age, being around the age of 50. She has grey hair and blue eyes. She is always seen wearing a long black and white dress that covers her feet and a ruff around her neck. She also wears a golden crown on her head.


Despite being the Queen of England, Elizard is shown to be an eccentric and casual individual. She's very down-to-earth despite the power at her beck and call and behaves quite familiar with anyone she meets. She also hates having to wear fancy dresses and wanted to greet Touma and Index by playing her electric guitar. Her behavior sometimes puts her at odds with the Knight Leader, as shown when he tackled her when she wanted to join a group photo with Touma and her daughters.

However, in spite of her goofy personality, Elizard is shown to be highly capable and pragmatic leader, being described as the ideal ruler. She is extremely loyal and protective of her nation and all its citizens. During her confrontation with Carissa, it becomes clear that while she does not inherently opposes her ideas, she's opposed about how short-sighted they are and how dangerous they are for the people of England. She claims that a revolution should have every person in England involved and benefit from it. She also cares about her three daughters, even after Carissa started a coup and tried to overthrow her.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Curtana Second: Elizard wields the Curtana Second, a replica of Curtana Original. Like the original, Curtana Second applies the concept of Archangel Michael, the leader of the angels, to the head of state within the United Kingdom. The sword is like a conductor’s baton that controls the massive spell put together geographically by the 4 cultures that make up the United Kingdom and grants Elizard the power of an Archangel through the use of Telesma, including supernatural strength, endurance, speed, and near invincibility as long as she on Britain soil. She can also use Curtana Second to empower the Knights of England with Telesma, as they are identified as the army of angels that serves the head of state. Since the two swords are drawing power from the same source and Curtana Original has priority over Curtana Second, the replica is very weakened if both swords are in use at the same time, with the power being split as 80% for the Original and 20% for the Second.
    • All Dimensions Severing Spell: A powerful spell that allows Elizard to slice through dimensions and create dimensional debris from her attack. The debris is the only part that human eyes can comprehend since humans only perceive up to three dimensions, whereas Curtana Second can slice through all of them both higher and lower. This also means that she can essentially slice through any defense, magical or physical. By borrowing a portion of Archangel Michael's power, this spell can allow someone to kill the Holy Guardian Angel Aiwass who exists in the Pure World, assuming that one could land a hit.
    • Omnidirectional Explosion: By stabbing Curtana Second into the ground and releasing the energy within, Elizard can create a massive explosion of telesma energy that wipes out a large portion of forest and is so powerful that it cannot be fully negate by the Imagine Breaker. However, doing so isn't a function the sword is designed to safely perform.
  • Mass Comunication Spell: Elizard is capable of using magic to communicate and send messages to all citizens of the United Kingdom at the same time.
  • Buffing Spells: After escaping from capture, Elizard starts travelling to London in horseback. She considered using one of her spells to increase the horse's strength and stamina, but decided against it to not force the horse too much.


Exceptional Intelligence: Elizard is shown to be incredibly intelligent, a trait that her eldest daughter Riméa inherited. As the supreme leader of the United Kingdom, Elizard has comprehensive knowledge of the UK's laws and policies. She is also extremely knowledgeable in magic, being regarded as one of the most skilled and powerful magicians in Europe. Elizard proves herself to be a proficient tactician, best shown when she managed to lead her forces against Carissa's coup during the British Halloween.


  • Union Jack: the official flag of the United Kingdom, and a spiritual item used by the British Royal Family and is the foundation of power controlled by Curtana Original and Curtana Second. During the British Halloween, Elizard used it to distribute the power of Curtana to everyone in England.

External Links[]


           A Certain Magical Index LOGO Heroes

Academy City Students
Touma Kamijou | Mikoto Misaka | Misaki Shokuhou | Ruiko Saten | Kuroko Shirai | Kazari Uiharu | Gunha Sogiita | Accelerator | Junko Hokaze | Shiage Hamazura | Hyouka Kazakiri | Mitsuko Kongou | Ryouko Kuriba

Kamijou Faction
Touma Kamijou | Index Librorum Prohibitorum | Othinus | Mikoto Misaka | Motoharu Tsuchimikado | Accelerator | Aisa Himegami | Kaori Kanzaki | Stiyl Magnus | Lessar

Misaka Sisters
Last Order | Misaka 10032 | Misaka 10777 | Misaka Worst | Will of the Whole Misaka Network

British Royal Family
Elizard | Carissa | Villian | Riméa

English Puritan Church/Necessarius
Elizard | Riméa | Carissa | Villian | Laura Stuart | Dion Fortune | Motoharu Tsuchimikado | Rachel | Miss Tour Guide | Ellasone | Slapper | Víðarr Shoes Woman | Melvina Bailey | Glencia Bailey | Stiyl Magnus | Index Librorum Prohibitorum | Kaori Kanzaki | Orsola Aquinas | Theodosia Electra | Richard Brave

Roman Orthodox Church
Agnese Sanctis

Aiho Yomikawa | Teitoku Kakine (Beetle 05) | Fräulein Kreutune | Heaven Canceller | Kakeru Kamisato | Iruka Yumiya | Anna Kingsford | Fremea Seivelun | Kihara Noukan | Tsuzuri Tessou | Vivana Oniguma | Shinobu Nunotaba | Qliphah Puzzle 545 | Ollerus | Silvia | Knight Leader
