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Whatever life holds in store for me, I will never forget these words: "With great power comes great responsibility."

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Elyun Grimwald also known in public as Eren is a member of Kaval's Party and minor supporting character in the That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime series.




Her party was called over by Fuze to investigate the disappearance of the Storm Dragon Veldora and head to Veldora's cave where they use an invisibility spell to explore the cave.

After her party reported to Fuze he gave her party 3 days off before heading back to investigate the Forest of Jura's state (To their complaint since they think they deserve more time off to recover), during which they met up with an masked female named Shizu who went to accompany them. After Kaval provoked an Giant Ants next and got chased by Giant Ants until they were defeated by Shizu and the newly arrived Rimuru Tempest.

After which she and her party stayed at the Goblin village to recover having food with the party members, as Shizu was about to go separate ways Ifrit took over her body, Eren and her party went to fight off the Salamanders summoned, Rimuru would order her to fire her Icile Lance at him which she complied and he absorbed the shot to copy it. After Rimuru defeats Ifrit, she and her party waited outside to see if Shies recovered. In the Light Novel her party leaves before Shizu passed away trusting Shizu in Rimuru’s care and in the Manga & Anime she remained there when Shizu though remained outside the tent and after checking they discover Shizu passed away and Rimuru absorbed her, though they respected it and played final respects to her. They gain new gear provided by Kaijin (Happens in all 3 adaptations) before leaving.

They would return after the Orc Lord is defeated where Fuze ordered them to guide them to the monster town, though Kaval ends up provoking an Knightspider and chases the group narrowly being saved by Youm’s group and the Goblin Riders lead by Gobta.


  • Up until Demon Lord Awakening Arch she was presumed to be an human until she revealed she is actually an elf.
    • Strangely her fellow party members who are suppose to be guards are strangely not elves like her despite her father wanting her to he safe.
  • Despite Kaval being the party leader Eren acts more of an leader than him making more wiser choices than him.

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Jura-Tempest Federation
Founder and Ruler: Rimuru Tempest

Twelve Guardian Lords
Benimaru | Shion | Geld II | Gabiru | Ranga | Diablo | Kumara | Zegion | Ultima | Adalman | Carrera

Gobta's First Corps
Leaders: Gobta | Rigur
Members: Gobte | Gobto | Gobzo | Star Wolves

Gabiru's Third Corps
Leaders: Gabiru | Gazat
Members: Kakushin | Sukerou | Yashichi

Benimaru's Fourth Corps
Leaders: Benimaru | Momiji | Gobwa

Leaders: Souka
Members: Touka | Saika | Nansou | Hokusou | Glenda Attley | Girard | Ayn

Shion's Personal Army
Leaders: Shion | Dagura | Liura | Debura | Gobzo

Black Numbers
Leaders: Diablo | Testarossa | Ultima | Carrera
Members: Moss | Veyron | Agera | Esprit | Zonda | Cien | Venom

Immortal Legion
Leaders: Adalman | Albert | Venti

Rigurd | Hakurou | Rugurd | Gard Mjöllmile | Regurd | Souei | Vesta | Testarossa | Ultima

Dungeon Dominators
Rimuru Tempest | Milim Nava | Ramiris | Gaia

Ciel | Masayuki | Treyni | Dryads | Charys | Beretta | Veldora Tempest

Chosen Heroes
Chloe Aubert | Hinata Sakaguchi | Granbell Rosso | Masayuki Rudra Nam Ul Nasca

Demon Lords
Milim Nava | Guy Crimson | Dino | Luminous Valentine | Ramiris | Leon Cromwell

Western Holy Church
Members: Hinata Sakaguchi | Glenda

Freedom Academy
Shizue Izawa | Chloe Aubert | Rimuru Tempest | Aslan Coleus | Bernie | Cyrus Malukshure | Elyun Grimwald | Fuze | Jinrai | Jiwu | Masayuki Rudra Nam Ul Nasca | Mjur Farmenas | Phos | Stella | Veldora Tempest | Youm

Kaval's Party
Kaval | Elyun Grimwald | Gido | Shizue Izawa

Team Lightspeed
Masayuki Honjou | Bernie | Jinrai | Jiwu

Lizardman Tribe
Gabiru | Souka | Abiru

ISEKAI Memeoires
Shinsha | Izis
