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Ryu Hayabusa Mature
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♪To think that I admired you♪
♪Well, I don't need your condescension♪
♪I'm not a child to protect♪
♪Was talk of "virtue" just pretension?♪
♪Was I too naïve to expect you to heed the morals you're purveying?♪
~ Emily calling out Sera on her hypocrisy regarding the Exterminations.
♪ If Hell is forever, then Heaven must be a lie. [Sera: Emily!] ♪
♪ If angels can do whatever and remain in the sky! ♪
♪ The rules are shades of grey when you don't do as you say! ♪
♪ When you make the wretched suffer just to kill them again! ♪
~ Emily calling out Heaven's hypocrisy alongside Charlie in the song "You Didn't Know".

Emily is a supporting character in the adult animated musical series Hazbin Hotel. She is a seraphim angel who is welcoming of newcomers and gets along with Charlie upon meeting her.

Upon finding out about the exterminations, she shows absolute disgust with her own people and vouches for Charlie's wish to redeem Hell's citizens. As of the end of season one, she is one of two residents of Heaven to genuinely support Charlie's goals (the other being Sir Pentious).

She is voiced by Shoba Narayan.


Emily is an atypical angel, similar in appearance to Sera but smaller and more youthful. She has long, white hair, large blue eyes, feathered wings, flowing white robes, and a halo. She has three tear-like markings under each eye, and another three between her eyes; Sera has these same markings, except she instead has seven under each eye.

Her true form is similar to Sera's but more modest, with a third eye on her forehead. Her six wings in this form are smaller and protrude from the back of her head, her head is bald and egg-shaped, and her pendant changes shape into another large, blue eye.


“Extermination… of human souls! Demon or not, there is no reason to be doing this! … How can I bring joy when I now know that we are bringing misery to thousands of innocent people?”
~ Emily after learning of the Exterminations that take place in Hell.

Emily is a cheerful, bubbly, and kind-hearted person, much like Charlie. As an angel, she focuses on spreading joy and is friendly towards anyone she meets. Despite Charlie and Vaggie coming from Hell, Emily still greeted them happily and was eager to show them around.

Emily has a firm sense of right and wrong. In the court of Heaven, she was adamant on giving Angel Dust a chance and after seeing him look out for his friends and stand up to Valentino, she believes that it’s possible for a soul to improve and earn redemption. She was also horrified to learn of the yearly Exterminations taking place in Hell and openly lost respect for Sera when she believed it was a necessary action, accusing Sera of condescending her. Emily did not hesitate to join Charlie in calling out Heaven’s hypocrisy and for not abiding by the virtues they propagate.

Even after Charlie and Vaggie are sent back to Hell, Emily remains on their side and promises to help however she can, and voices her disapproval and disillusionment of Sera and her actions. While Sera tells her to focus on keeping the people of Heaven happy and not to question the system or she may become a fallen angel like Lucifer, though its clear that Emily barely believes her and is dejected, saying that she can't bring joy to her people knowing that they are contributing to the suffering of Hell. She was also ecstatic to see Sir Pentious arrive at Heaven, proving that a Sinner’s soul can be redeemed.


Emily is one of the younger Seraphims, yet she is full of joy and cares deeply for others. When it was announced that Heaven would be getting visitors from Hell, Emily joins Sera in meeting them and even gets along with Charlie.

She even hears Charlie's plan to reform sinners from hell so that they could be redeemed and go to Heaven. Hearing this, Emily shows to be supportive of her. However, Sera questions this while Adam is against it to the point of having a court battle.

When asked how one gets into Heaven, none of the angels are able to answer that with Adam making up an answer on the spot. In order to demonstrate that sinners can be redeemed, Charlie has the court watch Angel Dust who was at a club with Cherri Bomb and the rest of the Hotel party. At first, Adam attempted to state this as proof Angel hadn't changed, but Charlie ordered to keep watching as she understood Angel had a rough day and needed to stress relief. Eventually, the angels witness Angel stand up to Valentino to protect Niffty and refusing to let Valentino push him around outside of work, which in doing so, checks off everything on the list Adam made.

Emily points this out and begins to vouch for Charlie, believing they should give her a chance only for Adam and Lute to refute and say there is no discussion while accidentally revealing that they have been going to Hell to exterminate its people. Horrified upon hearing this, Emily begs for Sera to tell her that she did not know about this, prompting Sera to reveal she begrudgingly allowed this behind all of Heaven's back out of fear that Hell will attack Heaven, as well as to protect Emily. Outraged and disgusted, Emily turns on Sera and stands by Charlie's side to call Heaven out for its hypocrisy. In spite of this, Sera rejects Charlie's proposal claiming she failed to provide evidence that a sinner can be redeemed, despite the proof she had of Angel Dust charging his ways.

As Charlie and Vaggie get sent back to Hell, Emily promises to help her and make her dream come true. As Emily still furious at her mentor for making unjustified murder of innocent sinners, Sera pathetically still makes an excuse that she had to in order keep Heaven safe, and tells Emily to not look into how divine judgment works or question their practices, otherwise they might end up as Lucifer.

At the end of the season finale, Emily and Sera were seen in Heaven, as Sir Pentious arrived as an angel. Emily was overjoyed to see that a sinner redeemed himself, which proved Charlie’s point that a soul could change after death. But for Sera, she was horrified but proved wrong.


♪ To think that I admired you. ♪
♪ Well, I don't need your condescension. I'm not a child to protect. ♪
♪ Was talk of virtue just pretension? Was I too naive to expect you to heed the morals you're purveying? ♪
~ Emily calling out Sera in the song "You Didn't Know".





  • Seeing as the Seven Deadly Sins are individuals who rule Hell in this setting and Emily is stated to be the Seraphim of Joy, she may be intended to represent Kindness, one of the Seven Heavenly Virtues.
  • Emily is one of the few angels in the franchise who matches the traditional views of such beings; embodying all the positivity that her elders do not. Its for this reason that Charlie gets along with her so well.

External Wiki[]


           Hazbin Hotel logo / Helluva Boss logoHeroes

The Morningstar Family
Charlie Morningstar | Lucifer Morningstar

Seven Deadly Sins
Asmodeus | Beelzebub

Ars Goetia
Stolas | Octavia | Vassago

Alastor | Carmilla Carmine | Rosie

Hazbin Hotel (Husk | Niffty | Angel Dust | Cherri Bomb)
Others: Cannibals

The Hellborn
Razzle and Dazzle

Vaggie | The Egg Boiz


Sir Pentious

Cletus | Keenie | Collin
