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~ Enzo's Catchphrase
~ Enzo when seeing Rodin

Enzo is a informant and ally of Bayonetta from Brooklyn in New York City. He is shown to have a great friendship with Rodin and patron to the Gates of Hell. He provides Bayonetta with information of the Eyes of the World after her 500 year slumber.


In the first game, Enzo is a brown coat, brown pants, red shirt, black glasses, black top hat , red shoes brown gloves with rings on it

In the second game, Enzo has a white and purple coat, gray shirt, black pants, black gloves, white top hat and black glasses.

In the third game, Enzo has a black vest with a NY symbol on it, orange shirt, blue jeans, orange NY hat, White shoes and gold chain.


Enzo loves money and is very greedy. He hates Angels that attack him and Bayonetta. He is shown to be a family man and cares about his family.



           Bayonetta Logo Heroes

Umbra Witches
Bayonetta | Jeanne | Rosa | Viola

Bayonetta Variants: Bayonetta 1 | Bayonetta 2 | Bayonetta β0 | Bayonetta β1 | Bayonetta β2 | Bayonetta β3 | Bayonetta β4 | Cereza (Records of Time: The Witch Hunts) | Cereza (Records of Time: The End) | Dark Eve
Jeanne Variants: Jeanne (Records of Time: Witch Hunts) | Jeanne β3
Sigurd Variants: Connor Sigurd | Midmyers Sigurd
Luka Variants: Lukaon | Dark Adam
Other Variants: Rosa β4

Infernal Demons
Queen Sheba | Gomorrah | Madama Butterfly | Madama Styx | Malphas | Hekatoncheir | Scolopendra | Phantasmaraneae | Zero | Madama Khepri | Labolas | Mictlantecuhtli | Baal | Hydra | Diomedes | Carnage | Cheshire | Wartrain Gouon

Anti-Singularity Resistance | Balder | Enzo | Loki | Luka Redgrave | Rodin
