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Ereshkigal, Goddess of the Underworld, is here with all her splendor!
~ Ereshkigal making her grand entrance.

Ereshkigal (エレシュキガル) is a major character in Fate/Grand Order. She plays a pivotal role in Seventh Singularity: Babylonia chapter and a minor role in Final Singularity: Solomon chapter. She is a Lancer Pseudo-Servant and a Goddess of the Underworld. During the first half of Babylonia chapter, she took possession of her sister Ishtar during nighttimes. Initially appearing as an antagonist as one of the Three Goddesses Alliance (along with Gorgon and Quetzalcoatl), then later allying with Ritsuka and Mash after the former expressed kindness to her. She plays a key role in helping Fujimaru taking down Tiamat, the Beast II Servant and Mother of all things, who was trying eliminate all of humanity.

She is voiced by Kana Ueda in Japanese and Mela Lee in English anime adaptation, both of whom have voiced Rin Tohsaka and Ishtar in the same series and Rachel Alucard from BlazBlue series.


She has blonde hair (unlike her host Rin) with two long twin-tails tied with black ribbons. She wears a black crown and shirts, black legwear on her right leg and often wears a black cape with high golden heels. She usually wields a spear-like cage.


Unlike Ishtar, Ereshkigal is more level-headed and self-depreciating and she takes her role as a goddess much more seriously. However, she is not without a small dose of arrogance, like she when she asked Fujimaru a trivial question of who is more beautiful: her or Ishtar? She punished Fujimaru by zapping Ishtar for picking the latter as the answer.


The Goddess of the Underworld in Sumerian myth. She freely wields a spear-like cage; at times stabbing the enemy with it, at times imprisoning souls, at times summoning lightning, she is the fearsome ruler of the underworld. Having carried out her duties of administrating the underworld since birth, she is a goddess that disappeared along with the Age of Gods without ever knowing of the world above, or of freedom.

Skills and Abilities[]

  • Magic Resistance
  • Summoning Seven Gates of the Underworld
  • Protection of the Underworld


External Links[]


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Masters & Humans

Ayaka Sajyou


Archer | Rider | Saber | Paracelsus von Hohenheim | Hassan of Serenity


Masters & Humans

Kiritsugu Emiya | Irisviel von Einzbern | Kariya Matou | Waver Velvet | Natalia Kaminski‎


Saber | Lancer | Rider


Black Faction

Sieg | Jeanne d'Arc | Caules Forvedge Yggdmillennia | Fiore Forvedge Yggdmillennia | Archer of Black | Berserker of Black | Rider of Black | Saber of Black

Red Faction

Shirou Tokisada Amakusa | Kairi Sisigou | Archer of Red | Assassin of Red | Caster of Red | Lancer of Red | Rider of Red | Saber of Red


Artoria Pendragon | Lord El-Melloi II | Merlin

Lord El-Melloi II Case Files

Lord El-Melloi II | Gray | Reines El-Melloi Archisorte | Flat Escardos | Svin Glascheit | Luviagelita Edelfelt | Caules Forvedge | Olga Marie Animusphere | Rider

Fate/Stay Night

Masters & Humans

Shirou Emiya | Rin Tohsaka | Sakura Matou | Illyasviel von Einzbern | Taiga Fujimura


Saber | Archer | Lancer | Berserker | Rider

Fate/hollow ataraxia

Masters & Humans

Shirou Emiya | Bazett Fraga McRemitz | Caren Ortensia | Luviagelita Edelfelt | Rin Tohsaka | Sakura Matou | Illyasviel von Einzbern | Taiga Fujimura


Saber | Archer | Lancer | Berserker | Rider

Fate/strange Fake

False Masters

Tiné Chelc | Flat Escardos | Tsubaki Kuruoka | Orlando Reeve

True Masters

Ayaka Sajyou | Haruri Borzak

False Servants

False Lancer

True Servants

True Saber


Lord El-Melloi II


Hakuno Kishinami | Nero Claudius | Tamamo-no-Mae | Rin Tohsaka

Fate/Extra CCC

BB | Lancer (Fate/Extra CCC) | Saber (Fate/Extra & Fate/Extra CCC) | Caster (Fate/Extra CCC) | Sakura Five (Passionlip | Meltryllis | Kingprotea | Violet | Kazuradrop)



Kara no Kyoukai

Shiki Ryougi | Mikiya Kokutou | Touko Aozaki | Azaka Kokutou | Daisuke Akimi | Tomoe Enjou | Shizune Seo

Fate/Grand Order: Observer on Timeless Temple

Chaldea Security Organization

Ritsuka Fujimaru | Mash Kyrielight | Leonardo da Vinci | Romani Archaman | Olga Marie Animusphere | Galahad | Sherlock Holmes | Marisbury Animusphere | Mable Macintosh | Arnold Beckman | False Lancer

FGO Exclusive Servants

Jeanne d'Arc Alter | Mash Kyrielight | Fou | Leonardo da Vinci | Sherlock Holmes | Nitocris | King Hassan | Gilgamesh | Ereshkigal | Ishtar | Kingu | Leonidas | Ana/Gorgon | Quetzalcoatl | Archer Alter | Edmond Dantès | Parvati | Scáthach | Florence Nightingale | Helena Blavatsky


Rushd | Siduri

Fate/Grand Order: Epic of Remnant


Edmond Dantès | Jeanne d'Arc Alter | Saber Alter


Fergus mac Roich | Chevalier d'Eon | Berserker of El Dorado


BB | Tamamo no Mae | Hans Christian Anderson | Passionlip | Meltryllis | Kingprotea | Archer Alter


Miyamoto Musashi | Katō Danzō


Lavinia Whateley (Fate) | Charles-Henri Sanson | Mata Hari | Nezha | Robin Hood | Caster of Okeanos | Caster of Midrash

Fate/Grand Order: Cosmos in the Lostbelt

New Chaldea Members

Goredolf Musik | Sion Eltnam Sokaris | Jingle Abel Meuniere

Defected Crypters (and their Servants)

Kadoc Zemlupus | Ophelia Phamrsolone (Saber) | Scandinavia Peperoncino (Archer)

Lostbelt Kings

Scáthach-Skadi | Qin Shi Huang | Kukulkan


Kiara Sessyoin | Parvati | Lady Kasuga | Matsudaira Nobutsuna | Yagyuu Munenori | Caster of Nightless City


Archer of Red | Caster of Black | Billy the Kid | Antonio Salieri | Napoleon Bonaparte | Mordred Pendragon | Berserker of Red | Captain Nemo | Mandricardo | Super Orion | Jason | Charlotte Corday | Romulus-Quirinus | Miyamoto Musashi | Katou Danzou | Sakata Kintoki (Heian-kyō) | Watanabe-no-Tsuna (Heian-kyō) | Minamoto-no-Raikou (Heian-kyō) | Nursery Rhyme | Medea Lily | Habetrot | Artoria Caster | Senji Muramasa | Taigong Wang | Constantine XI | Charlemagne | Don Quixote | Koyanskaya of Light | Grigori Rasputin | Nitocris Alter | Fairy Knight Gawain | Space Ishtar | James Moriarty (Archer) | Pope Johanna | Morgan/Aesc | Baobhan Sith | Mysterious Heroine X | Zhang Jue | Beowulf | Kriemhild | Qin Liangyu | Odysseus | Merlin | Abigail Williams | Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart | Taisui Xingjun | Paracelsus von Hohenheim | Ibuki-douji/Shuten-douji | Kyokutei Bakin | Marie Antoinette | Kiyohime | Cleopatra | Ibaraki-douji | Arjuna | Anastasia Romanova | Tenochtitlan/Tlaloc/Huitzilopochtli | Zenobia | Saint Martha | Xu Fu | Dobrynya Nikitich | Hassan of Serenity | Trung Sisters | Souji Okita | Leonidas I | Melusine | Nagao Kagetora/Uesugi Kenshin | Medb | Barghest | Miyamoto Musashi | Charlotte Corday | Tomoe Gozen | Boudica | Osakabehime | Mandricardo | Jack the Ripper


Patxi | Gerda | Adele and Macarios | Hephaestus | Ares | Knocknarea | U-Olga Marie

Fate/Grand Order Arcade


Merlin (Prototype) | Jacques de Molay | Larva/Tiamat | Noah | Kama (Mistake)
