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Heroes Wiki

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Eugene Wong is a major character from the DreamWorks TV series, Dragons: The Nine Realms. He is the older brother of Jun Wong.

He is voiced by Vincent Tong, who also voice Kai and Ray in Ninjago, Flash Sentry and Sandbar in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and Equestria Girls, Prince Nicholas in Barbie: Princess Charm School, Mister Yut in Littlest Pet Shop: A World of Our Own, Muck in Bob The Builder, Trey in Gigantosaurus, and Touta Matsuda in Death Note.


Eugene Wong noticed that there are dragons sometimes appearing in ICARIS secretly. He later followed the Dragon Club to the secret place that leads to the hidden world. He went in and saw dragons, but the Dragon Club members mentioned that the dragons there are their friends. Eugene wanted a dragon for himself and join the Dragon Club. He tried a Hobgobbler, Razorwhip, and other dragons, but none of them accepted him. Later in the Crystal Realm, there are Flame Thrower Dragons attacking a dragon with eight legs. Jun is scared, since it reminds her of a spider. Eugene saved that dragon from the Flame Throwers and that dragon accepted him and he named him Webmaster. In the later episode, all members of the dragon club and other dragons including the Fault Ripper defeated the Sky torcher, who causes all the trouble.


Eugene Wong appeared as a teenage Chinese male with undercut. He also appeared to have earrings. He also wears a red shirt under his black jacket.


Despite being heroic later, Eugene Wong is very jerkish, since he wanted things his own way and also being impatient, since he wanted to have a dragon of his own and join the dragon club immediately.


           How to Train Your Dragon logo Heroes

Hairy Hooligan Tribe
Books: Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III | Fishlegs No-Name | Stoick the Vast | Valhallarama | Old Wrinkly | Gobber the Belch | Hiccup Horrendous Haddock I | Hiccup Horrendous Haddock II
DreamWorks: Dragon Riders (Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, Astrid Hofferson, Fishlegs Ingerman, Snotlout Jorgenson, Ruffnut Thorston & Tuffnut Thorston) | Stoick the Vast | Gobber the Belch | Valka | Eret | Spitelout Jorgenson | Zephyr Haddock | Chicken

Rescue Riders (Dak, Leyla, Winger, Summer, Burple, Cutter & Aggro) | Duggard the Decisive | Hannahr | Elbone | Marena

Dragon Club
Tom Kullersen | Thunder | Jun Wong | Wu and Wei | D'Angelo Baker | Plowhorn | Alexandra Gonzales | Feathers | Eugene Wong | Webmaster

Toothless (DreamWorks & Live-Action) | Horrorcow | Stormfly (DreamWorks & Live-Action) | Wodensfang | Patience, Arrogance and Innocence | Windwalker | One-Eye | Ziggerastica | Meatlug (Live-Action) | Hookfang (Live-Action) | Barf and Belch (Live-Action) | The Boneknapper | Thornado | Torch | Windshear | Shattermaster | Sleuther | Garffiljorg | Speedy | Viggo's Skrill | Wingnut | Skullcrusher | Grump | Cloudjumper | Valka's Bewilderbeast | Light Fury | Winger | Summer | Burple | Cutter | Aggro | Grumblegard | Fathom and Gill | Mama Ironclaw | Zeppla | Thunder | Wu and Wei | Plowhorn | Feathers | Webmaster

Camicazi | Humongously Hotshot the Hero | Alvin the Treacherous | Heather | Dagur the Deranged | Mala | Throk | Atali | Minden | Viggo Grimborn | Leonard Burne
