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The owl is Eva, intelligence and analysis.
~ Classified introducing Eva to the penguins.

Eva is one of the three tritagonists (alongside Corporal and Short Fuse) of DreamWorks' 30th full-length animated feature film, Penguins of Madagascar, a spin-off film of the Madagascar franchise.

She is voiced by Annet Mahendru.


Eva is a Russian snowy owl with a Russian accent, blue eyes with long blue eyelashes, and white feathers. She is extremely beautiful and smart.


Like Kowalski, Eva is the brains and analysis of their team. She is able to battle the enemies after the Penguins, which immediately impresses Kowalski. He attempt to flirt with her most of the time he is seen with her. Eva reciprocates the affection to Kowalski by kissing him on the beak before kissing around his face.


Penguins of Madagascar[]

To be added...



Initially, Eva doesn't return her feelings towards Kowalski when they first met. However, it implied she had a crush on him the same time he did. She kisses him on the beak lips, having developed feelings for him at the climax.


Eva and her team are more than just her companions, they are also like a family, similar to Skipper and the other penguins. She is very caring towards Corporal, even calming him down after discovering that Dave had kidnapped all the other penguins.



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           Madagascar logo Heroes

Main Characters
Alex | Marty | Melman | Gloria

Skipper | Kowalski | Rico | Private

King Julien XIII | Maurice | Mort

Madagascar: Mason and Phil | Lemurs
Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa: Zuba | Florrie
Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted: Vitaly | Gia | Stefano | Sonya | Esmeralda, Esperanza and Ernestina | Frankie, Freddie, Jonesy and Shakey | Manu and Maya
Penguins of Madagascar: Classified | Eva | Short Fuse | Corporal

The Penguins of Madagascar: Marlene | Burt Elephant | Lemmy | Doris
All Hail King Julien: Clover | Masikura | Xixi
