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Faith Jeppson, simply known as Faith, is the main protagonist of the 2015 comedy horror film Lumberjack Man. She is the descendant of J.T. Jeppson and one of the survivors of Good Friends Church Camp massacre, along with Reggie, Dr. Peter Shirtcliff and LuAnn Potts.

She is portrayed by Ciara Flynn.


In the film, Faith and a group of teenagers have been assigned to future camp counsclors for the Good Friends Church Camp. Before having an annul pancake dinner, Dr. Peter Shirtcliff tried to warn the staff and campers, including Faith, that there is a demon logger called the Lumberjack Man out in the woods and the truth of the Lumberjack Man and Jeppson. But nobody believed him, before he left. Later, the Lumberjack Man arrives at the camp and killed off most of the the campers and staff, leaving Fiath, a chef named Reggie and counselor Doug. Shirtcliff arrives to help Faith and Reggie and reveals that in order to slay the Lumberjack man is maple sryup. After finding the Lumberjack Man and his hideout Faiith, Dr. Shirtcleff and Reggie fight him but has already finished his breakfast and now is stronger. Howver, Faith, who finds the missing barrel of syrup from the mess hall in his cabin, covers herself with it and reveal thats she is actually the descendant of Jeppson, taunting the Lumberjack Man to attack she fights him to he’s finally vanquished ending his murder spree, with Shirtcliff, Reggie, and an injured head park ranger name LuAnn, hitch a ride to town on a truck leaving the camp and the Lumberjack Man’s memory behind.
