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Fan Tong is one of the main protagonists of the of the Amazon Prime series Kung Fu Panda: The Paws of Destiny.

Fan Tong is young Panda from the Secret panda village. He is friend with Nu Hai, Bao and Jing. They accidently absorbed the Chi of the legendary team of warriors The Four Constellations. He has now the chi of the Red Phoenix.

He is voiced by Makana Say.


Fan Tong is a sweet and devoted friend who, incidentally, holds the record for being the biggest baby ever born in Panda Village. Fan Tong may be a bit fearful and nervous, but Po's guidance and the chi of Red Phoenix help him gain confidence and embrace his power.

Fan Tong is the most earnest, kind-hearted kid in the group. He is the moral compass of the team. He's a big softie, which can sometimes be his downfall. Fan Tong is scared of most things; however, through his training with Po, he learns to confront his fears and find his bravery. He often doesn't know his own power, and once he can meld that with his own inner strength, he will be a mighty warrior.


  • According to Nu Hai Fan Tong is thirteen.

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           KungFuPandaTitle Heroes

Main Characters
Po | Shifu | Furious Five (Tigress, Monkey, Viper, Crane, & Mantis)

Kung Fu Panda: † Oogway | Mr. Ping | Zeng | Vachir
Kung Fu Panda 2: † Shen's Parents | Soothsayer | † Thundering Rhino | Storming Ox | Croc | † Po's mother
Kung Fu Panda 3: Li Shan | Mei Mei | Grandma Panda | Lei Lei | Bao | Hom-Lee | Big Fun | Dim and Sum
Kung Fu Panda 4: Zhen | Han | Fish

Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness: Chao | Peng | Lian | Yan Fan | Lu Kang | Constable Hu
Kung Fu Panda: The Paws of Destiny: Nu Hai | Jing | Fan Tong | Bunnidharma | Zhizhu |Jade Tusk | Blue Dragon | Black Tortoise | Red Phoenix | White Tiger | Xiao | Sun Wukong | Qilin)
Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight: Wandering Blade
