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Heroes Wiki

Faragonda is the major supporting character of Winx Club. She is the Headmistress of Alfea College for Fairies, of which she was once a student herself. She played a major role in helping Bloom to discover her past and her true powers. Faragonda was also a member of the Company of Light.


Faragonda is a kind soul who cares for her students and is well respected among her students at Alfea, but she will not put up with nonsense and will dispense discipline when needed. In fact, she has served as a guide and strategist for the Winx. Likewise, Faragonda keeps plenty of secrets to let the Winx find out things on their own and doesn't hesitate to let them go into danger is she thinks they will come out of it stronger.


Despite her advanced age, Faragonda is still an extremely powerful fairy with a vast array of magical abilities at her disposal. She could create illusions, shields that are powerful enough to block even Valtor's spells and fire energy blasts that could send her opponent flying considerable distances away.



           Winx-club-logo-3d Heroes

Bloom | Stella | Flora | Musa | Tecna | Aisha | Roxy

Sky | Brandon | Riven | Helia | Timmy | Nabu | Roy | Nex | Thoren

Faragonda | Griffin | Daphne | Palladium | Wizgiz | Saladin | Marion | Oritel | Mirta | Knut | Mike | Vanessa | Erendor

Lockette | Amore | Chatta | Tune | Digit | Piff | Cherie
