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You need to behave yourselves in the eyes of the Lord. I will be your guide and I know, your parents will be proud of you.
~ Father Gregor offering to help Skid and Pump become better people
You two.. Brought a demon to this realm... You have drowned this town in sin... AND THINK IT'S A GAME?!
~ Father Gregor's heroic breakdown as he realises Skid and Pump are responsible for Moloch's summoning

Gregor Raguel, better known by his title Father Gregor, is a major protagonist in the Spooky Month webseries.

He is the strict but kind-hearted priest of the town who tries to help Skid and Pump become more obedient and well-behaved children. However, with Moloch's resurfacing Father Gregor is forced to try and stop the demon's rampage, all while losing his patience with the duo's recklessness.

He is voiced by P.M. Seymour, who also voices Mort Vivifico and Mr. Wonder in the same series.


Father Gregor is a tall, bald elderly man with deep eyebags and wrinkles on his face. He wears a black liturgical vestment/ priest's outfit that has white details, as well as a wooden crucifix around his neck along with black shoes. He carries a brown leather sling bag that holds his exorcist tools. In his youth Father Gregor had black hair that reached to his neck.


At a first glance, Father Gregor seems to be a no-nonsense and judgemental priest, fervently devoted to God and maintaining his word on earth. Frequently having a frown on his face and seeming perpetually unamused, he is determined to ensure that the religion he is devoted to is followed carefully and as such, frequently lectures others on their behaviour, casting judgement on people relatively quickly, such as when he chastised Lila for being a neglectful parent after she left Skid to play with Pump while she went drinking with Jaune. He also seems rather unempathetic as when Skid and Pump mourn the loss of Moloch, Gregor ignores them despite knowing they naively believed the demon was their friend.

Despite this, Father Gregor is in fact, a good-hearted and kindly man who wishes to help everybody improve on themselves. He offers to help Michelle pray for her missing son, gifts Kevin some holy water to bless his business and, while annoyed at the duo, genuinely wants Skid and Pump to become better people and grow out of their childishness. He is also rather polite, frequently apologising for any mishaps that may happen and even standing up for Skid and Pump in some instances. Above all, Father Gregor is brave as he rushes to free Patty from Moloch's possession without hesitation, putting himself in harm's way willingly to stop the demon's rampage.



Father Gregor's past is mostly unknown, though it is known that he has been a priest since his youth and is very devoted to God. Based on some of Sr. Pelo's doodles, he may have been a cultist though these doodles are likely non-canon and even then, he has likely severed ties with them long ago based on how fervently he devotes himself to the Lord, with his reactions to them later on implying that he wants nothing more to do with them.

Spooky Month[]

Tender Treats[]

Father Gregor makes a minor appearance, chasing away trick-or-treaters from the church as they are disturbing the sanctuary. He splashes a bucket of hot water which ends up hitting an unfortunate child.

Hollow Sorrows[]

Father Gregor first appears tending to his priestly duties, lighting the church's candles as Dexter's mother, Michelle, hands him a video recording of her son Dexter, lamenting his disappearance. Father Gregor assures her that he'll do whatever he can to help her, praying for him as much as possible. As he accompanies Michelle out of the church, Father Gregor encounters Skid and Pump who attempt to enter the church. He reprimands them for their costumes, stating that their getup allows the Devil to mock the church's sanctuary. He asks them of the whereabouts of their parents, though he quickly apologises when he accidentally brings up Skid's deceased father. As such, Father Gregor decides to help the two children become better people, assuring them that their parents would be proud. He asks the duo to go and get forgiveness from those they wronged and thus, he accompanies Skid and Pump as they go across town.

Arriving at the mall, Skid and Pump try to apologise to the Happy Fella mascot for burning and ripping up the dolls, to which he rants about how they messed up his attempt to hook up another coworker. However, Skid and Pump quickly note that he was uncomfortably close to her (accidentally wording it as if he were molesting her), so Father Gregor lectures them on not accusing others and decides to leave the mascot alone as he asks them to leave. Later on, the trio arrive at Kevin's candy store, where Skid and Pump pay their outstanding candy bill. Shocked by this kindness, Kevin politely declines though when his friend Radford offers them more, Father Gregor warns the children against accepting more, stating that candy is bad for their health and can cause them to become gluttonous, though Radford is excited at meeting this real-life priest. While Kevin seems sceptical of Father Gregor, the priest drops off a bottle of holy water for him before leaving, which ends up blessing his business with more customers after it's splashed around.

On the road, Frank drives up to Skid and Pump and offers the two a ride, causing Father Gregor to stop them, as, recognising the man as a criminal, he warns them that one day Frank may actually kidnap them, threatening to report him to the authorities. As such, Frank drives off. The trio arrive at Ignacio's house, where he's less than receptive of Skid and Pump's attempt at apologising. When he threatens the children after they knock a couple of times, Father Gregor angrily confronts Ignacio only for him to slam the door shut, so he continues following Skid and Pump on their journey, lecturing them about being nice to everybody, no matter how mean on the way. Skid and Pump spot Roy and the Hatzgang on the other side of the street so Father Gregor lets them go to apologise while he talks to Mayor Evermore, who happens to roll up in his limo. When Father Gregor goes to check in on Skid and Pump, he notices that they've been beaten up and thus, lets them choose the route so Skid and Pump decide to go to the hospital, to which Father Gregor tells them that they should always receive permission to enter private areas.

Arriving at the hospital to apologise to Patty, Skid and Pump enter the morgue, where Father Gregor notices the bloody mess everywhere on the room and Patty standing in the back of the room, sprouting horns and bearing orange eyes. Recognising this as a demonic possession, he rushes the two kids out of the hospital and places them in the care of Jack and John before rushing back inside and unpacking his tools. However, before he can begin Skid and Pump reappear, having told the officers they needed to use the bathroom and then following him inside the morgue. "Patty" emerges from the darkness, and while the kids recognise the old friend possessing her, Father Gregor orders them to stand down as the demon is dangerous. "Patty" mockingly offers her forgiveness as she attacks, though Father Gregor manages to use his crucifix and holy water to pressure the demon enough to leave Patty's body and reform into his true form.

The demon demands the children, and while Skid and Pump recognise him, Father Gregor refuses, telling off Patty when she suggests complying. Suddenly, Dexter and Michelle emerge, asking for Father Gregor to follow the demon's instructions and hand the children over but he realises this ruse and throws holy water at the demon, causing him to reveal himself. Enraged, Father Gregor demands the demon's name while the demon retorts with threats until Pump, realising that the two are about to fight, steps in with Skid to protect the demon whose name is revealed to be Moloch. Father Gregor is confused on how the two kids know Moloch's name, to which they admit that they summoned him years ago, enraging Father Gregor as he realises how much trouble they've truly caused. Just then, Moloch escapes so Father Gregor chases after him with Skid and Pump following behind to try and protect their "friend". The chase ensues around town, with Moloch hopping from host to host but Father Gregor always managing to banish him from each person's body.

Eventually, Father Gregor chases Moloch to Lila's house, where he is ambushed by a possessed Skid and Pump, who maul his leg and wound him. Moloch mocks the priest for trying to redeem the kids, declaring them to be damned to his realm now but Father Gregor manages to push through and strikes the two on the head with his crucifix, ejecting Moloch and forcing him to retreat to the cellar. Cornered and out of energy, Moloch attempts a last-ditch effort at attacking Father Gregor but the priest successfully banishes him from the mortal realm, causing his body to turn to stone. Skid and Pump enter and, seeing the lifeless corpse of their "friend", mourn his death as they reveal to Father Gregor they let Moloch possess them and he wasn’t trying to hurt them.

Father Gregor hobbles outside, where he runs into a drunk Lila coming back home with her friend Jaune, questioning the priest on who he is and what he's doing at her house. Seeing her in this state, Father Gregor states that while Lila is allowed to mourn as a widow, thanks to her alcoholism she has been negligent to care for Skid which has caused his life to be endangered and contributed to his bad behaviour. As such, Father Gregor returns back to his church, where he finds six cultists awaiting.

Before he can confront them, he's knocked out by a cultist holding a brick and when he comes to, he's in the cult's temple. Held at knifepoint, Father Gregor is marched into a chamber where he stands face to face with the Eyes of the Universe, causing his eyes to grow cyan as he's overwhelmed by its power and worships it.

As tentacles cover the screen, Father Gregor's fate is left ambiguous for now, though it's heavily implied he was killed as a sacrifice.


  • Father Gregor's surname, Raguel, is a reference to the Angel of Justice in Christianity, referencing his upright and lawful nature. The name Raguel also means "God Shall Pasture" in Hebrew.
  • Father Gregor has a 3D render which, while mainly used by Sr. Pelo for shitposts, has been used for some shots in the episode.
  • While taken almost entirely seriously for the whole episode, Father Gregor does break character when he does the spooky dance along with Skid and Pump for a split second, though he quickly regains his composure.

External Links[]


           Spooky Month Logo Heroes

Original Characters
Skid and Pump | Lila | Jaune | Father Gregor | Jack and John | Kevin | Spider

Guest-Star Background Characters
Heavy | Medic | Remilia Scarlet | Boyfriend
