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And now time resumes!

Our missile problems just got lighter!
~ Fay, Star Fox 2

Fay (also known as Fay Spaniel by fans) is a girlish dog who, along with Miyu, appeared in the then-cancelled Star Fox 2 title for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System.


Fay is a white anthropomorphic dog with blue eyes and a bow in her hair. She’s smaller than Falco, while being taller than Fox.

She wears a mostly light blue jumpsuit with a white coat.

Powers and Skills[]

As with Miyu, she pilots a faster Arwing model type called the Interceptor, which lacks in hull armor compared to the other Arwing models. However, an upgrade found later in the game could make up for this loss of defense.

She is capable of firing lasers from her ship.


Between the events of the first game and Star Fox 2, Fay and Miyu were recruited into the Star Fox team when Andross prepared for his second attack.



  • As several elements of Star Fox 2 has been carried over to Star Fox 64, (notably the Star Wolf team), it can be said that Bill Grey, an ally of Star Fox who is also a dog might have been Fay's replacement.
  • No official artwork of Fay was ever released until 2017.
  • Although her last name is unknown, fans gave her the last name Spaniel.

External Links[]


           StarFoxTitle Heroes

Star Fox
Main: Fox McCloud (Benimaru Itoh) | Falco Lombardi (Benimaru Itoh) | Peppy Hare (Benimaru Itoh) | Slippy Toad (Benimaru Itoh) | Krystal | ROB 64 | Direct-i
Other: Fay | Miyu

Cornerian Army
General Pepper (Benimaru Itoh) | James McCloud (Benimaru Itoh) | Bill Grey | Amanda | Lucy Hare | Dash Bowman | Beltino Toad | Grippy Toad

Cool | Katt Monroe | Bowsor | Mouser

Saurian Dinosaurs
GateKeepers | CloudRunner Tribe (Queen CloudRunner) | Gradabug | EarthWalker Tribe (King EarthWalker), (Queen EarthWalker), (Prince Tricky) | ThornTail Tribe | HighTop Tribe | LightFoot Tribe (Chief LightFoot) | SnowHorn Tribe (Garunda Te, Belina Te)

Fara Phoenix

See Also
Starlink Heroes
