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The Federation Starfleet, more commonly known as Starfleet, was the military and exploratory arm of the United Federation of Planets.

Early History[]

Starfleet was founded in 2161 after the Articles of Federation was signed. Starfleet was initially comprised of the United Earth Starfleet, the MACOs, and the space forces of the other founding worlds, such as the Andorians, Vulcans, and Tellarites. In addition to keeping the new nation secure from aggressive neighbors like the Klingons and Orions, they also helped monitor the Romulan Neutral Zone.

Initially using the equipment from the predecessor forces, Starfleet soon began designing its own ships and equipment, borrowing most heavily from United Earth designs as those were the most versatile.

Over the next century the Federation had only sporadic contact with the heavily fractured Klingon Empire, and no contact with the Romulans - who were content to remain within their borders and rebuild their strength after the Earth-Romulan war.

In the 2240s the Federation launched the Constitution class starships. Ships of this class - such as the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) - played a major role in exploring the galaxy and defending the Federation.

The Klingons reunited their 24 Great Houses thanks to the efforts of T'Kuvma, and engaged the Federation in a war in 2256. The war did not go well for the Federation, with Starfleet losing 1/3 of their fleet by the time the Klingons ceased hostilities in mid 2257.

After the war, in addition to various ground and space based installations, Starfleet had approximately 7,000 ships in 2257.

In the 2260s the Romulans re-emerged from their self imposed isolation, and entered the galactic political scene as they probed Starfleet to see if they could successfully engage in a new war with the Federation.

In the latter half of the 23rd century officers such as Captain James T. Kirk and Commander Spock contributed a great deal in not only defending the Federation, but in expanding its influence through diplomacy with other civilizations.

24th century[]

The early to mid 24th century was a period of relative peace and stability in the galaxy, with the Klingons setting aside their differences with the Federation and the Romulans keeping within their own borders. In 2364 the Romulans renewed their presence in the galaxy, challenging Starfleet's new Galaxy class starships such as the Enterprise-D with their D'Deridex class warbirds.

The late 24th century was a difficult time for the Federation Starfleet. In the 2370s the Cardassians allied themselves the Dominion. The Dominion and their Cardassian allies soon engaged the Federation and Klingons in a devastating war. The Romulans also joined the alliance against the Dominion due to manipulation by Captain Benjamin Sisko that convinced them the Dominion assassinated a high ranking Romulan Senator. The Dominion War came to an end in 2375 when the Federation pushed the Dominion back to Cardassia and Female Changeling was talked into surrendering by Odo. All of the allies suffered major damage, but the Cardassians took the brunt of the casualties, with over 800 million dead by the end of the war.

A few years later, in 2381, the Borg invaded the Federation. A number of Federation worlds were devastated in the attack, and nearly half of Starfleet was destroyed by the time the Caliear intervened and stopped the Borg. Following the invasion of 2381 the Federation decided Starfleet needed to get back to return to its roots as an organization dedicated to exploration of the galaxy, and sent ships such as the Enterprise-E out to explore the galaxy.

32nd Century[]

In the post burn era, the Federation collapsed inward from 350 member worlds to about 35 member worlds. Sometime after the burn the Federation and Starfleet Command relocated to a space based installation away from Earth, which seceeded from the Federation and became an independent state once again.

A much reduced Starfleet still existed in the 32nd century, and fielded starships such as the USS Voyager-J and the Eisenberg class USS Nog. After Discovery assisted with saving the lives of Kili refugees, they were welcomed back in to the fold by Admiral Charles Vance, who was the commander in chief of the fleet in 3189. After returning to the fleet Discovery was retrofitted with 32nd century technology and recommissioned as the Discovery-A. Among the improvements were making final repairs to the ship's structural damage and integrating programable matter into the ship - allowing for the the nacelles to be detached for better performance and maneuverability. Vance assigned the Discovery to be the fleet's rapid response ship owing to their ability to jump anywhere in the galaxy instantly.

The crew of the USS Discovery investigated the Burn and found it had inadvertently been caused by a Kelpian named Su'kal. Born on a dilithium nursery the crystals resonated with Su'kal, and when his mother died Su'kal's emotional reaction caused a shockwave that rendered crystals inert, thus causing the Burn. Su'kal was resecued by Discovery and taken back to Kaminar by Saru to reconnect with his people. With the threat of another Burn eliminated, the Federation had a new source of dilithium. The Federation took the first steps towards restoring itself, with the planet Trill rejoining the Federation and the Vulcan/Romulan government also beginnging talks with the Federation. Discovery was sent out to help distribute dilithum to Federation worlds and installations.

In 3190, the Federation began to rebuild Starfleet. Starfleet Academy was reopened at Federation headquarters, with the incoming class being the first ones in over a century. Archer Spacedock was constructed and opened by Starfleet to serve as a platform to build, repair, and launch Starfleet vessels.


Over the years Starfleet had members from a large number of species throughout the Alpha Quadrant. These included Humans, Androids, Vulcans, Barzans, Tellarites, Andorians, Klingons, Ferengi, Betazoids, Bajorans, Triexians, Rigellians, Betelgeusians, Cardassians, Caitians, Saurians, and Bolians.

By the late 24th century, Earth born humans were in a minority on some Starfleet vessels, with such ships either being crewed by humans from other worlds or by aliens. The Titan was a ship with a very diverse crew, with humans and both humanoid and non humanoid aliens on the ship.
