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The Fifteenth Doctor is the main protagonist of the fourteenth revived series of Doctor Who (also referred to as Season 1), as well as a supporting character in the 2023 60th Anniversary Specials.

He is portrayed by Ncuti Gatwa.


The Giggle[]

This incarnation of the Doctor emerged in unique circumstances after his predecessor was shot by the Toymaker with UNIT's Galvanic beam. While he began to regenerate, the Fourteenth Doctor realised that things were different and asked Donna and Mel to pull his arms, and the Fifteenth Doctor split from him in a "bi-generation". The two Doctors excitedly hugged each other before facing the Toymaker. They challenged him to a game of catch and together managed to beat him, but as he was banished, the Toymaker vowed that his legions would follow him. Afterwards, the Fifteenth Doctor consoled his predecessor, urging him to go into retirement.

Using residual power left by the Toymaker, the Fifteenth is able to hit the TARDIS with a mallet, thereby creating an exact duplicate, with the only difference being his has a jukebox. After bidding farewell, the Doctor set off with a clean slate for new adventures.

Series 1[]

The Church on Ruby Road[]


Benefiting from his previous incarnation's rehabilitation on Earth, the Fifteenth Doctor holds a much more positive and optimistic outlook on life, free from the emotional trauma held by the Doctors before him. He retains his usual sense of adventure and optimism, as well as a passionate disdain for violence and war. He has an excitability similar to his Eleventh self, and often the world weariness of his Twelfth. While the Fourteenth was heteroflexible, Fifteenth seems to lean further along the homosexual line, as he danced at a gay bar and can become distracted by young men he finds attractive, even in high stress and hazardous situations; he usually remains focused in dangerous situations, but there is a precedent with the Eleventh who often fell into flirting with River Song.

As typical for the Doctor, the Fifteenth aims to save people from danger, becoming saddened if a life is lost; he can compartmentalise his grief, thus can remain objective and calm in a dangerous scenario, being able to focus on protecting what lives do remain. He is also pragmatic about grief of others, as he will withhold the truth of certain losses, due to understanding that the surviving loved one would likely compromise their own safety in an active danger. If a death is exposed, he tries to comfort the bereaved, although can be curt if time is a factor.

Due to every previous self being Anglo-Saxon in skin tone - as well as bigotry based on superficial appearances being a foreign concept to Time Lords - he can forget that he now has an Afrocentric complexion, as such can become shocked and disappointed at racism he faces from certain people now; even when facing intolerant people, he will still try to save them from death if he is able. He is able to ignore and even tolerate the racism of people, and becomes genuinely heartbroken if they refuse to let him save them due to clinging to their prejudices.

While he initially claimed to be feeling free from his lifetimes of trauma because of the Fourteenth's eventual rehabilitation, he can still fall into brief bouts of depression from experiencing so much loss and grief. Much like the Ninth and Tenth, he can suffer sorrow due to the extinction of all Time Lords (to his knowledge), and as such some of his more eccentric gregariousness is largely to cover the overwhelming feelings of loss and isolation that come from being the last of his kind.

However, behind all this kind, optimistic personality hides the true fury as he yelled in frustration after Sutekh killed all life in the universe. Then to undo the damage, the Doctor used the god's own power to reverse it, but rather than let Sutekh live afterwards, he dropped him into the time vortex unprotected by the TARDIS, which disintegrated the god; while the Doctor doesn't shy away from killing enemies, it is largely in the heat of battle, yet here he allowed an already beaten foe to die. It was perhaps a pragmatic decision, since Sutekh would only repeat his plan if left free, but the execution was still an act that distressed the Doctor, as it made him feel like he had become a monster like the god of death.


The Fifteenth looks like a relatively handsome Afrocentric young man. His hair is quite short, often a buzzcut, and he has a neat mustache; he seemed to sometimes wear wigs that gave the impression of longer hair, if it was to suit a specific era, such as the pompadour afro for the 1960's. He changes outfits often, but his primary attire includes bright-blue trousers with a high waistband, a really tight T-shirt with concentric stripe patterns, and a 1970's retro chic orange leather jacket; he also wears a silver necklace, and around half of his fingers have featureless silver metal rings.



  • The reason he could bi-generate the TARDIS as his prize for beating the Toymaker was because the First Doctor never claimed a prize. It wasn't because he won with the Fourteenth; the prize for that match was his predecessor's to claim.
  • He is unique in that he is a real version of the Doctor who divided from his previous iteration, rather than completely transform from them.
    • In The Devil's Chord, the Doctor confessed that the bi-generation was akin to ripping his soul in half, and he believes that it would be impossible to accomplish again.
  • While the Doctor typically has one - one occasion two - main outfits, the Fifteenth has changed his costume in almost every episode of series 14.
    • He does have a fondness for leather jackets.
    • However, in Empire of Death ending he wore the outfit he wore in The Church on Ruby Road. Although, at one point, wore light brown robes over the outfit.
      • And he also wore the checkered attire from the said episode in the ending of Dot and Bubble.
  • This Doctor plans to last a very long time before regeneration again; considering his Tenth incarnation lasted only a few years.
  • He is the first Doctor to have a sonic screwdriver that in no way even held a resemblance to a normal screwdriver.


           Doctor Who - Current Titlecard Heroes

The Doctor
First Doctor | Second Doctor | Third Doctor | Fourth Doctor | Fifth Doctor | Sixth Doctor | Seventh Doctor | Eighth Doctor | War Doctor | Ninth Doctor | Tenth Doctor | Eleventh Doctor | Twelfth Doctor | Thirteenth Doctor | Fourteenth Doctor | Fifteenth Doctor
Others: Dr. Who | John Smith | The Doctor (Scream of the Shalka) | Meta-Crisis Tenth Doctor | Fugitive Doctor

The Doctor's companions
Susan Foreman | Ian Chesterton | Barbara Wright | Vicki Pallister | Steven Taylor | Katarina | Sara Kingdom | Dodo Chaplet | Ben Jackson | Polly Wright | Jamie McCrimmon | Victoria Waterfield | Zoe Heriot | Liz Shaw | Jo Grant | Sarah Jane Smith | Harry Sullivan | Leela | K9 Mark I/K9 Mark II | Romana | Adric | Nyssa | Tegan Jovanka | Turlough | Kamelion | Peri Brown | Mel Bush | Ace | Grace Holloway | Chang Lee | Rose Tyler | Captain Jack Harkness | Mickey Smith | Martha Jones | Donna Noble | Wilfred Mott | Amy Pond | River Song | Rory Williams | Clara Oswald | Nardole | Bill Potts | Graham O'Brien | Ryan Sinclair | Yasmin Khan | Dan Lewis | Ruby Sunday
Prose companions
Bernice Summerfield | Roz Forrester | Chris Cwej | Sam Jones | Fitz Kreiner | Compassion | Miranda Dawkins | Anji Kapoor | Trix | Cinder
Comics companions
Sharon Davies | Angus Goodman | Frobisher | Izzy Sinclair | Kroton | Destrii | Josie Day | Tara Mishra | Majenta Price | Gabby Gonzalez | Cindy Wu | Alice Obiefune | John Jones | ARC | The Squire | The Sapling | Hattie Munroe
Audio companions
Oliver Harper | Naomi Cross | Margaret Hopwood | Ann Kelso | Mrs Wibbsey | Thomas Brewster | Marc | Erimem | Evelyn Smythe | "Mila" | Jago & Litefoot | Flip Jackson | Constance Clarke | Hebe Harrison | Raine Creevy | Hex | Sally Morgan | Lysandra Aristedes | Mags | Elizabeth Klein | James MacFarlane | Charley Pollard | Audacity Montague | C'rizz | Lucie Miller | Tamsin Drew | Molly O'Sullivan | Liv Chenka | Helen Sinclair | Bliss | Cass | Alex Campbell | Anya Kingdom | Mark Seven | Valarie Lockwood

Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart | Sergeant Benton | Captain Mike Yates | Brigadier Bambera | Colonel Mace | Kate Stewart | Petronella Osgood | Shirley Anne Bingham | Rose Noble
Audio members
Colonel Emily Chaudry | Lieutenant Hoffman | Colonel Dalton | Captain Ruth Matheson | Charlie Sato | Josh Carter | Sam Bishop | Colonel Shindi

Torchwood Institute
Captain Jack Harkness | Gwen Cooper | Ianto Jones | Owen Harper | Toshiko Sato | Rex Matheson | Esther Drummond | Mr Colchester

Bannerman Road Gang
Sarah Jane Smith | Luke Smith | Maria Jackson | Mr Smith | Clyde Langer | Rani Chandra | K9 Mark IV | Sky Smith

Investigators of Infernal Incidents
Henry Gordon Jago | George Litefoot | Ellie Higson | Sergeant Quick

Paternoster Gang
Madame Vastra | Jenny Flint | Strax

Coal Hill defenders
Charlie Smith | Ram Singh | April MacLean | Tanya Adeola | Andrea Quill | Matteusz Andrzejewski

Other Allies
Death's Head | James Stirling | Professor Travers | King Peladon | Alpha Centauri | White Guardian | K9 Mark III | Maxwell Edison | Sabalom Glitz | DI Patricia Menzies | Bernice Summerfield | Father Octavian | The Face of Boe | Jackie Tyler | Bad Wolf | Pete Tyler | Ood Sigma | Jenny | Hostess | Craig Owens | Sophie | Brian Williams | Rusty | Danny Pink | Rigsey | Grant Gordon | Grace O'Brien | Karvanista | Claire Brown | Inston-Vee Vinder | Bel | Eustacius Jericho | Rogue
