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"Courage...Courage. I have the remedy you seek. Pick all the flowers from my branches and mix with pure hornet's honey. This is the cure.
~ The Magic Tree of Nowhere's last words before dying.

The Magic Tree of Nowhere is a talking tree that grants wishes and a protagonist in The Courage the Cowardly Dog episode of the sane name. The plant that Courage grows, makes Eustace jealous. Eustace eventually overcomes Courage's efforts to preserve the tree, and he cuts it down.

The Tree gives Courage the remedy to cure Muriel.

Sometime later, a flower is shown to be growing from the stump of the old tree, symbolizing that the tree will return someday in the future.

As retribution for committing such an act, Eustace is afflicted with the same affliction Muriel previously suffered. He appears only in this episode.

He was voiced by the late Peter Fernandez.



          Courage the Cowardly Dog Logo Heroes

Courage the Cowardly Dog | Muriel Bagge | Computer | Hunchback of Nowhere | Kitty | Bunny | Robot Randy | Good Empress | The Magic Tree of Nowhere | Scarecrow | Shirley the Medium | Starmakers | William | Bathtub Barracuda | Buck | Duck Brothers | Jean Bon|

Mystery Inc. (Scooby-Doo, Fred Jones, Daphne Blake, Velma Dinkley, Shaggy Rogers)
