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This Article Contains Spoilers - WARNING: This article contains major spoilers. If you do not wish to know vital information on plot / character elements in a story, you may not wish to read beyond this warning: We hold no responsibility for any negative effects these facts may have on your enjoyment of said media should you continue. That is all.

Heroes Overview

The Red Hair Pirates are one of the most prominent pirate crews in the manga and anime series One Piece.  They're led by their chief "Red Hair" Shanks, who is one of the strongest pirates in the series, one of the four to hold the title of Yonko, the four pirate Emperors who rules the New World.  They're the least known of all of the Yonko crews so far, but Shanks himself is a close friend and role model for the protagonist of the series, Monkey D. Luffy, which also means that their crew could be considered an ally of the Straw Hat Pirates, albeit loosely and they haven't teamed up as of yet.  Their ship is called the Red Force.  

It's known that the chief, Shanks, was one a big rival of Dracule Mihawk, the current greatest swordsman in the world.  The two of them fought many times, and it's been speculated by fans that this means that Shanks was the previous greatest swordsman in the world, but so far this has yet to be confirmed or denied.

Other known members consists of the first mate Ben Beckman, eight Senior Officers who are Yasopp, Lucky Roo, Limejuice, Bonk Punch, Monster, Building Snake, Hongo, and Gab, and one of the most recent recruits Rockstar, who is the one that Shanks sent to Whitebeard to try and procure a meeting.


It's unknown exactly when Shanks first formed his crew, but it has to have been sometime between 24 years ago, (the execution of Roger and disbanding of the Roger Pirates), as he never knew any other crew until they disbanded, and 10 years ago, (when Shanks meets Luffy at Foosha Village), because he clearly had his crew by this point. 

At some point after Roger's death, Shanks sailed to find crew members, and ended up at Syrup Village, and found Yasopp. Since Benn Beckman wasn't with him in this exact moment, it has been inferred that Yasopp was the first person who joined the crew, although that's not entirely certain yet. As for all of the other members, it's completely unknown when and how they joined.  

The first time in the story when the Red Hair crew are seen is when Shanks visits Foosha village when Luffy is 7 years old. Shanks and the crew are drinking at Makino's bar when Luffy comes. Shanks offers him apple juice, he accepts it, and they all laugh at him.  But then a gang of bandits comes in and because Shanks and his crew ordered the last of the alcohol they wanted, the leader of the bandits smashes a bottle over Shank's head. Shanks does nothing to get revenge for this, and this enrages Luffy, feeling like a pirate should always stand up for himself, no matter what.  Later on, Luffy confronts the bandits, and gets captured.  Not long later Shanks and the crew comes to rescue him, and they effortlessly defeat the bandits.  

A little while later, Luffy is about to get eaten by a Sea King, and Shanks saves him, using his Conqueror's Haki to scare it away, albeit losing his arm in the process. This experience is what inspired Luffy to become a pirate.  He declared to be King of the Pirate.  Because of this, Shanks gives Luffy his straw hat, and told him to keep it until the day that he becomes King of the Pirates. 

They were partying with Dracule Mihawk when hearing of Luffy's 30 million bounty.

They sent Rockstar to Whitebeard to call off Ace only for him to refused and demand to bring Shanks himself and more alcohol.

The Red Haired Pirates arrived to the Whitebeard to call off Ace. But only for both Emperors clashed.

The Red Haired Pirates helped the Whitebeard Pirates to the Marineford and stopping the Beast Pirates. They later arrived to end the war.

After the incident on Totto Land, Shanks and the Red Haired are determined to reunite with Luffy.

After Kaido and Big Mom's downfalls, Shanks and the Red Haired Pirates went to Wano of stopping Admiral Ryokugyu and picking Marco up to send him back to Sphinx although Shanks offered him to join his crew only for the ex-Whitebeard commander to refused and announced his retirement.

Shanks and his crew are partying at Elbaf and refused the giant boy to join them due to them didn't want a hotheaded kid in their crew. Shanks offered Dorry and Brogy to assist them against Eustass Kid and the Kid Pirates. Shanks predicted that Kid would raid on Elbaf and destroy his subordinate crew. Shanks easily defeated Kid and Killer with one hit as well obtained the Road Poneglyph rubbings.

Known Members[]


Senior Officers[]




  • Portgas D. Ace: The crew are good on terms with him, due to his relationship with Luffy.
  • Straw Hat Pirates: Unofficial, but Luffy and Shanks have a very good relationship with each other, so it stands to reason that if one of them in trouble, the other would probably be willing to show up to aid them. This also extends to Usopp, due to Yasopp being his father.
  • Giants of Elbaf: Shanks and the Red Haired Pirates has good relationship with the giants of Elbaf unlike Big Mom who is the Giants' archnemesis. Shanks and his crew are partying with the giants. He and the two former captain Dorry and Brogy are good friends as the giants called the Emperor as "brother". The Red Haired asked the giants to assist them against Eustass Kid.


  • A couple of the crew have a common tattoo on their bodies. It is seen on the arm of one member and then on the back of a shirt of another. The symbol however has not been seen since.
  • Perhaps in line with a "Shank" being a part of an anchor, it should also be noted that a number of his crew also had an anchor on their body (at least 4), a note since Luffy himself also bore a larger anchor on his shirt as a child.
  • Sometimes, Oda forgets to put the three scars on the Red Hair Pirates' flag, as stated once in an SBS.
  • According to Luffy, it was Shanks and the Red Hair Pirates who taught him the song "Binks' Sake".[19]
  • The original ship of the Red Hair Pirates in One Piece seems to be based of the ship of Crescent-Moon Gally from Romance Dawn. Their later ship also continues this style.
  • In One Piece Yellow: Grand Elements the name of the crew is transliterated "Red Haired Pirates", but in the One Piece Green: Secret Pieces it's transliterated "Red Hair Pirates".
  • The Red Hair Pirates are the only Emperor's crew so far that does not have any known crew members that are Devil Fruit users.
  • The crew seem to have no female members that have appeared before or after the time skip.
  • Interestingly, the four main members (Shanks, Beckman, Roux, and Yasopp) each hail from one of the four seas.
  • Despite being the first crew of an Emperor to be introduced, being present in the story since the beginning of the series, it is the crew of an Emperor with the fewest members whose names and identities are known.
  • A Japanese coast guard vessel, pretending to be a pirate ship during an exercise was caught on video using Shanks' Jolly Roger.



           One Piece Logo Heroes

Four Emperors
Shanks | Edward Newgate† | Monkey D. Luffy

New World
Pirate Crews
Straw Hat Pirates
Monkey D. Luffy | Roronoa Zoro | Nami (Zeus) | Usopp | Sanji | Tony Tony Chopper | Nico Robin | Franky | Brook | Jinbe

Straw Hat Grand Fleet
Representatives: Cavendish | Bartolomeo | Sai | Ideo | Leo | Hajrudin | Orlumbus
Crew Members: Suleiman | Gambia | Boo | Baby 5 | Chinjao | Blue Gilly | Abdullah | Jeet | Bomba | Rampo | Bian | Kabu | Inhel | Cotton | Wicca | Baxcon | Daikon | Flapper | Bobomba | Maujii | Nubon | Pellini | Chao | Stansen | Road | Goldberg | Gerd | Columbus

Whitebeard Pirates
Edward Newgate † | Marco | Portgas D. Ace † | Kozuki Oden † | Jozu | Vista | Blamenco | Rakuyo | Namur | Blenheim | Curiel | Kingdew | Haruta | Atmos | Speed Jiru | Fossa | Izo | Little Oars Jr. | Kozuki Toki

Red Haired Pirates
Shanks | Benn Beckman
Senior Officers: Lucky Roo | Yasopp | Limejuice | Bonk Punch | Monster | Building Snake | Hongo | Gab
Others: Rockstar | Uta

Heart Pirates
Trafalgar D. Water Law | Bepo | Jean Bart | Penguin | Shachi | Ikkaku | Uni | Clione | Hakugan

Kuja Tribe
Boa Hancock | Boa Sandersonia | Boa Marigold | Gloriosa ‡ | Shakuyaku ‡ | Ran | Cosmos | Daisy | Rindo | Blue Fan | Marguerite | Sweet Pea | Aphelandra | Poppy | Kikyo | Belladonna | Nerine | Pansy | Enishida | Dahlia

Roger Pirates
Gol D. Roger † | Silvers Rayleigh | Scopper Gaban | Crocus | Shanks | Kozuki Oden † | Kozuki Toki † | Inuarashi | Nekomamushi

Giant Warrior Pirates
Dorry | Brogy | Kashii | Oimo |

Others Groups
Kozuki Clan
Kozuki Oden † | Kozuki Toki † | Kozuki Momonosuke | Kozuki Hiyori | Tama | Shinobu | Kozuki Sukiyaki
Nine Red Scabbards: Kin'emon | Inuarashi | Nekomamushi | Raizo | Kawamatsu | Ashura Doji † | Denjiro | Kikunojo

Mink Tribe
Inuarashi | Nekomamushi | Carrot | Wanda | Pedro † | Zepo | Shishilian | Concelot | Giovanni | Bepo | Lindbergh

Revolutionary Army
Monkey D. Dragon | Sabo
Commanders: Emporio Ivankov | Karasu | Belo Betty | Morley | Lindbergh
Officers: Bartholomew Kuma | Koala | Inazuma | Jiron | Ahiru | Ushiano | Gambo
Others: Ginny | Hack | Terry Gilteo | Bunny Joe

World Government
Admirals: Borsalino | Issho | Kuzan
Vice Admirals: Monkey D. Garp | Tsuru | Smoker | T Bone
SWORD: X Drake | Koby | Helmeppo | Prince Grus | Hibari | Kujaku
Others: Sengoku | Tashigi | Donquixote Rosinante † | Regis | Hina | Isuka

Seven Warlord of the Sea
Bartholomew Kuma ‡ | Boa Hancock ‡ | Jinbe ‡ | Trafalgar D. Water Law

Special Science Group
Vegapunk | Sentomaru | Stussy
Satellites: Shaka | Lilith | Edison | Pythagoras | Atlas

Impel Down
Magellan | Bentham

Riku Dold III | Viola | Scarlett † | Rebecca | Kyros

Nefertari Vivi | Nefertari Cobra

Ryugu Kingdom
King Neptune | Otohime † | Fukaboshi | Manboshi | Shirahoshi

Donquixote Family
Donquixote Homing † | Donquixote Rosinante † | Donquixote Mjosgard

Shakuyaku | Hatchan | Yamato | Vinsmoke Reiju | Jewelry Bonney | Portgas D. Rouge † | Hiriluk | Jaguar D. Saul | Clover | Paulie | Iceburg | Kappa | Apis | Kaya | Nojiko | Seira | Hiramera | Mero | Nika | Trafalgar Lami † | Mousse † | Takao | Russian † | Johnny | Kobato | Desire | Luca | Ann | Livia † | Amanda | Ever | Carina | Uta | Shimotsuki Ryuma

See Also
One Piece Live-Action Heroes
