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Whatever life holds in store for me, I will never forget these words: "With great power comes great responsibility."

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Finch (Japanese: イブキ, Ibuki) is one of Rex's helpers in Xenoblade Chronicles 2.

She was voiced by Aoi Yūki in Japanese and Jules de Jongh in English.


Finch is a short avian being with feathers and wings. She is green and yellow with large black eyes and wears a beaked helmet. She has a large crest of feathers on her head, long tail feathers, yellow feet and wears pieces of black armor. Her core crystal is blue and shaped like an egg.


Finch has the power to allow her Driver, to take aggro in order to defend the other members of the party. Her element is wind.


XenobladeBannerAgain Heroes

Playable Characters
Shulk | Reyn | Fiora | Sharla | Dunban | Melia Antiqua | Riki

Supporting Characters
Alvis | Arglas | Juju | Kallian | Linada | Meyneth | Miqol | Otharon | Sorean | Vanea

XC Future Connected

Shulk | Melia Antiqua | Kino | Nene

Xenoblade Chronicles X logo

Main Characters
Cross | Elma | Doug | Gwin | Irina | L | Lin

Recruitable Characters
Alexa | Bozé | Celica | Frye H.B. | Hope | Mia | Murderess | Nagi | Phog | Yelv

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 logo

Main Characters
Rex | Pyra | Mythra | Pneuma | Nia | Dromarch | Tora | Poppi | Morag Ladair | Brighid | Zeke von Genbu | Pandoria

Supporting Characters
Azurda | Vandham | Fan la Norne | Roc | Aegaeon | The Architect

Rare Blades
Adenine | Agate | Azami | Boreas Corvin | Crossette | Dagas | Dahlia | Elma | Electra | Finch | Fiora | Floren | Godfrey | Gorg | Herald | Kasandra | Kora | KOS-MOS 2.0 | Newt | Nim | Perceval | Perun | Poppibuster & Poppi Mk. II | Praxis | Sheba | Shulk | T-elos | Theory | Ursula | Vale | Vess | Wulfric | Zenobia

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Torna logo

Lora | Jin | Haze | Addam | Mythra | Minoth | Hugo | Brighid | Aegaeon

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 logo

Noah | Mio | Eunie | Taion | Lanz | Sena

Riku | Manana | Ethel | Valdi | Zeon | Teach | Isurd | Juniper | Alexandria | Fiona | Segiri | Miyabi | Cammuravi | Monica Vandham | Gray | Ghondor Vandham | Ashera | Triton | Melia Antiqua | Nia | Ino | Masha

C | M | T

Matthew | Na'el | Nikol | Glimmer | Panacea | Linka | Riku

The Liberators
A | Shulk | Rex | Panacea | Linka | Riku
