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Fireflight G1 cartoon

Fireflight (Known as Firebolt (ファイアボルト Faiaboruto) in Japan. Sometimes known as Firestrike or Firefly) is a member of the Aerialbots and an Autobot member. He transforms into an F-4 Phantom Jet and forms into the right arm of Superion. He was created by Optimus Prime and his fellow Autobots from old Cybertronian planes and shuttle parts that resemble Earth jets. He and his fellow Aerialbots were brought to life when Alpha Trion sacrificed himsel to activate Vector Sigma. He is a reckless flyer who pays no attention to the safety of others as he get easily distracted.



Fireflight was introduced in the second part of the late second season story "The Key to Vector Sigma". Like most of the other Aerialbots, he was not immediately converted to the Autobot cause and consider following Slingshot's suggestion that they return to Cybertron. After Silverbolt talked them round, he and the other Aerialbots helped the other Autobots defeat the Stunticons. In the following "Aerial Assault", Fireflight joined the other Aerialbots in investigating plane thefts and tangled with the Combaticons. Fireflight turned up late to a battle with Megatron's fortress, delaying the Aerialbots forming Superion.

In "War Dawn", Fireflight helped rescue a group of human diplomats, battling Thundercracker alongside Slingshot. However, he and most of the other Aerialbots remained unconvinced they were on the right side. During a subsequent visit to Cybertron, they approached the Decepticons in truce, only to be tricked and sent back in time nine million years to the beginning of the war. There, they witnessed the brutality of the Decepticons' raids first hand and saved the live of Orion Pax, who would go on to become Optimus Prime. They were willing to sacrifice themselves to stop an energon store falling into Decepticon hands but were brought forward in time at the last second. Fireflight's only other second season appearance was in "Cosmic Rust", where he attended refurbishment of the Statue of Liberty and attempted to rescue Perceptor from Blitzwing only to be driven off by the Decepticons' new weapon.

Fireflight reappeared after the movie in "Five Faces of Darkness", being part of an Autobot taskforce that retrieved Rodimus Prime and his party from Quintessa. He continued to make occasional supporting appearances during the second season, including battling Trypticon in "Thief in the Night", meeting a young Alpha Trion in "Forever is a Long Time Coming" and being infected by the Hate Plague in "The Return of Optimus Prime". In the concluding miniseries, "The Rebirth", Fireflight was among those defending Cybertron from an all-out Decepticon attack, only to be taken out by Sixshot and have his fuel pump stolen by the Combaticons.


Fireflight was first seen in the UK-exclusive story "Second Generation", joining the other Aerialbots in coming to the aid of Defensor against Menasor and Bruticus, in a vision of the Transformers' future witnessed by Optimus Prime and Buster Witwicky. This led into his Marvel US debut in Issue #21, where he and the other Aerialbots were despatched by Optimus Prime to prevent a Decepticon plan to harness the power of Hoover Dam. Fireflight fought Dirge during an aerial battle but, since he hadn't been fully programmed, Silverbolt had to directly order him not to let rubble hit human onlookers. The Aerialbots managed to drive off the Decepticon air cover before controlled human Ricky Vasquez destroyed their syphon.

In the subsequent issue, Fireflight was given full sentience with the Matrix. He and the rest of his team were sent to halt a rampage by the Stunticons, but their efforts saw them deactivated by the human anti-robot group RAAT, who had already captured seven Autobots newly arrived from Cybertron, and disabled. The anti-robot vigilante Circuit Breaker was eventually persuaded to use parts of the Autobots as a battle suit to defeat the Battlechargers. In return, she had them restored and released.

Fireflight was restored for the G.I. Joe and the Transformers miniseries, going to assist Bumblebee in watching over Power Station Alpha and providing air cover during the combined Autobot, G.I. Joe and Cobra assault on the Decepticon base. After a lengthy absence, he was seen in Issue #36 among the Autobots expressing distress at Grimlock threatening five human children who had aided the rogue Autobot Blaster and observing the duel between Grimlock and Blaster in Issue #41. The UK annual story "Dreadwing Down" saw him and Skydive shooting down Dreadwing.

At the climax of the Underbases Saga in Issue #50, Fireflight was part of a team that rescued Buster from the arctic. When the Autobots and Decepticons joined forces against the Underbase-powered Starscream, Fireflight was part of a detachment led by Blaster and Ratbat who defended New York, only to be among the first casualties of the battle.

He was shown to be active in Marvel UK's Earthforce storyline, appearing in "The House That Wheeljack Built", where he and the other Aerialbots provided air cover for Prowl as he fought his way through the Autobot base's accidentally activated defences.

Abilities & Weapons [1][]

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G1 Fireflight's stats (According to his trading card & G1 Tech Spec)

Primary function: Reconnaissance[]


  • In his jet mode, Fireflight can reach speeds of Mach 2 (~ 1535 mph or 2470 km/h) for up to 1,000 miles (~ 1609 km).

[MTMTE's profile claims his top speed with is Mach 4 (~ 3069 mph or 4939 km/h) for up to the same range above.]

  • Fireflight has significant strength with great endurance & average intelligence. He's brave for his role as reconnaissance.
  • He can also fly in robot mode.
  • He severs as one of the limbs (mostly right arm) for the gestalt form of the team - Superion.
  • In some occasion, he is involved in the formation of a combiner known as Ultra Prime.

Arsenal: Fireflight has significantly above average firepower[]

  • His jet mode is armed with missiles that release a self-igniting flammable mist called "fire-fog" upon detonation. The effect caused by the mist is devastating and nearly inextinguishable. Moreover, it can spread to nearby targets.
  • In robot mode, Fireflight uses a photon displacer gun whose lightwaves alters the vectors of photons to distorts its target's vision for 0.6 breem (~ 5 minutes) at a time.


  • While unintentionally, Fireflight's reckless flying puts anyone nearby (including himself) at risk. He has tendency to jerk, jolt, do hairpin turn and inconsistently change his velocity. Those can cause severe injury to any passenger in his cockpit.
  • While being a brave Autobot, his skill in both reconnaissance as well as flying is low. The latter results him draining fuels at high rate.
Stats comparison to other Aerialbots
  • The highest strength among the Aerialbots
  • Higher endurance & courage than most Aerialbots
  • Higher rank than Air Raid & Slingshot
  • Same speed with Slingshot
  • Same endurance with Silverbolt
  • The lowest intelligence, firepower & skill
  • Lower speed than most Aerialbots
  • Lower rank than Silverbolt & Skydive
  • Lower courage than Air Raid
Specific differences
Strength Intelligence Speed Endurance Rank Courage Firepower Skill
Air Raid + 2 - 2 - 1 + 1 + 1 - 1 - 1 - 4
Silverbolt + 1 - 3 - 1 0 - 2 + 1 - 1 - 2
Skydive + 3 - 5 - 1 + 4 - 1 + 2 - 1 - 7
Slingshot + 1 - 1 0 + 4 + 1 + 1 - 1 - 6



            TransformersG1Title Generation One Heroes

Optimus Prime | Bumblebee/Goldbug | Arcee | Jazz | Ironhide | Wheeljack | Ratchet | Hound | Prowl | Sideswipe | Sunstreaker | Blurr | Mirage | Skids | Hoist | Tracks | Windcharger | Blaster (Steeljaw, Ramhorn, Eject, Rewind) | Red Alert | Smokescreen | Trailbreaker | Bluestreak | Beachcomber | Inferno | Huffer | Rodimus Prime | Grapple | Ultra Magnus | Skyfire | Sky Lynx | Cliffjumper | Kup | Brawn | Tailgate | Gears | Outback | Metroplex | Sandstorm | Cosmos | Omega Supreme | Perceptor | Springer | Broadside | SeaSpray | Pipes | Warpath | Wheelie | Wreck-Gar | Sentinel Prime

Grimlock | Slag | Sludge | Snarl | Swoop
Silverbolt | Fireflight | Slingshot | Skydive | Air Raid | Superion
Hot Spot | Groove | First Aid | Blades | Streetwise
Scattershot | Lightspeed | Strafe | Nosecone | Afterburner
Rollbar | Wideload | Chase | Searchlight | Freeway
Fortress Maximus | Highbrow | Chromedome | Hardhead | Brainstorm
Pointblank | Crosshairs | Sureshot

Cartoon exclusive
Alpha Trion | Elita-One | Chromia | Firestar | Moonracer

Comics exclusive
Scrounge | Impactor | Emirate Xaaron | Wreckers (Roadbuster, Topspin & Twin Twist, Whirl) | Primus | Grotusque | Fizzle | Sizzle | Guzzle | Waverider | Cloudburst | Landmine | Getaway | Joyride | Slapdash | Backstreet | Dogfight | Override | Landfill | Roadhandler | Freewheeler | Tailspin | Swindler | Chainclaw | Nightbeat | Siren | Hosehead | Powertrain | Mudslinger | Highjump | Fixit | Seawatch | Stakeout | Big Shot | Flak | Quickswitch | Quickmix | Scoop | Doubleheader | Pincher | Longtooth

Spike Witwicky | Sparkplug Witwicky | Daniel Witwicky

Cartoon exclusive
Carly Witwicky | Chip Chase | Rauol | Astoria Carlton-Ritz | Marissa Faireborn

Comics exclusive
Buster Witwicky | Jesse | G.B Blackrock | Joy Meadows | Susan Hoffman | Cindy Newell
Comics exclusive
Death's Head

            TransformersTitle Heroes

Disambiguation pages
Optimus Prime | Bumblebee | Arcee | Ratchet | Dinobots (Grimlock) | Ironhide | Jetfire | Cliffjumper | Sideswipe | Blurr | Hound

Beast Era
Maximals: Optimus Primal | Rhinox | Cheetor | Rattrap | Dinobot | Tigatron | Airazor | Silverbolt | Blackarachnia | Depth Charge | Tigerhawk | Nightscream | Botanica | Noble

Robots in Disguise (2001)
Optimus Prime | Ultra Magnus | T-AI | Prowl | Side Burn | X-Brawn | Fortress Maximus | Koji Onishi

Team Bullet Train
Railspike | Rapid Run | Midnight Express
Spy Changers
Hot Shot | R.E.V. | Crosswise | W.A.R.S. | Ironhide | Mirage

Build Team
Wedge | Heavy Load | Hightower | Grimlock

Skid-Z | Tow-Line

Unicron Trilogy
Optimus Prime | Hot Shot | Jetfire | Red Alert | Smokescreen | Scavenger | Blurr | Side Swipe | Alexis Thi Dang | Ironhide | Inferno| Wing Saber | Omega Supreme | Rodimus | Prowl | Landmine | Bulkhead | Downshift | Cliffjumper | Arcee | Signal Flare | Skyblast | Strongarm | Superion Maximus | Kicker Jones | Misha Miramond | Vector Prime | Leobreaker | Scattershot | Override | Brakedown | Clocker | Snarl | Joyride | Backstop | Scourge | Evac | Crosswise | Metroplex | Quickmix | Lugnutz | Lori Jiménez | Coby Hansen | Bud Hansen

Transformers Animated
Optimus's crew
Optimus Prime | Bumblebee | Prowl | Bulkhead | Ratchet | Sari Sumdac | Isaac Sumdac

Elite Guard
Ultra Magnus | Sentinel Prime | Jazz | Blurr | Jetfire & Jetstorm

Grimlock | Snarl | Swoop

Cybertron intelligence
Arcee | Cliffjumper

Omega Supreme | Wreck-Gar

Prime Wars Trilogy
Optimus Prime | Megatron | Windblade | Rodimus\Hot Rod | Mistress of Flame | Computron | Metroplex | Perceptor | Victorion | Fortress Maximus | Optimus Primal

Grimlock | Sludge | Swoop | Snarl | Slug | Volcanicus

Shattered Glass
Megatron/Galvatron | Cliffjumper | Starscream | Sir Soundwave | Thundercracker | Skywarp | Sideswipe

Bumblebee | Windblade | Optimus Prime | Grimlock | Maccadam | Hot Rod | Wheeljack | Arcee | Jetfire | Chromia | Ratchet | Prowl | Cheetor | Perceptor | Whirl | Clobber | Dead End | Megatron | Soundwave | Kup | Blurr | Thunderhowl | Cosmos

Optimus Prime | Bumblebee | Elita-One | Wheeljack | Arcee | Grimlock | Cosmos | Prowl

Malto Family
Robby Malto | Morgan Malto | Dorothy Malto | Alex Malto

Twitch Malto | Thrash Malto | Hashtag Malto | Jawbreaker Malto | Nightshade Malto

Megatron | Tarantulas

Agent Schloder | Agent Bala | Agent Bagheri | Cadet Kwan | Cadet Conway | Cadet Rosato

Quintus Prime | Terratronus

See Also
Transformers G1 Heroes | Transformers Film Series Heroes | Transformers Prime Heroes | Transformers Reboot Films Heroes | Transformers: War for Cybertron Trilogy Heroes | Transformers One Heroes | Transformers Skybound/Energon universe | Transformers IDW Heroes | Transformers Dreamwave Heroes

  1. According to Transformers: More than Meets the Eye profile books & 1986 The Transformers Universe series