Heroes Wiki

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Heroes Wiki

Let the mixing begin.
~ Flain.
Welcome, welcome to the infenrite kingdom my crangster compadre, so Seismo, all I got to say is, let the rad fun begin.
~ Flain.

Flain is the main protagonist of Season 1 of Mixels. He is a leader of Infernites.

He is voiced by Tom Kenny who also voiced Seismo, Teslo, Tungster, Berp, Mysto, Screeno and Booger in the same franchise, SpongeBob SquarePants in the franchise of the same name, Simon Petrikoff in Adventure Time, Heffer Wolfe from Rocko's Modern Life, Narrator and a Mayor in Powerpuff Girls.


Flain's body is mostly red. He has a rounded head with an eye on each side. On top of his head are three prongs; the outer two are dark red with the middle prong being red with a darker red prong on the top of it. Most of the time his head houses a yellow-orange fire that is constantly burning. He also has a beak to make him look like a bird. He has a body that widens at the end with a black collar-like piece on his neck. He has two slender arms with pincer hands, and on his wrists are dark red triangle-like covers that taper down. He has grey legs with red feet that have two white claws on each. He has a rectangular hatch on his rear.


Flain is the intelligent, brave, and relaxed leader of the Infernites. He is very easygoing towards everyone he meets and is extremely friendly, sociable, and outgoing when it comes to most of his Mixel brethren. He is also very smart and resourceful in challenging moments. However, despite being level-headed most of time, he does get infuriated at certain moments, causing his head to instantly catch fire.


Hot Lava Shower[]

When Vulk asks Flain and Zorch to fix his lava shower, Flain gives them a cubit to max, so they fix it only to send lava to Cragsters and Electroids, burning Krader's bottom and Teslo's mouth.


Flain shows his home to Seismo and invites to have a lava slide, but they get confronted by a Nixel. They try to get rid of him by kicking, but Nixel invites his friends to attack two. Soon they find their cubit, mix and defeat an army of Nixels, even making the lava slide bigger. When they're about to go having fun, Nixel returns but gets squashed by Seismo.


He was the only Infernite to take interest in Rockball, and ended up teaming with Krader to play it. After accidentally setting the rock on fire, the two of them created the game Mixelball together.

Epic Comedy Adventure[]

One of Flain's most noteworthy adventures began during the annual Mix Festival. Thanks to Zaptor eating all of the Hamlogna Sandwiches, he went with the other tribe leaders to retrieve more. This ended up saving him from being Nixed by the Mega Nixel Mixel Nixer, but consequently forced him to go on a journey to Mixel Mountain to retrieve Rainbow Cubits.

While the leaders were being attacked by a swarm of Nixels on the peak of the mountain, he and Gobba created a Mix to defeat them and brought the cubits back to the festival, just in time for the remaining leaders to arrive at the party.

A Quest for the Lost Mixamajig[]

Flain is one of all Mixels, who went to the journey to find lost Mixamajig and eventually got captured by Nixels. But when Snoof convinces everyone to mix together, they all turn into Maxes of each tribe but then mix all together into an Ultra-Miximum Max to defeat King Nixel. After their victory, they all discover Mixopolis built by Weldos.





  • Flain earned his name from "Flame" and "brain," which fits him due to his fiery nature and intelligence.

External Links[]

  • Flain on the Love Exalted Wiki
  • Flain on the Heroic Benchmark Wiki
  • Flain on the Mixels Wiki


           Mixeltvshowlogo Heroes

Main Mixels
Infernites: Flain | Vulk | Zorch | Meltus | Flamzer | Burnard
Cragsters: Krader | Seismo | Shuff
Electroids: Teslo | Zaptor | Volectro
Frosticons: Slumbo | Lunk | Flurr | Krog | Chilbo | Snoof
Fang Gang: Chomly | Gobba | Jawg
Flexers: Kraw | Tentro | Balk
Glorp Corp: Glomp | Glurt | Torts | Dribbal | Gurggle | Slusho
Spikels: Footi | Scorpi | Hoogi
Wiztastics: Mesmo | Magnifo | Wizwuz
Orbitons: Rokit | Niksput | Nurp-Naut
Glowkies: Globert | Vampos | Boogly
Klinkers: Gox | Jinky | Kamzo
Lixers: Spugg | Turg | Tungster
Weldos: Kramm | Forx | Wuzzo
Munchos: Snax | Berp | Vaka-Waka
MCPD: Kuffs | Busto | Tiketz
Medivals: Camillot | Mixadel | Paladum
Mixies: Jamzy | Tapsy | Trumpsy
MCFD: Splasho | Aquad | Hydro
Pyrratz: Sharx | Skulzy | Lewt
Medix: Surgeo | Skrubz | Tuth
Trashoz: Gobbol | Sweepz | Compax
Nindjas: Cobrax | Spinza | Mysto
Newzers: Screeno | Camsta | Myke

Background Mixels
Booger (Mixels) | Scrud | Zabo | Blip
