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Whatever life holds in store for me, I will never forget these words: "With great power comes great responsibility."

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No! Oh my gosh! I played the whole season wanting to redeem myself! I got out first last time, and I got another chance but still came up short! I wanted to prove everyone wrong again. Round 24 again. I'm so humiliated!
~ Flower admitting her desire for redemption

Flower is a major character of the Battle For Dream Island series. She is the secondary antagonist of Battle for Dream Island, and one of the two main protagonists (alongside Gelatin) of Battle For BFDI/Battle for BFB.

She was a contestant of Battle For Dream Island's first season, a minor character in Battle For Dream Island Again, and the winner of Battle for BFDI.

She is voiced by Michael Huang, who also voices Pencil, Four, Firey, Bubble, Woody, Leafy, etc.


Flower appears to be a yellow flower with pink petals. Her petals are round and a light shade of magenta, her center is yellow and she has a black stick body. She also owns a pair of "Non-Slip Shoes So Ha" and a "Glitter For Your Face" sweater. From BFB 20 to 22, she was potted.


Battle for Dream Island (Again)[]

In the first season, Flower is portrayed as a self-obsessed bully who would ask other contestants about her beauty, only to get attacked if they disagree.

She also believes nothing should stop her in her way to winning Dream Island, even after she placed 4th.

Her personality does not seem to change much during BFDIA.


Flower is currently only seen in the intro, but this may be where her personality starts to change from an egotistical jerk to an admirable competitor, as evident by her more content appearance in the intro compared to her angry appearance in season one's intro.

Battle For BFDI / BFB[]

In BFB, while Flower is somewhat rude to others (such as pushing Bomby and Tennis Ball off of a staircase in "Get to the Top in 500 Steps"), she is shown to be much calmer and even friendly at times, especially through her interactions with contestants like Gelatin, Ruby, and Woody. She is also shown to have a selfless side, such as in "Chapter Complete" when she gives up the the BFDI to the Announcer, and then gives the BFB to Gelatin.[1]

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Death P.A.C.T.
Black Hole | Fanny | Gaty | Lightning | Liy | Marker | Pen | Pie | Pin | Remote | Tree
Barf Bag | Basketball | Blocky | Bomby | Book | Bubble | Coiny | Donut | Firey | Flower | Gelatin | Ice Cube | Leafy | Lollipop | Loser | Match | Needle | Pencil | Ruby | Snowball | Spongy | Taco | Teardrop | Tennis Ball | Winner | Woody

  1. Flower — Battle For Dream Island Wiki. (n.d.). Battle for Dream Island Wiki. Retrieved December 29, 2021, from https://battlefordreamisland.fandom.com/wiki/Flower