"Wow, I could get used to a view like this."
"Guys, I wanna a castle."
Flynn stealing the tiara of the lost princess.
Flynn and the Stabbington Brothers escaping after they steal the crown.
Flynn looking at a wanted poster of himself.
"They just can't get my nose right!"
"Well that's easy for you to say, you guys look amazing."
Flynn and the Stabbington Brothers coming across a wall.
"Alright, give me a boast and I'll pull you up."
Flynn being asked by the Stabbingtons to give them the crown first.
Reluctant at first, Flynn gives in and hands the crown to the brothers.
However, after getting to the top of the wall, Flynn betrays the brothers and takes the crown with him.
Flynn having witnessed arrows hitting a tree trunk.
Flynn running through the woods.
Flynn being pursued by the Captain of the Guards.
Flynn riding on the Captain's horse,
Maximus after kicking him off the stallion.
Flynn sprung forward when Maximus comes to a sudden halt.
"Come one, fleabag. Forward!"
"No."-Flynn seeing Maximus trying to snatch his satchel.
Flynn and Maximus seeing the satchel get caught on a tree branch after they fought over it.
Flynn and Maximus racing to get to the satchel.
Flynn on top of Maximus's head.
Flynn underneath the giant tree branch.
Flynn crawling upside down to recover his satchel.
When he gets his satchel, Flynn and Maximus see the branch they're on is about break due to their weight.
Flynn and Maximus screaming as they fall down a cliff.
Flynn in another part of the forest after surviving the fall.
Flynn discovering a hidden cave.
Flynn hiding inside the cave from Maximus.
Coming out of the cave, Flynn finds himself in a hidden valley.
Flynn finding a hidden tower in the valley.
Flynn hearing the sound of a horse on the other side of the cave.
Flynn using arrows to climb up the tower.
Flynn entering the tower.
Flynn relieved that he managed to find a safe place to hide.
Flynn being knocked unconscious.
Flynn's unconscious body lying on the ground.
Flynn's body going to be checked by the tower's resident,
Flynn's head being touched by a frying pan.
Flynn's head having been turned.
Flynn's teeth being examined.
Flynn's hair going to be moved out of his face.
Flynn unconscious as Rapunzel realizes he's harmless.
Flynn waking up before Rapunzel knocks him out again.
Flynn's unconscious body being dragged.
Flynn's body being shoved.
Flynn's body upside down.
Flynn's body being pushed into a closet.
Flynn's body having landed on Rapunzel after he falls out of the closet.
Later, Flynn's body falls out of the closet after Rapunzel opens its doors.
Flynn's body being loomed over by Rapunzel.
Flynn being tied to a chair.
Flynn as
Pascal tries to wake him up.
Flynn as Pascal shots his tongue into his ear.
Flynn surprised to find himself tied up in hair.
Flynn seeing someone hiding in the shadows.
(Rapunzel: "I know why you're here and I'm not afraid of you."
Flynn speechless when he meets a beautiful teenage girl named
"I know not who you are, nor how I came to find you, but may I just say..."
"How are you doing? The name's Flynn Rider. How's your day going?"
Flynn being interrogated by Rapunzel.
"Here's the deal. I was in a situation, galavanting through the forest. I came across your tower and-"
"Oh no! Where is my satchel?"
"It's in that pot, isn't it?"
Flynn waking up after Rapunzel knocks him out again.
Flynn seeing Pascal sticking his tongue into his ear again.
Flynn annoyed when Rapunzel says she hid his satchel again.
Flynn confused when Rapunzel questions what he wants with her hair.
Flynn telling Rapunzel he just found her tower and entered it just to hide from the palace guards.
(Rapunzel: "You're telling the truth?") "Yes!"
Flynn being stared at by Pascal.
Flynn trying to escape as Rapunzel talks to Pascal.
Flynn stops moving when Rapunzel addresses him.
(Rapunzel: "Okay, Flynn Rider, I'm prepared to offer you a deal.") "Deal?"
Flynn about to fall to the ground.
(Rapunzel: "Do you know what these are?") "You mean the lantern thing they do for the princess?"
Flynn hearing Rapunzel offer to return his satchel to him if only he takes her to see the lanterns and bring her back home.
"Yeah, No can do. Unfortunately, the kingdom and I aren't exactly simpatico at the moment so I won't be taking you anywhere."
Flynn having been brought up by Rapunzel.
Flynn being told by Rapunzel that something brought him to her tower.
(Rapunzel: "So I have made the decision to trust you.") "A horrible decision really."
Flynn being told by Rapunzel that he'll find his satchel and the crown without her help.
"Let me just get this straight. I take you to see the lanterns, bring you back home, and you'll give me back my satchel."
Flynn hearing Rapunzel promise that she'll give him back his satchel if he takes her to see the lanterns.
"All right, listen. I didn't want it to come to this, but you leave me no choice...here comes the smolder."
"Fine! I'll take you to see the lanterns."
Flynn climbing down the tower.
Flynn watching Rapunzel use her hair to climb down from the tower.
Flynn watching Rapunzel sit by a pond.
Flynn cringing as Rapunzel runs through leaves.
Flynn watching Rapunzel despair up in a tree.
Flynn annoyed as Rapunzel calls herself despicable.
Flynn annoyed as Rapunzel swings around in a tree.
Flynn noticing how conflicted Rapunzel over having left her tower and disobeying her mother's rules.
"You know, I can't help but notice you seem a little at war with yourself here."
"Now, I'm picking up bits and pieces. Overprotective mother, forbidden road trip. I mean this serious stuff."
"Let me ease your conscience. This is part of growing up. A little rebellion, a little adventure. That's good. Healthy even."
(Rapunzel: "You think?") "I know. You're way overthinking this. Trust me. Does your mother deserve this? No. Will this break her heart and crush her soul? Absolutely. But you just gotta do it."
(Rapunzel: "Crush her soul?") "Like a grape."
Flynn trying to make Rapunzel feel guilty about her decision to leave the tower.
Flynn trying to convince Rapunzel to return to the tower.
Flynn trying to cut off on his deal with Rapunzel in order to get his satchel back.
Flynn hearing Rapunzel refusing to back down and give up on seeing the lanterns.
Flynn being threatened by Rapunzel and her frying pan.
Flynn as Rapunzel hides behind in him in fear when they see movement in a bush near them.
"Stay calm, it can probably smell fear."
"Probably best if we avoid ruffians and thugs though."
"Cuz I know the perfect place to eat."
Flynn and Rapunzel arriving at the Snuggly Duckling restaurant.
(Rapunzel: "Well, I do like ducklings.") "Yay!
"Your finest table please!"
Flynn and Rapunzel seeing the Snuggly Duckling is full of thugs.
"And the other part is really bad man smell. I don't know why, but overall, it just smells like the color brown."
Flynn trying to scare Rapunzel.
(Thug: "That's a lot of hair.") "She's growing it out."
"Is that blood in your mustache?"
"Goldie, look at this, look at all the blood on his mustache."
"Hey, you don't look so good, blondie."
Flynn going to escort Rapunzel out of the Snuggly Duckling to get her back home.
Flynn and Rapunzel being stopped from leaving when one of the thugs recognizes him from his wanted poster.
Flynn hearing the thugs intending to turn him over to the authorities to collect the reward money for his capture.
Flynn being grabbed by a thug named
Flynn in the thugs' grasps.
Flynn as the thugs fight over him.
Flynn being restrained by the thugs.
Flynn and the thugs shocked when Rapunzel gets their attention.
Flynn being released when Rapunzel explains to the thugs she needs him to help her achieve her dream in seeing the floating lanterns.
Flynn dumbfounded when Hook Hand orders a musician to start playing music.
Flynn unamused when the thugs start singing "I've Got a Dream."
Flynn deadpan during "I've Got a Dream."
(Hook Hand: "What about you?") "I'm sorry, me?"
"No, no, no. Sorry, boys. I don't sing."
"I have dreams, like you -- no, really! Just much less touchy-feely."
"They mainly happen somewhere warm and sunny!"
"On an island that I own, tanned and rested and alone."
"Surrounded by enormous piles of money!"
Flynn on top of a barrel.
Flynn rolling on the barrel.
Flynn after nearly smashing into a window.
Flynn, Rapunzel, and the thugs hearing the royal guards arriving.
Flynn, Rapunzel, and Pascal hiding from the guards.
Flynn scared when he sees the Stabbington Brothers also arrive at the Snuggly Duckling.
Flynn and Rapunzel being shown by Hook Hand a secret passage that they can use to escape.
Flynn and Rapunzel walking in the tunnel.
Flynn smirking at Rapunzel.
"Sorry, Blondie. I don't do backstories."
"However, I'm becoming very interested in yours. Now, I..I know I'm not supposed to mention the hair."
(Rapunzel: "Nope.") "Or the mother."
(Rapunzel: "Uh-uh.") "Frankly I'm too scared to ask about the frog."
(Rapunzel: "Chameleon.") "Nuance."
"Here's my question though, if you want to see the lanterns so badly, why haven't you gone before?"
Flynn, Rapunzel, and Pascal seeing the royal guards have found them.
Flynn and Rapunzel going to run from the royal guards.
Flynn and Rapunzel running through the tunnel.
When they exit out of the tunnel, Flynn and Rapunzel find themselves at a dam.
Flynn and Rapunzel seeing the Stabbington Brothers at the bottom of the dam.
"Let's just assume for the moment that everybody here doesn't like me!"
Flynn having been given Rapunzel's frying pan.
Flynn watching Rapunzel use her hair to swing across a gorge.
Flynn being left to confront the royal guards.
Flynn nervous as he's only armed with a frying pan.
Flynn fighting another guard.
Flynn about to knock out another guard.
Flynn surprised that he managed to knock out and defeat all of the guards with the frying pan.
"Oh, mama, I have got to get me one of these!"
Flynn seeing Maximus wielding a sword, ready to fight him.
Flynn and Maximus dueling each other.
"You should know that this is the strangest thing I've ever done!"
"How 'bout two outta three?"-Flynn after Maximus disarms him.
Flynn being held at sword point.
Flynn and Maximus seeing Rapunzel's hair getting wrapped around his hand.
Flynn escaping from Maximus.
Flynn seeing he's about to swing towards the Stabbington Brothers before Rapunzel pulls him up.
"You should see your faces. Because you look..."
"Ridiculous."-Flynn after flying into a large piece of wood.
Flynn sliding down a water canal system.
Flynn catching up with Rapunzel.
Flynn and Rapunzel running as the dam collapses.
Flynn, Rapunzel, and Pascal running to escape a flood.
Upon entering a cave, Flynn goes to recover Rapunzel's frying pan before the cave is sealed up.
Flynn and Rapunzel trapped inside a cave.
Flynn, Rapunzel, and Pascal seeing the flood seeping through the boulder sealing up the cave.
Flynn and Rapunzel getting to higher ground.
Flynn going to dive underwater to look for a way out.
Flynn having returned to the surface.
Flynn going to help try budging the cave's walls.
Flynn having accidentally cut his hand against a rock.
Flynn and Rapunzel panicking as they see the flood reaching, putting them at the risk of drowning.
"It's no use. I can't see anything."
Flynn going to stop Rapunzel from trying to look for a way out.
"Hey! There's no point. It's pitch black down there."
Flynn and Rapunzel thinking they are about to die.
Flynn hearing Rapunzel apologize for putting him and herself in danger.
watching Rapunzel start crying.
Flynn revealing to Rapunzel that his real name is actually Eugene Fitzherbert.
Eugene hearing Rapunzel say that she has magic hair that glows when she sings.
Eugene confused as he notices the water rising closer.
Eugene and Rapunzel about to be engulfed by the rising water.
Eugene, Rapunzel, and Pascal underwater as Rapunzel's hair begins to glow.
Eugene shocked to see Rapunzel's hair magically glowing.
Eugene and Rapunzel finding a break in the rocks where the water is flowing out.
Eugene and Rapunzel going to dislodge the rocks.
Eugene quickly dislodging the rocks.
Eugene's hand emerging from a rocky wall.
Eugene, Pascal, and Rapunzel after escaping the cave.
"I didn't see that coming. The hair actually glows! Why does her hair glow?!"
(Rapunzel: "Eugene!") "What?!"
"Why's he smiling at me?"-Eugene after noticing Pascal smiling at him.
"So, you're being strangely cryptic as you wrap your magic hair around my injured hand."
Eugene cringing in pain after Rapunzel finishes wrapping her hair around his injured hand.
Eugene confused after Rapunzel tells him not to freak out.
Eugene watching Rapunzel's hair glow as she sings.
Eugene witnessing all strands of Rapunzel's hair beginning to glow.
Eugene flowing the glow of Rapunzel's hair.
Eugene seeing Rapunzel's hair wrapped around his hand beginning to glow.
Eugene shocked to see Rapunzel's hair healing his hand.
Eugene surprised with the magical abilities Rapunzel's hair possesses.
After Rapunzel finishes singing, Eugene is shocked to see his hand has been healed by her hair.
Eugene being stopped by Rapunzel from freaking out.
"Ah, I'm not freaking out. Are you freaking out? No, I'm just interested in your hair and the magical qualities that it possesses. How long has it been doing that exactly?"
Eugene trying to keep his cool despite being freaked out.
Eugene listening to Rapunzel explain if her hair ever gets cut, it will turn brown and lose its powers forever.
"You never left that tower."-Eugene realizing why Rapunzel never left her tower once in her life.
"And you're still gonna go back?"
Eugene feeling empathy for Rapunzel when she reveals her conflicted feelings over returning to her tower or not.
(Rapunzel: "So, Eugene Fitzherbert, huh?") "Ah, yeah. I'll spare you the sob story of poor orphan Eugene Fitzherbert. It's uhh... it's a bit sob story."
Eugene smiling when he sees Rapunzel expressing interested in hearing his backstory.
Eugene telling Rapunzel how he named himself after the fictional hero of his favorite book, "The Tales of Flynnigan Rider".
Eugene explaining how his fictional hero was rich enough to do anything he wanted to do and go anywhere he wanted to go.
Eugene explaining he became a thief to be like the character in his favorite book in order to escape his poor upbringing and have a better life.
"You can't tell anyone this. All right? It could ruin my whole reputation."
(Rapunzel: "Oh, we wouldn't want that.") "Well, a fake reputation is all a man has."
Eugene smiling at Rapunzel.
"I should get some more firewood."
Eugene hearing Rapunzel tell him she prefers his real name over his alias.
"Well, you'd be the first, but thank you."
Eugene leaving Rapunzel by the campfire to get more firewood.
Eugene returning with firewood.
Eugene asking Rapunzel if she's okay when he notices her standing quietly.
Eugene shrugging when Rapunzel says she was just lost in thought.
Eugene working on the campfire as he asks Rapunzel how her magic hair works.
Eugene sleeping on a rock.
Eugene waking up, being confronted by a wet and angry Maximus.
"Well, I hope you're here to apologize."
Eugene being dragged by Maximus.
Eugene being helped by Rapunzel.
Eugene and Rapunzel seeing Maximus charging at them.
Eugene backing up in fear.
Eugene watching Rapunzel stand her ground against Maximus.
Eugene watching Rapunzel calm Maximus down.
Eugene watching Pascal gesturing Maximus to calm down.
"Oh come on! He's a bad horse!"
Maximus glaring at Eugene.
Maximus hearing Rapunzel inform him she doesn't Eugene to get arrested today.
Eugene hearing Rapunzel promise he and Maximus will get each other's necks in 24 hours.
Eugene being the first willing to form a truce with Maximus.
Eugene and Maximus begrudgingly making a truce.
Eugene and Maximus watching Rapunzel hearing Corona's bells ringing.
Eugene having been hit by Maximus.
Eugene, Rapunzel, and Pascal arriving in Corona.
Eugene noticing a wanted poster of himself.
Eugene crumbling up his wanted poster.
Eugene seeing Maximus glaring at him.
Eugene having shoved his crumbled up wanted poster in Maximus's mouth.
Eugene getting his wanted poster blown into his face.
Eugene and Maximus starting to fight until Pascal stops them.
Eugene and Maximus hitting each other after they're warned to be on their best behavior.
Eugene picking up Rapunzel's hair when he notices people stepping on it.
Eugene and Rapunzel having scooped up all of the latter's hair.
Eugene trying to think of a way for Rapunzel to move around the kingdom without people stepping on her hair.
Noticing four little girls braiding their own hair, Eugene gets their attention by showing them Rapunzel's hair.
Eugene hiding from some guards.
Eugene, Pascal, and Maximus noticing Rapunzel's hair having been put up in one big braid.
Eugene smitten with Rapunzel after she had her hair done in a braid.
Eugene having playfully pushed Maximus when the horse takes notice of his growing attraction towards Rapunzel.
Eugene and Rapunzel in line to buy some food.
After buying some food, Eugene is surprised to see Rapunzel dancing as musicians play some music.
Eugene, Maximus, and Pascal watching Rapunzel getting all of the villagers to dance during the festivities.
Eugene refusing join in on the dance.
Eugene glaring at Maximus after he kicks him to join the villagers' dance.
Eugene and Rapunzel looking at the kingdom's sun emblem on a flag.
Enjoying the dance, Eugene offers his hand to Rapunzel, wanting to dance with her.
Eugene and Rapunzel reaching for each other, only to be blocked by some dancers.
Eugene smirking as he's forced to take a new dancing partner.
Eugene seeing Rapunzel having used chalk art to create the kingdom's emblem.
Eugene and Rapunzel hiding from the guards as they hold cupcakes in their hands.
Eugene and Rapunzel reading books in a library.
Eugene glancing at Rapunzel as he dances with another partner.
Eugene and Rapunzel gazing into each other's eyes after they are finally partnered up.
Eugene and Rapunzel awkwardly backing away from each other when the villagers announce it's time to begin the lantern festival.
Eugene and Rapunzel having gotten on a boat to go see the lanterns.
"Hey, Max!"-Eugene going to throw a bag of apples to Maximus.
(Rapunzel: "Where are we going?") "Best night of your life. I figured you should have a decent seat."
Eugene gently putting Pascal down on the boat.
(Rapunzel: "I'm terrified.") "Why?"
(Rapunzel: "What if it's not everything I dreamed it would be?") "It will be?"
(Rapunzel: "And what if it is, what do I do then?") "Well, that's the good part I guess. You get to go find a new dream."
Eugene and Rapunzel waiting for the lanterns to appear.
Eugene gazing at Rapunzel while watching her put flowers in the water.
Eugene and Rapunzel noticing the lanterns appear in the night sky.
Eugene surprising Rapunzel by presenting her their own two lanterns.
Eugene surprised when Rapunzel presents and returns his satchel to him.
Instead of taking the satchel, Eugene rejects it and tells Rapunzel he understands her anxious feelings.
Eugene and Rapunzel releasing their lanterns into the sky.
Eugene gazing at Rapunzel.
As he watches Rapunzel enjoy viewing the lanterns, he realizes his strong, romantic feelings for her.
"And at last I see the light."
Eugene and Rapunzel holding hands as they realize their love for one another.
"All at once, everything is different, now that I see you..."
Eugene and Rapunzel gazing into each other's eyes.
Eugene and Rapunzel about to share a kiss before Eugene spots the Stabbington brothers.
Eugene noticing the Stabbington brothers watching him and Rapunzel.
Eugene hearing Rapunzel ask if everything's okay.
Eugene assuring Rapunzel everything's okay.
Upon noticing his satchel, Eugene realizes the Stabbingtons will come keep coming after him and Rapunzel as long as they have the crown.
Eugene and Rapunzel coming ashore.
"I'm sorry. Everything's fine. There's just something I need to take care of."
(Rapunzel: "Okay.") "I'll be right back."
Eugene meeting with one of the Stabbington brothers.
"Hey the sideburns are coming in nice, huh?"
"Anyhow, just wanted to say, I shouldn't have split. The crown is all yours."
"I'll miss you, but I think it's for the... "
"Best."-Eugene being blocked by the other Stabbington brother.
(Sideburns: "Holding out on us again? Eh, Rider?") "What?"
Eugene horrified when the Stabbingtons reveal they know about Rapunzel's magic hair, desiring to take her instead of the crown.
Eugene after being knocked unconscious and tied to a boat.
An unconscious Eugene having been tied to the boat's wheel to make it appear he's betraying Rapunzel, a ruse set up by her guardian, Mother Gothel.
Eugene chained by Gothel.
Flynn cuts off Rapunzel's hair
Rapunzel and Eugene happly hugging
Flynn and Rapunzel's