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The Foodimals are the overarching protagonists of Sony picture animation’s 11th full length animated feature film Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2, the second installment to the Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs franchise. They are an organization of food/animal hybrids. There are tons of species found in the jungle


Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2[]

When Flint thought he saw a flamingo, Sam says that the flamingo's appearance is consumed of mangos and is called "Flamango". Some Foodimals can be annoying and also dangerous to Flint's group. The living food and Foodimals were later captured by Chester V and saved by Flint Lockwood. One of them (Cheespider) ate Chester V and the Foodimals and living food produced babies. They later rejoiced in the end credits.



  • They seemed to revere Flint Lockwood as a god they call "N-woo", which makes sense, since he did indirectly create them.
  • The Foodimals are similar to the Gorgonites from Small Soldiers.
    • Both groups are believed to be heartless monsters by the public, but it turns out they're peaceful.
    • Both groups are known to hide, fight back and wish to live for Mercy.
    • Both groups see human terroristic organizations as their enemies while they are being led by the main leader with white hair (for the Foodimals they hate Liv Corp, and for the Gorgonites they hate the Commando Elite).
    • Both groups managed to fight back while one of them takes control of their own vehicles.

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           Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs logo Heroes

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs: Flint Lockwood | Sam Sparks | Steve the Monkey | Tim Lockwood | Brent McHale | Officer Earl Devereaux | Manny
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2: Barry | Barb | Foodimals
