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You know, there are two things in life I believe a person should hold on to for as long as possible: virginity and skepticism. Surprisingly, I already lost the first thing, so I'm going to hold on for the second one as long as possible.
~ Frank Irving to Abbie.

Frank Irving is a major character in Tv Show; Sleepy Hollow.

He is a ex police captain turned official sheriff of Sleepy Hollow, after August Corbin's death. He then meted the Headless Horssesman, and then his life made a drastic turn, eventually becoming institutionalized as a psychiatric patient. He eventually escaped to help battle the End of Days, which ultimately led to his death. However, he is been then resuscitated by Jeremy Crane, because he was under Horseman’s spell. In season 3, Jenny Mills helps him to protect his family.

He was portrayed by Orlando Jones.


Irving was at odds with himself at one point in his life and he met and fell in love with Cynthia Irving at the same time, and they had a baby boy named Macey. Irving and Cynthia later divorced and Macey had an accident that paralyzed her legs. Irving worked in town for a while and then moved to Sleepy Hollow.

Season 1[]



Initially, Irving was honest and skeptical of Crane and Abbie's statements, but after seeing first-hand that they were telling the truth, he became their friend. He loves her daughter very much and would do anything for her.


            Sleepy Hollow logo Heroes

Ichabod Crane and Variants
Original | Disney | 1999 | Sleepy Hollow

The Witnesses
Ichabod Crane | Abbie Mills | Molly Thomas | Lara Thomas

Continental Army
Abigail Adams | Benjamin Franklin | George Washington | Thomas Jefferson | Arthur Bernard

Sisterhood of Radiant Heart
Katrina Crane | Alfred Knapp | Grace Dixon

Westchester County Police Department
August Corbin | Frank Irving | Devon Jones | Luke Morales

Katrina Van Tassel (1999) | Young Masbath | Diana Thomas | Jenny Mills | Nick Hawley | Joseph Corbin | Jake Wells | Alex Norwood | Cynthia Irving | Lena Gilbert | Macey Irving | Seeley Booth | Temperance Brennan
