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The only way I could feel warm, the only way to melt the ice in my veins... was to kill.
~ Killer Frost.
Oops. You want to turn me into my worst nightmare? Guess what? I'M ALREADY LIVING IT!
~ Killer Frost to Terrorsmith.

Caitlin Snow, also better known as Killer Frost and currently known as just Frost, is a fictional character and superheroine from the DC comics, and is a character in DC's Prime Earth. She is a former young scientist who transformed into a heat vampire that steals warmth in order to survive after industrial sabotage. As Caitlin struggles to be a good person, she still reckoning with the predatory nature of her powers.

Caitlin Snow was created by Dan Jurgens, and first appeared in Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #19 in June of 2013.



Caitlin Snow was a young and bright scientist working for S.T.A.R. Labs assigned to an underfunded S.T.A.R. Labs Outpost #72 in the Arctic Circle, where the deceased researcher Dr. Louise Lincoln had been working on a Self-Sustaining Thermodynamic Ultraconductor Engine that could subvert the second law of thermodynamics in order to create perpetual motion. Caitlin became interested in continuing Lincoln's work, in spite of her colleagues warning her against it.

Becoming Killer Frost[]

When Caitlin succeeded in finishing the S.T.U. engine, her colleagues turned on her and revealing themselves to be working for H.I.V.E., as they were expected to ensure that the engine was never made public in order to protect H.I.V.E.'s investments in the energy industry. Furthermore, they were also responsible for Lincoln's death, and they then proceeded in silencing Caitlin by placing her in the working S.T.U. engine. In a panic, Caitlin ripped out the wires for the engine's coolant system, consequently infusing her biological makeup with ice. As a result, she became a vampiric being who craved for heat, and killed the H.I.V.E. agents.

After carrying out her vengeance, Caitlin continued to search for other sources of heat; she attacked a Norwegian research camp and stole their helicopter to fly to her hometown of Pittsburgh, where she encountered and fought Firestorm. While fighting Firestorm, Caitlin discovered that Firestorm's powers can temporarily heal her condition, and devoted her time to seeking and confronting him. She soon learned about the Firestorm Matrix and attempted to recreate it.

DC Rebirth[]

Caitlin Snow is taken to Belle Reve Penitentiary, where she is introduced to the Suicide Squad and offered a place on the team by Amanda Waller. She accepts and joins the team. She helps the Suicide Squad in their fight against the Justice League, but subsequently assists them against Maxwell Lord when he is possessed by Eclipso, whose attempt to tap into her "darkest desire" only unlocks her desire to make a difference. She then has to save all the Suicide Squad and the Justice League by absorbing the energy out of Superman and using it against Maxwell Lord. Afterwards, Waller is forced to release Snow into Batman's custody. She then joined the new Justice League of America made up of Batman, the Atom, Lobo, Black Canary, Vixen and the Ray.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Unique Physiology: Her new state is very basic, almost primal. Her body is completely encased in permafrost. She is not made of ice but she generates organic ice-like cells which make up her changed genetics.
    • Cryokinesis: She can generate ice spikes to spear her opponents, kill an ordinary human with her freezing kiss and/or create a ice storm powerful enough to freeze everything, killing multiple people.
      • Heat Absorption: Frost is a so called "Heat Vampire", to stay alive, she must regularly absorb heat. The most efficient way to satiate this "hunger" is to absorb the body heat of others.


  • Genius Level Intellect
    • Science: She was S.T.A.R. Labs' youngest and brightest scientist. She can solve difficult equations in a single day's time, as well as repair and operate heavy, energy generating machinery.


  • Power Instability: Frost will die unless she regularly absorbs heat. This extends to areas of extreme cold for too long.



  • In the CW's Flash tv series, she is portrayed by Danielle Panabaker, who also portrayed Layla Williams in Sky High, Jenna in 2009s Friday the 13th, and Jacey Jeffries in Mom at Sixteen.
  • In DC Super Hero Girls, she was voiced by Danica McKellar, who also voiced Hawkwoman in Young Justice.
  • In Justice League Action, she was voiced by Mena Suvari, who also voiced Aerith Gainsborough in Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children and Kingdom Hearts II.

Video Games[]

  • In Lego DC Super-Villains, she was voiced by Jennifer Hale, who also voiced Female Shepard in the Mass Effect series, and has voiced Killer Frost in numerous media.




  • Out of the three Killer Frost's, Caitlin is the only to have redeemed herself.
  • Caitlin is allergic to cinnamon.


           JusticeLeagueLogo Heroes

Justice League | Justice League of America | Justice League Dark | Justice League Europe | Justice League Incarnate | Justice League International | Justice League Task Force | Justice League Queer | Super Buddies

Aquaman | Atom | Batman | Black Canary (Dinah Laurel Lance | Dinah Drake) | Cyborg | The Flash (Barry Allen | Wally West) | Green Arrow (DC vs Vampires) | Green Lantern | Hawkgirl | Hawkman | Martian Manhunter | Superman | Wonder Woman

Adam Strange | Agent Liberty | Alan Scott | Amanda Waller | Amazing Man | Ambush Bug | Amethyst | Andrew Bennett | Animal Man | Antaeus | Andy Curry | Atomica | August General in Iron | Avery Ho | Azrael | Aztek | B'wana Beast | Batgirl | Bart Allen | Batwing | Batwoman | Beast Boy | Big Barda | Black Adam | Black Condor | Black Lightning | Black Orchid | Blue Beetle | Blue Devil | Blue Jay | Booster Gold | Bronze Tiger | Captain Atom | Captain Cold | Catwoman | Commander Steel | Congorilla | Conner Kent | Cassandra Cain | Green Arrow (Connor Hawke) | Creeper | Crimson Fox | Damian Wayne | Deadman | Detective Chimp | Doctor Fate | Doctor Light | Doctor Mist | Donna Troy | Element Woman | Elongated Man | Emiko Queen | Equinox | Etrigan | Faith | Fire | Firehawk | Firestorm | Frankenstein | Freedom Beast | General Glory | Geo-Force | Guardian | Guy Gardner | Gypsy | Harley Quinn | Hank Heywood | Hawk and Dove (Hank Hall | Dawn Granger) | Hippolyta | Hourman | Huntress | Ice | Jace Fox | Jackson Hyde | Jade | Jaime Reyes | James Gordon | Jericho | Jesse Quick | Jessica Cruz | John Constantine | John Stewart | Jon Kent | Katana | Kid Flash | Killer Frost | Kyle Rayner | Lex Luthor | Lightray | Lobo | Lois Lane | Madame Xanadu | Man-Bat | Maxima | Mera | Metamorpho | Mister Miracle | Miss Martian | Mister Terrific | Mon-El | Moon Maiden | Natasha Irons | Nightmare Nurse | Nightwing | Nubia | Offspring | Omen | Oracle | Orion | Pandora | Pariah | Phantom Girl | Phantom Stranger | Plastic Man | Power Girl | Poison Ivy | Powerhouse | Question | Ragman | Raven | Robin | Red Arrow | Red Hood | Red Robin | Red Tornado | Rhonda Pineda | Rocket Red | Ryan Choi | Saturn Girl | Shade the Changing Mann | Shazam | Silver Sorceress | Star Sapphire | Simon Baz | Sojourner Mullein | Starfire | Stargirl | Starman | Steel | Steve Trevor | Supergirl (DC vs Vampires) | Swamp Thing | Tasmanian Devil | Ted Kord | Tempest | Tomorrow Woman | Triumph | Vibe | Vixen | Wildcat | Wonder Girl | Yara Flor | Zatanna | Zauriel

Theatrical Movies
Justice League: Justice League (Superman | Batman | Wonder Woman | The Flash | Cyborg | Aquaman) | Alfred Pennyworth | James Gordon | Mera | Lois Lane | Hippolyta | Zeus | Artemis | Green Lantern Corps
Zack Snyder's Justice League: Justice League (Superman | Batman | Wonder Woman | The Flash | Cyborg | Aquaman) | Alfred Pennyworth | James Gordon | Mera | Lois Lane | Hippolyta | Nuidis Vulko | Martian Manhunter | Zeus | Artemis | Green Lantern Corps
DC League of Super-Pets: Krypto | Ace | PB | Merton | Chip | Keith and Mark | Superman | Batman | Wonder Woman | Green Lantern | The Flash | Aquaman | Cyborg | Lois Lane

Direct-to-video Movies
Justice League: The New Frontier: Green Lantern | Martian Manhunter | The Flash
Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox: The Flash | Batman | Thomas Wayne | Cyborg | Kal-El | Cole Cash | Godiva | Steve Trevor | Lois Lane | Etrigan | S.H.A.Z.A.M. | Samuel Lane
Justice League: War: Justice League (Batman, Superman, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, Shazam, & Cyborg) | Steve Trevor | Freddy Freeman |Sarah Charles | Thomas Morrow | Silas Stone
Justice League: Throne of Atlantis: Aquaman: | Atlanna | Mera | Justice League (Batman, Cyborg, The Flash, Green Lantern, Shazam, Superman, & Wonder Woman) | Steve Trevor | Lois Lane
Justice League vs. Teen Titans: Teen Titans (Raven, Robin, Starfire, Blue Beetle, Beast Boy, & Nightwing) | Justice League (Batman, Cyborg, The Flash, Superman, & Wonder Woman)
Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths: Justice League (Superman | Batman | Wonder Woman | The Flash)

Also See
DC Multiverse Heroes | Justice League International Heroes | Justice Society Heroes | Outsiders Heroes
