This article's content is marked as Mature Fruit Cake contains mature content that may include coarse language, sexual references, and/or graphic violent images which may be disturbing to some. Mature articles are recommended for those who are 18 years of age and older. If you are 18 years or older or are comfortable with graphic material, you are free to view this page. Otherwise, you should close this page and view another page. |
“ | You hold your own helmet up. You still don’t recognize the person you see reflected in the red mirrored visor. It was you but not you. A copy of you that was strange and distorted. It was wrong. But the moment you put the helmet on and see from outside your body, you recognize yourself. This was your face. Your real one. It’s you. |
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~ Fruit Cake's inner monologue in "FUCKHEAD". |
“ | You see them there, all around you. Napoleon, Jean and Daisy. Your squadmates. Your friends to the end. They made you a promise, one that can never break. And in return you’ve made them the same promise. A stubborn tiny light against clustering darkness forever. |
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~ Fruit Cake thinking about their friendship with the FUN SQUAD. |
Fruit Cake, also known as FUCKHEAD, is a character in the SCP Foundation series. They are a demon working for the Whore of Death and Duke of the Seventh Circle of Hell Malphas as an operative of the YANQUI U.X.O. mercenary organization. Although at first they appear like a wrathful beast obsessed with slaughter, Fruit Cake cares deeply about their partners and friends, deep down wanting to be free of Malphas and live a peaceful life with their loved ones.
They are part of the "Whore of Blood" series.
Fruit Cake's past along with their human name prior to becoming a demon is a complete mystery even to themself. What is certain is that Fruit Cake had committed some atrocity that caused them to be condemned to Hell after their death. Upon passing through the Gate of Blood, Fruit Cake was filled with so much rage that they immediately started slaughtering anyone they could get their hands on with a nearby sharp item. Soon however, they were confronted by a squad from the YANQUI U.X.O. mercenary organization which took them down before offering them a job in the organization. Fruit Cake accepted and was soon deployed on various missions which involved killing every opponent they encountered. Eventually, the owner of YANQUI U.X.O., Duke Malphas Killjoy, noticed Fruit Cake's work and seeing how they were one of the best operatives she had decided to make them one of her royal guards. The royal guards were the best operatives at Malphas' disposal, which thus far had solely been comprised of her three children, Napoleon, Jean, and Daisy who she collectively called her "Killjoys", though they preferred to call themselves the "FUN SQUAD".
Although an outsider at first, Fruit Cake formed a close bond with Malphas' children, especially with Daisy, falling deeply in love with her. However, Malphas severely mistreated Fruit Cake, dehumanizing them and treating them like a beast that needed to be put on a leash. Through time, Malphas had Fruit Cake receive several cybernetic modifications and hooked on combat stimulants, and despite Daisy, Napoleon and Jean's best efforts to be there for them, Fruit Cake was turned into a barely controllable living weapon.
Malphas would send the FUN SQUAD to bring to her recently deceased people who had committed high atrocities that negatively affected the world, like Richard Nixon, and cut them up in order to be hanged in the gallery of Malphas' House of Lead. In their latest assignment, the FUN SQUAD were sent to capture the recently deceased infamous politician Henry Kissinger, with the promise that if they did a good enough job Fruit Cake's augmentations would be undone. As they drove to the Gate of Blood, Fruit Cake, alongside their teammates, prepared for the incoming encounter, injecting themself with several combat stimulants, which concerned the rest of the FUN SQUAD. To help them concentrate on the mission, Daisy, under the codename Flower Boy, subtly attacked Fruit Cake before Napoleon, codenamed Hostage-Killer, told her to stop as Fruit Cake was needed to be conscious. Remembering that they were on a mission, Fruit Cake armored themself up and became ready for the mission.
Making their way to the Gate of Blood, the FUN SQUAD armored up as they moved through an active battlefield, Fruit Cake becoming excited to go killing again. They went through the mission plan again as Fruit Cake only knew that they would be capturing a politician and take out anyone who got in between. As they arrived at the Gate surrounded by endless battles, the FUN SQUAD was ready to snatch Kissinger, only to witness him being instead taken by Duke Eligos' own mercenaries. The FUN SQUAD attempted to chase after them, trying to shoot the truck down, but as the distance between them grew Fruit Cake, unwilling to leave their friends at the mercy of a disappointed Malphas, proposed to Flower Boy to use her shoulder missile launcher. With Jean's approval, she followed their suggestion and blew the back tires of the armored truck, causing it to crash in front of a dune. The FUN SQUAD proceeded to attack Eligos' mercenaries before they had a chance to fight back, giving themselves enough time to exit their APC and form a strategy. Fruit Cake used their Fear Sense talent to see that there were five mercenaries left, Kissinger was mostly unharmed, and the position of the captain who was the most afraid. After taking out another one of them, Hostage-Killer ordered Fruit Cake to flank in a wide arc to the right and to the truck's front cab, but on their way to attack, Jean, codenamed Orphan-Maker, warned Fruit Cake to duck behind the truck due to a incoming enemy ambush. Sensing another mercenary about to peak out to shoot Orphan-Maker, Fruit Cake creeped to the edge and as soon as he got his rifle out they cut their arm before taking out one of his eyes and decapitating him.
Approaching the captain, Fruit Cake gave him the chance to fight back. The captain unloaded his gun on them, but Fruit Cake managed to avoid and deflect all of the bullets, forcing the captain to take out his sword. Fruit Cake again dodged it, using their knife to cut half of the captain's face which terrified the last remaining mercenary who turned to flee only to be shot down by Flower Boy. The captain was undeterred as he attempted to attack Fruit Cake, ending in Fruit Cake taking out one of their hands, lift him from behind and smash him to the ground. Fruit Cake straddled the captain's chest and began beating his face, but as they were about to cut his neck they noticed the captain's own unused combat stimulant laying next to them. This caught Fruit Cake's entire attention, being unable to tear their eyes off the injector while their inner consciousness screamed to them to regain their senses. This gave the wounded captain the chance to slash Fruit Cake, but thankfully Flower Boy intervened by blowing up his arm. Seeing the disappointment in Flower Boy, Fruit Cake crumbled the injector and in a fit of rage and plunged the needle into the captain's remaining eye before tearing his head off. Flower Boy understood the state Fruit Cake was in and it wasn't their fault which didn't really comfort them. Continuing with their mission, Flower Boy and Orphan-Maker made sure to defend the perimeter from incoming enemies, while Fruit Cake and Hostage-Killer went to collect Kissinger from the truck, telling him that he had been invited by Malphas herself.
In the aftermath of the battle, Fruit Cake attempted to regain their senses, and although their friends assured them that they did a good job Daisy, Jean and Napoleon were still concerned about them. They successfully brought Kissinger to Malphas' estate where a dinner was prepared solely for her and her "guest". Malphas made her personal guards watch as she played with Kissinger, making him believe he had been invited to a friendly meeting. As they conversed about the various war crimes done in the name of America, Fruit Cake simply thought to themself, until Kissinger inquired about them and their companions. Malphas introduced Kissinger to Napoleon, Jean and Daisy as her children, but to Fruit Cake as a attack animal which she named Fuckhead. Napoleon attempted to argue that Fuckhead wasn't Fruit Cake's name, but took it back when intimidated by his mother. When Kissinger mentioned that her guards had launched a missile to claim him, Malphas interrogated her children on whose idea was to use the missile. Using her lie detection talent, Malphas discerned that Fruit Cake was the one to propose the idea. Baffled at the fact that Fruit Cake could think of such a thing, Malphas suggested to further augment them to take away their remaining independence. Jean protested, reminding Malphas of her promise, but she replied that it had depended on how well the job was. Malphas returned to Kissinger who began feeling nauseous, prompting her to reveal that his food was infused with a stimulant that soon paralyzed him from fear.
Malphas ordered Fruit Cake to fetch Kissinger which involved them beating him, using their knives to pin his hands to the table and bashing his head into it. Fruit Cake at first couldn't wait to make the evil politician suffer, but when Malphas had ordered them to do so they were deprived of the joy of massacring Kissinger. Napoleon then asked his mother if he and his teammates could leave already to go to the Shukufuku restaurant in the Upper Artery. This led to Malphas asking if they would be buying treats for Fruit Cake, angering Daisy for treating them as a mindless animal. Daisy shouted at her mother for mistreating all of them, especially Fruit Cake, leaving Malphas to just admonish her for growing attached to them. As Malphas expressed that she simply wanted to fix them as she hoped Daisy was going through a phase, Daisy lamented that her mother ruined their lives, but as she was forced keep quiet all she could do was to hold Fruit Cake close. With the debacle over, Malphas told her children they could leave but Fruit Cake would stay to carve Kissinger, terrifying Fruit Cake as they didn't want to be left alone with her. Jean and Napoleon attempted to convince their mother to let them do the task instead, but this only angered Malphas due being talked back. Not wanting to get their dear friends into any more trouble, Fruit Cake relented and assured them that they would be alright and took out their machete to cut Kissinger up. With Malphas' approval, Napoleon, Jean and Daisy remained by Fruit Cake's side, patiently waiting for them to finish the job. As Fruit Cake butchered Kissinger, they escaped into their fantasy world, imagining their ideal reality in which they were at Shukufuku eating food and spending time with their companions.
As a demon Fruit Cake appeared as an androgynous humanoid bat with no apparent wings. They possessed vibrant pink eyes and hair leaning on the right side. Later they received several mechanical augmentations that connected to their advanced militaristic suit equipped with a technological helmet and visor.
At first Fruit Cake gave the impression of being a mindless beast that was obsessed with killing anything they were set against in various gruesome ways. In truth, they appeared to have been a disturbed individual who had killed countless people, causing them to be condemned to Hell's Seventh Circle. They were content with working for Malphas, but when starting to work alongside her children, Fruit Cake immediately befriended the three of them, forming a deep bond with Napoleon, Jean and Daisy. Fruit Cake formed a special connection with Daisy especially, falling in love with her and wanting to spend as much time with her, feelings which Daisy reciprocated. Fruit Cake loved being treated by Daisy, either affectionately or abusively, wanting to just feel her loving touch. Unfortunately for Fruit Cake and their friends, Malphas severely abused them, treating them as nothing more than an animal or weapon which she could do as she pleased, resulting in Fruit Cake developing a deep seated hatred for their employer. This led to Fruit Cake losing much of their higher thinking, becoming addicted to combat stimulants and killing enemies, completely disregarding their health and wellbeing, and often refusing to think properly when they get confused. Despite this, Fruit Cake maintained their bond with their teammates, caring deeply for them and was willing to sacrifice themself to keep their friends and girlfriend away from trouble. To cope with their mistreatment, Fruit Cake would close off from the harsh reality around them and escape into their fantasy in which they lived peacefully with Daisy and her brothers.
Powers and Abilities[]
Fruit Cake was extremely skilled in combat, being able to handle a variety of weapons to kill any opponent they encountered, being proficient in using sharp weapons like machetes and knives, and form some strategy despite their mental affliction. As a demon, Fruit Cake gained some additional powers such as limited immortality and their special skill that being fear detection. This allowed Fruit Cake to not only sense the fear of others, but deduce how much fear or what kind of fear their opponents were feeling. Fruit Cake could use this power to sense how many individuals they were facing, hear some of their frantic thoughts and what course of action they would take.
Fruit Cake was later given cybernetic augmentations to make them more durable and better at combat. They were also injected with combat stimulants to enhance their neuromuscular system, increasing their strength, speed, senses and agility, though it decreased their mental capacity to feel pain. Fruit Cake took a vast amount of combat stimulants that would've harmed a normal demon, but their biomechanical body could absorb the drug to power itself. They also wore a advanced militaristic suit that connected to their augmentations and was equipped with a heads-up display that allowed Fruit Cake to look at information about their missions and targets.
- Fruit Cake was inspired by Henry Dorsett Case from Neuromancer, EMPTY FUCK from Cruelty Squad and C4-621 from Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon.
- The tale "FUCKHEAD" was written as a commentary on the ongoing brutal war of the Gaza–Israel conflict.