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Heroes Wiki

Fungus is a sorcerer, a member of Upply and a new friend of Cole, Master Wu and Princess Vania in LEGO Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu.


When King Vangelis of Shintaro invited Fungus, Korgran, and Plundar to the kingdom of Shintaro, he instructed them to search for the Skull of Hazza D'ur and bring it to him. While in the Dungeons of Shintaro, they had to survive all the traps, and there they met Adam, who became their new friend. And when the Skull of Hazza D'ur was found and they brought it to Vangelis, he betrayed them and threw them down into the abyss and trapped in the Dungeons of Shintaro. Years later, they met Cole, Master Wu, and Princess Vania, who also had to be dropped into the abyss, and when they told their story to them, they decided to go with them toward the ground. Searching for a way to the surface, they had to flee a lava monster, and in the Dungeons of Shintaro they found a legendary temple of the Earth's masters called the "Heart of the Mountain". There they found a Fire Stone Mech made of stone that they used to get to the ground, when they went up they still had to get rid of the lava monster chasing them, and finally they got to the ground. The palace they released Vania's pet dragon, Chompy, but after Hailmar and the palace guards attacked them attacked and tried to capture them, but he, Cole, Korgran, Plundar and Adam escaped and went back to the cave to help Cole's friends. Rescue of Cole's friends, they also had to be released Geckles and Munce and put an end to Skull Sorcerer to function as Vangelis plans. In the battle, Master Wu and Vania brought the palace guards to help them, and the battle ended in Cole destroyed the Skull of Hazza D'ur. After the battle, Vania was crowned as the new queen of Shintaro, and he and the other Upply with Cole left a goodbye when the Ninja were leaving home.

Powers & abilities[]

  • Magic: Being a skilled magician, Fungus relies on his magic to get him and the rest of the Upply out of tough situations.
    • Explosive mushrooms: Fungus mainly uses explosive mushrooms to blow up objects or enemies
    • Freezing mushrooms: Fungus also has mushrooms which can freeze everything in plain sight.
    • Far sight: Fungus also has the capability to see events that are going on in the present time using a combination of lichen and moss.



           Ninjago Logo Heroes

TV Series
The Ninja: Master Wu | Cole | Jay | Zane | Kai | Lloyd | Nya
The Serpentine: Arcturus | Clancee | Pythor P. Chumsworth | Skales
Nindroids: Nindroid Sentries | Echo Zane | P.I.X.A.L.
Elemental Masters: Ash | Bolobo | Gravis | Griffin Turner | Jacob Pevsner | Karlof | Mr. Pale | Neuro | Shade | Skylor | Tox | Ray | Maya | Nyad
Police: Commissioner | Hounddog McBrag
The Resistance
First Realm: Faith | Firstbourne
The Never-Realm: Akita | Krag | The Resistance (Grimfax | Kataru)
Prime Empire Residents: League of Jay | Okino | Blazey H. Speed | Scott
Shintaro: Queen Vania | The Upply (Korgran | Fungus | Plundar | Adam)
Keepers of the Amulet: Chief Mammatus |PoulErik
Merlopia: Benthomaar | Trimaar | Glutinous
Other: Brad Tudabone | Clutch Powers | Cyrus Borg | Dareth | Dr. Julien | First Spinjitzu Master | Flintlocke | Garmadon | Harumi | Hutchins | Lil' Nelson | Misako Montgomery Garmadon | Mistaké | Morro | New Ninja | Ronin | Twitchy Tim | Unagami

The LEGO Ninjago Movie
Master Wu | Secret Ninja Force (Lloyd | Kai | Jay | Nya | Cole | Zane)

Dragons Rising
Arin | Sora | Riyu | Source Dragon of Energy | Euphrasia | Wyldfyre | Alfonzo Frohicky | Arrakore | Geo | Bonzle | Percival Tartigrade | Rapton | Egalt | Rontu | Gandalaria | Source Dragon of Motion | Frak | Roby

See Also
Lego Heroes | Legends of Chima Heroes
