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Since the invention of the "Chaos Drive", a semi-permanent power source, a majority of [GUN] forces are comprised of fully automatic unmanned mobile machines.
~ Sonic Adventure 2 manual on G.U.N. robots.

G.U.N. Robots are supporting characters in the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise.

They are mass-produced robots employed by the Guardian Units of Nations, a worldwide military organisation, for combat purposes. Despite being meant to protect Earth's population from threats like Dr. Eggman and Black Arms, they were once tasked with hunting down the world's renowned hero, Sonic the Hedgehog, when everyone believed him to have gone rogue due to Shadow the Hedgehog inadvertently framing him for theft.


Sonic Adventure 2[]

The game marks the G.U.N. robots' debut appearance. They appear as common enemies in both Hero and Dark stages, attacking both heroes and villains.

Shadow the Hedgehog[]

G.U.N. robots, alongside G.U.N. Soldiers, are seen as common enemies in most levels of the game. While their main objective is fighting off the Black Arms' invasion, they start targeting Shadow as well after the Commander is made aware of him, no matter which side the black hedgehog takes in the conflict. They belong to the hero alignment, and thus destroying them fills Shadow's red gauge, letting him use his dark ability, Chaos Blast.

The G.U.N. robots were also revealed to have taken part in the organisation's infamous raid on the Space Colony ARK.

Sonic Rush[]

G.U.N. robots appear as enemies in the Huge Crisis levels, which take place on an aircraft carrier likely belonging to G.U.N. It's unknown why they attack Sonic and Blaze.

Sonic x Shadow Generations: Dark Beginnings[]

When Team Dark raided a G.U.N. base to get a shuttle for Shadow to reach Space Colony ARK with, they took out a few G.U.N. robots during the break-in, and fought a soldier piloting a Blue Falcon mech. Later, when Shadow took off in the shuttle, several Gun Beetles attempted to shoot him down, but were called off by the Commander.

Sonic Generations[]

G.U.N. robots appear as enemies in the City Escape levels in the console/PC versions, as well as its remaster on Xbox series, Playstations 4, and 5, and Nintendo Switch, and in the Radical Highway levels in the 3DS version, mirroring their role in the game the levels were taken from, Sonic Adventure 2.

Shadow Generations[]

G.U.N. robots appear as enemies in the Space Colony ARK and Radical Highway levels, as well as the Doom Zone sections of several other stages.

Sonic Channel Wallpaper Cover Stories[]

In the July 2021 story, the military had seized a number of capsules from Eggman's base and brought them into the city for research. Shadow realized that one of them was a bomb set to explode at midnight and take half the city with it, but nobody believed him, forcing him to fight several Beetle robots in order to get to the bomb. When Sonic and Shadow entered the vault it was kept in, many more Beetles attacked them for intruding, forcing Sonic to wreck three of them to make way for Shadow.


Beetle Series[]

An aerial model of the G.U.N. robots, comes in nine variations, more than any other series. Their serial number is "01" in all games except Shadow the Hedgehog, where it's "05" instead.

  • Bomb Beetle - uses bombs to attack. Appears in Sonic Adventure 2 only.
  • Bomb Wing - almost identical to Bomb Beetle, but is equipped with wings and extra engines. Appears in Sonic Adventure 2 only.
  • Gold Beetle - is colored gold. In Sonic Adventure 2 and Sonic Generations, it has no weapons but can teleport, while in Shadow the Hedgehog, it's equipped with a gun and can fly faster than normal Beetles, making it hard to destroy.
  • Gun Beetle - uses energy beams or other projectiles to attack.
  • Gun Wing - almost identical to Gun Beetle, but is equipped with wings and extra engines. Appears in Sonic Adventure 2 only.
  • Mono Beetle - the most basic model. Has no weapons and is likely meant for surveillance purposes.
  • Rocket Beetle - uses a 4-Shot RPG to launch missiles at the target. Appears in Shadow the Hedgehog only.
  • Spark Beetle - looks identical to Mono Beetle, but unlike it, Spark Beetle can create an electromagnetic field around itself to hurt its attacker.
  • Spring Beetle - has a spring on its top and serves as a platforming gimmick. It can only be destroyed with the Light Speed Attack. Appears in Sonic Adventure 2 only.

Hawk Series[]

A different aerial model of G.U.N. robots, comes in four variations. They greatly resemble the Beetle Series, but have a slightly different design and are slightly bigger in size. Their serial number is "04".

  • Bomb Hawk - uses bombs to attack. Appears in Sonic Rush only.
  • Gun Hawk - uses gun projectiles to attack. Appears in Sonic Adventure 2 only.
  • Laser Hawk - fires lasers at the target. Appears in Sonic Adventure 2 only.
  • Sky Hawk - is equipped with wings and twin engines, attacks its target by ramming. Appears in Sonic Adventure 2 only.
  • Gum Hawk - It is equipped with a cannon that shoots blue projectiles that incapacitate anyone. Appears in Hard Mode of Sonic Adventure 2 only.

Hornet Series[]

An aerial model of G.U.N. robots that looks completely different from the Beetle and Hawk variants, comes in five variations. Their serial number is "05". Hornet robots appear in Sonic Adventure 2 only.

  • Hornet-3 - can fire up to three bombs at the target.
  • Hornet-6 - can fire up to six bombs at the target.
  • Hornet-9 - can fire up to nine bombs at the target.
  • Laser Hornet - unlike other Hornet robots, it uses lasers to attack.
  • Phoenix - a relatively new variant, looks identical to Hornet-3, but is colored red and acts much faster.

Hunter Series[]

A humanoid model of G.U.N. robots, serving as foot soldiers for the organisation, comes in three variations. Their serial number is "02".

  • Gun Hunter - uses gun projectiles to attack, and can immobilize the target by shooting it with gel.
  • Laser Hunter - uses a laser gun to attack. Appears in Sonic Adventure 2 only.
  • Shield Hunter - a variant of Laser Hunter that uses a shield to protect itself from attacks. Appears in Sonic Adventure 2 only.

Rhino Series[]

A wheel-based model of G.U.N. robots, comes in five variations. Their serial number is "03".

  • Rhino Cannon - uses the cannon on its roof to attack. Appears in Sonic Adventure 2 only.
  • Rhino Cannon (Sonic Rush) - despite having the same name as the Rhino Cannon, it only has a spring on its roof and attack by ramming. In the Japanese localisation, this variant is more appropriately named "Rhino Spring". Appears in Sonic Rush only.
  • Rhino Jet - is equipped with twin engines, attacks by ramming. Appears in Sonic Adventure 2 only.
  • Rhino Metal - made of a harder material than other Rhino robots, it's much harder to destroy and utilizes the same attack as Rhino Jet. Appears in Sonic Adventure 2 only.
  • Rhino Spike - has spikes placed on its roof to protect itself from attacks. Appears in Sonic Adventure 2 only.

Trooper Series[]

A different humanoid model of G.U.N. robots, comes in two variations, less than any other series. They greatly resemble Hunter robots and serve pretty much the same purpose. Trooper robots appear in Shadow the Hedgehog only.

  • GUN Trooper - uses its gun to attack.
  • Giga Trooper - an advanced version of GUN Trooper. It uses the same attacks, but has stronger armor.

Big Foot Series[]

  • Spider Troop F-6t Big Foot: A big foot with a Gatling gun, and missile launchers. The first big foot ever to appear in the Hero Story of Sonic Adventure 2
  • Scorpion Troop B-3x Hot Shot: A big foot with a Gatling gun, missile launchers, and a partical beam cannon. The first big foot ever to appear in the Dark story of Sonic Adventure 2.
  • R-1/A Flying Dog: A big foot, with missile launchers, and particle beam cannon, and that doesn't have to land, because of the lack of legs.
  • Big Foot Type A: A big foot that is stronger than the other Big three big foots in Sonic Adventure 2, without missle launchers, and would take more homing attacks to defeat it.
  • Big Foot Type B: The strongest big foot ever to be fought with camouflage-color.

Mobile series[]

  • Mantis Platoon HD1/Heavy Dog: The mobile machine that was fought by Shadow during the shutdown of the research project fifty years ago.
  • LZ-12R/Blue Falcon: the mobile machine that was fought by Shadow trying to get to the central control room of the Eclipse cannon on the ARK.


  • U78-X/Diablon: A Prototype energy charged weapon; a large red mecha that was either directly or remotely piloted by the Commander and fought alongside Sonic against Shadow.


G.U.N. robots are presumed to be completely loyal to their superiors, carrying out any orders they receive from them. They aren't shown to have any sign of self-awareness or hints of personality and are likely nothing more than mindless drones, contrasting Eggman's Badniks, some of which are shown to have personal traits and even free will.


Hawk Series[]

Rhino Series[]

Beetle Series[]

Hunter Series[]

Hornet Series[]

Big Foot Series[]

Trooper Series[]

Mobile Series[]



  • Despite G.U.N. being featured in Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) and Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood, G.U.N. robots don't appear in those games.
    • Likewise, while G.U.N. robots appear in Sonic Rush and Sonic Generations, human G.U.N. soldiers don't.
  • While two of the Shadow the Hedgehog levels, The Doom and Lost Impact, show that G.U.N. Robots were around as early as the time period Shadow was created in (50 years before the main events of the series), which is further supported by the Space Colony Ark being full of robots when Eggman and Shadow go there in Sonic Adventure 2, in the Sonic X series they were created only after Dr. Eggman started operating on Earth.
    • Also, while the games portray the Big Foot robots as combat mechs piloted by human soldiers, they appear to be unmanned drones in Sonic X.


            Sonic the Hedgehog logo Heroes

Main Universe
Team Sonic
Knuckles the Echidna | Miles "Tails" Prower | Sonic the Hedgehog
Team Rose
Amy Rose | Big the Cat | Cheese | Cream the Rabbit
Team Dark
E-123 Omega | Rouge the Bat | Shadow the Hedgehog
Chaotix Detective Agency
Charmy Bee | Espio the Chameleon | Vector the Crocodile
Team Vector
Blaze the Cat | Silver the Hedgehog | Vector the Crocodile
Babylon Rogues
Jet the Hawk | Storm the Albatross | Wave the Swallow
The Hooligans
Bark the Polar Bear | Bean the Dynamite | Fang the Hunter
Abraham Tower | G.U.N. Soldiers | G.U.N. Robots
Space Colony ARK
Gerald Robotnik | Maria Robotnik
Jewel the Beetle
Diamond Cutters
Lanolin | Maggie | Tangle the Lemur | Whisper the Wolf
Other Members and Allies
Belle the Tinkerer
Original Diamond Cutters
Clarie Voyance | Slinger the Ocelot | Smithy the Lion | Whisper the Wolf
Sol Dimension
Blaze the Cat | Marine the Raccoon
Coconut Crew
Colonel | Daikun | Gardon | Kylok | Muzy | Setter | Tabby
E-117 Sigma | Mecha Sonic
Eggman Empire
E-102 Gamma | Emerl | G-merl | Heavy and Bomb | Sage
The Ancients
Master King | Crane | Dragon | Snake | Tiger | Titans | Koco
Storybook Series
Sonic and the Secret Rings: Shahra | Sinbad the Sailor
Sonic and the Black Knight: Caliburn | Sir Gawain | Sir Lancelot | Sir Percival
Twilight Cage
Shade the Echidna | Thebes
Animal Friends | Ariem | Barry the Quokka | Chaobi | Chip | Conductor | Dodon Pa | Honey the Cat | Lumina Flowlight | Mighty the Armadillo | Motobud | Mr. Tinker | Omochao | The President | Princess Elise | Professor Pickle | Ray the Flying Squirrel | Rookie | Sticks the Badger | Tikal the Echidna | Trip the Sungazer | Vanilla the Rabbit | Void | Wisps (Yacker)

Classic Era
Amy Rose | Animal Friends | Bark the Polarbear | Bean the Dynamite | Classic Charmy | Classic Espio | Classic Vector | Heavy and Bomb | Fang the Sniper | Honey the Cat | Knuckles the Echidna | Mighty the Armadillo | Miles "Tails" Prower | Ray the Flying Squirrel | Sonic the Hedgehog | Trip the Sungazer

Animated Film/OVA
Hyper Metal Sonic | Knuckles the Echidna | Miles "Tails" Prower | Old Man Owl | Sara | Sonic the Hedgehog

Sonic Adventures
Sonic the Hedgehog | Tails

LEGO Dimensions
LEGO Amy Rose | LEGO Sonic the Hedgehog | LEGO Tails

Dr. Ovi Kintobor | Sally Acorn | Sonic the Hedgehog | Snow Spirits

See Also
Adventures Heroes | Archie Heroes | Sonic Cinematic Universe Heroes | SatAM Heroes | Sonic Boom Heroes | Sonic Prime Heroes | Sonic Underground Heroes | Sonic X Heroes | Sonic the Comic Heroes
