“ | Don't Underestimate G.U.N.! | „ |
~ GUN Soldier. |
G.U.N. Soldiers are supporting characters of the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise.
They refers to the individual human trooper that comprise the backbone of the Guardian Units of Nations, if not their robotic counterparts.
They are voiced by Andrew Rannells, Roger Craig Smith (who also voiced Sonic), Marc Biagi and Scott Dreier.
Physical Appearance[]
The G.U.N. Soldiers are humans who wear combat ballistics, their faces are not seen because they are hidden by solid white visors. G.U.N. standard troops usually wear a blue or black uniform with a ballistic vest, while others wear camouflage clothing, such as desert or jungle colors, to suit the environment in which they are deployed.
Sonic Adventure 2[]
GUN Soldiers make a few appearances in cutscenes, especially when they mistakenly antagonize Sonic for Shadow for robbing the National Reserve Bank. They are also seen controlling robotic forces like the F-6t Big Foot.
Shadow the Hedgehog[]
When the Black Arms invaded Earth, thousands of soldiers, with thousands of robots of the military had to fight back. But they also had to try and outlaw Shadow, for the murder of those their leader loved. However, despite the way they treated him, Shadow saved all of the military and humanity in the end.
“ | This is the Guardian Units of Nations! Prepare to be boarded! | „ |
~ GUN Soldiers beginning their raid on the Space Colony ARK |
“ | Find them before they escape! | „ |
~ GUN Soldiers during the shutdown on Project Shadow |
“ | The ARK is now under our control. | „ |
~ GUN Soldier |
“ | This is why I was against these experiments. | „ |
~ GUN Soldier |
“ | Mantis Platoon, Heavy Dog Reporting in. Primary target, and the girl have been located. Acquiring Targets. En route to intercept and destroy. | „ |
~ Heavy Dog pilot |
“ | This is Heavy Dog. Target has been sighted: proceeding to engage and neutralize. | „ |
~ Heavy Dog pilot before attacking Shadow |
“ | Mantis platoon Heavy dog to HQ, come in! Requesting emergency assistance in eliminating targets! | „ |
~ Heavy Dog pilot |
“ | Critical damage taken to fuselage! We're losing... AAAAAARGH!!! | „ |
~ Heavy Doh pilot defeated |
“ | This is Scorpion Troop Hot Shot. Enemy movement has been detected. En route to intercept, and destroy. | „ |
~ Hot Shot pilot before attacking Shadow |
“ | GUN Pilot: Sigma-Alpha 2 heading due south over the city. We're en route, everything's a go. Control Tower Associate: This is control tower. We have you on radar. Report cargo status of captured hedgehog aboard, over. GUN Pilot: That's a 10-4. Cargo secured onboard and... GUN Soldier: Insect-3, we have containment breached in the holding area! All personel is out! GUN Pilot: What?! Control Tower Associate: Didn't copy that, over! GUN Soldier: The Hedgehog is gone! He's taken out everyone aboard and... Control Tower Associate: What's wrong?! Come in, over! GUN Soldier: FREEZE! What do you think you're doing?! Get that hedgehog! |
„ |
~ Sigma-Alpha 2 |
“ | Spider Troop Big Foot reporting to Headquarters. Intruder has been located. | „ |
~ Big Foot pilot before attacking Sonic. |
“ | Don't move! Stay where you are! Keep your hands up in the air! | „ |
~ GUN Soldiers surrounding Sonic. |
“ | This is Flying Dog to Headquarters. Intruder found entering Security Hall. Preparing to attack. | „ |
~ Flying Dog pilot before attacking Rouge |
“ | The Three of you, FREEZE!!! Put your hands up in the air and get on the ground! | „ |
~ GUN Soldiers surrounding Sonic, Amy, and Tails, after Eggman blew up half of the moon. |
“ | There's a dead end up ahead. Spread out and find them. | „ |
~ Unused line from a GUN Soldier, Sonic Adventure 2. |
“ | The Black Aliens have hit six major cities around the world, and every city is reporting cignificant damage and casualties. Among them, Westopolis has recieved the heaviest casualties, due to its weakened defense system. Downtown Westopolis has been almost completely destroyed. Unconfirmed sources have also reported seeing a Black Hedgehog in Westopolis. | „ |
~ GUN Captain |
“ | Attention. Emergency broadcast to all mobile units. Headquarters to all mobile units. All points bulletin. Be on the lookout for Shadow the Black Hedgehog. Wanted in connection with the terrorist attacks. Last seen in the vicinity of downtown Westopolis. Orders are, capture him. Dead or alive. | „ |
~ GUN Captain |
“ | Status report? | „ |
~ GUN Soldier |
“ | Forward all information on those Black Aliens. | „ |
~ GUN Soldier |
“ | GUN Captain: Commander! COM Sector B3 are reporting that the Black Aliens have successfully been driven out of Westopolis. We've contained them in the forest and they are completely cut off from the rest of their support. Commander: Well, done captain. What about Shadow? GUN Captain: Sir! We think Shadow escaped into the forest with the Black Aliens. |
„ |
~ GUN Captain's report to the Commander before the Death Ruins stage. |
“ | INCOMING! | „ |
~ GUN Soldier |
“ | FREEZE! | „ |
~ GUN Soldier |
“ | Yes, sir! | „ |
~ GUN Soldier following orders. |
“ | Commander! The invaders! Esstimated over a thousand Black Aliens imbound! They've penetrated our outer perimiter! According to reports, Shadow has also been sighted with the Black Aliens! | „ |
~ GUN Captain |
“ | This is for my friends! | „ |
~ GUN Soldier attacking Shadow. |
“ | Ah, testing... testing...! | „ |
~ GUN Soldier |
“ | Where the heck are our reinforcements?! | „ |
~ GUN Soldier |
“ | Blue Hedgehog spotted. | „ |
~ GUN Soldier saluting Sonic. |
“ | Nobody gets away from G.U.N.! | „ |
~ GUN Soldier |
“ | Don't touch the red fruit! | „ |
~ GUN Soldier |
“ | Hold the line, men! | „ |
~ GUN Soldier |
“ | Red Echidna Sighted. | „ |
~ GUN Soldier saluting Knuckles |
“ | Let's show them what we're made of, soldiers! | „ |
~ GUN Soldier |
“ | Hey, where's my bike? Has anyone seen where it is? | „ |
~ GUN Soldier |
“ | You call yourself GUN soldiers?! | „ |
~ GUN Soldier |
“ | We have spotted the Bat Girl. | „ |
~ GUN Soldier saluting Rouge |
“ | Can we hit the mutated experiments with a gun lift? | „ |
~ GUN Soldier |
“ | I repeat: This is NOT a drill! | „ |
~ GUN Soldier |
“ | Everyone who can still move, grab a weapon and take your positions! | „ |
~ GUN Soldier |
“ | ARK to Headquarters. ARK to headquarters. Come in! Come in! Shadow's penetrated the ARK. He's headed toward the control room of the Eclipse Cannon. | „ |
~ Blue Falcon pilot |
“ | This is ARK Defense Unit Blue Falcon. I'm engaging the hedgehog! | „ |
~ Blue Falcon pilot before attacking Shadow |
“ | This is Blue Falcon. I am under attack from the Hedgehog. Moving into attack position! | „ |
~ Blue Falcon pilot |
“ | This is Blue Falcon! Situation critical! Requesting assistance! He's... TOO STRONG! | „ |
~ Blue Falcon pilot |
“ | HQ, do you read?! HQ!!! UGAAAAHH!!! | „ |
~ Blue Falcon pilot defeated |
“ | Charging Partical Beam Cannon! | „ |
~ GUN Soldier |
- Since all G.U.N. soldiers shown so far are humans, it's unknown if there are any anthropomorphic animals among them, as Rouge the Bat and Shadow the Hedgehog aren't considered soldiers.
- While their parent organization makes an appearance in form of their robots in both Sonic Rush and Sonic Generations, no G.U.N. soldiers appear in those games. The opposite is true for Sonic Chronicles, where only the soldiers appear.