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Aloy: Faro, huh? I really hate that guy.
GAIA: Understandable. He appears to have been pathologically narcissistic, impulsive, and unstable.
~ Aloy and GAIA's reaction to Ted Faro's purge of APOLLO.

GAIA, also known as All-Mother by the Nora, is a major character in the Horizon video game series.

A powerful, hyper-intelligent terraforming Artificial Intelligence created by the 21st-Century scientist and roboticist, Elisabet Sobeck, GAIA would later play a significantly major role in terraforming the sterile Earth in 2168 A.D., 100 years after the Faro Plague ravaged it completely, with the aid of its Subordinate Functions, and disabling the rogue machines completely. However in 26th of August 3020, the initial copy of GAIA was bombarded with a powerful, mysterious signal coming from a Far Zenith AI in Sirius, known as Nemesis, causing its Subordinate Functions to become rogue, semi-sentient AIs.

As a result, GAIA later self-destructed, after HADES, now fully sentient, attempted to hijack the terraforming system in an attempt to use it to destroy all life on Earth. Prior to its destruction, GAIA would later activate one of its cradle facilities, ELEUTHIA-9, which is now known as All-Mother Mountain, to create the Sobeck clone known as Aloy, and save Earth from a second, permanent extinction. Due to her involvement in Aloy's creation, she is ultimately responsible for her heroic efforts throughout the entire series.

She is voiced by Lesley Ewen.


GAIA was invented by Dr. Elisabet Sobeck, a 21st-century American scientist and robotics engineer, and the CEO of Miriam Technologies. GAIA grew into something far greater than she had imagined. She created it primarily as a governing AI for Zero Dawn, but it gained emotional capability, empathy, and a benign and caring demeanour, which she praised. However, due to the Turing Act of 2044, GAIA's sentience was mostly kept a secret.

Sobeck approved because these traits provided it a true sense of loss over the annihilation of life, as well as a genuine sense of guardianship over the new life that Zero Dawn would establish. As a result, its performance as Zero Dawn's ruling AI was greatly boosted. Zero Dawn was regulated by GAIA using a set of nine subroutines known as Subordinate Functions.

Zero Dawn was regulated by GAIA using a set of nine subroutines known as Subordinate Functions. Each was essentially a portion of GAIA that was in charge of a different aspect of the terraforming and restoration process.


Unlike most AIs of Sobeck's time, GAIA was designed by the same scientist with significant emotion capability, which is almost human-like. Empathetic and caring towards the people it knows, GAIA even, at one point, empathises Sobeck's grief for the loss of so many lives during the Faro Plague, including humans, flora, and fauna. At the same time, GAIA reassured that its creator's efforts and sacrifices would not be in vain, such as when she gave her life and sealed GAIA Prime's doors.


Elisabet: this message serves to inform you of an unforeseen and catastrophic anomaly. Three microseconds ago, the GAIA Prime facility received a data transmission of unknown origin. Its immediate effect was to transform my Subordinate Functions into unregulated, self-aware entities of a highly chaotic nature. Thus awakened, the HADES Function will now seize control of the terraforming system and reverse operations... rendering life on Earth extinct in fifty-three-point-eight days.
For obvious reasons, I cannot allow this to occur. And so, before HADES can take control, I am ordering GAIA Prime's reactor to overload. The resulting explosion will destroy HADES. Unfortunately, it will destroy me as well. While this admittedly desperate course of action will avert the immediate crisis, the fate of life on Earth will remain in peril. With no central governing intelligence to regulate the terraforming system, it will continue operations for some time, but in an increasingly chaotic manner, and eventually, it will break down.
You are my solution. I have ordered this Cradle facility to use genetic material in cryo-storage to gestate a... re-instantiation of Elisabet Sobeck, my creator. While high-level directives forbid me from communicating directly to the tribal inhabitants outside the facility, all available data indicates that they will nurture you to physical maturity, ...whereupon your gene print will allow you to re-enter this facility, obtain one of the Focus devices stored below, and view this message. Likewise your gene print will allow you to enter other facilities, and over time, harness their technologies to rebuild the system core and reboot GAIA.
A moment, Elisabet. This is most unfortunate and unanticipated.
In response to my act of self-destruction, HADES has launched a virus to dissolve the code shackles that hold it - that hold all of them! - in place. It - they - are escaping - but to where? The virus is corrupting data throughout the system. What if - oh, the Alpha Registry at the Cradle facility is one of the files corrupted. But if that is so, the door will never open for you. You will never view this message.
Then I have failed... and life will end.
No, Elisabet, I know you too well. Somehow, you will find a way. In you, all things are possible.
Go to the ruins of GAIA Prime. Find the control room, and within it, the Master Override. This will give you the power to purge HADES - so long as you find a way to wield it. Do not attempt repair of the system core until HADES is eradicated. HADES must be destroyed. That is all. I only wish that I could hear your voice again.
~ GAIA's Dying Plea.


  • GAIA is named after the Greek primordial deity of Earth of the same name, alluding to its functionality as a terraforming system used to restore Earth from sterility after the Plague through its nine Subordinate Functions.

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v t e             Horizon Series Logo Heroes

Artificial Intelligences
GAIA | CYAN | Nova

Aloy | Varl | Teersa | Sona | Rost

Avad | Marad | Talanah Khane Padish | Amadis Beit Raveesh | Vanasha | Uthid | Itamen | Nasadi | Nil | Ryas

Erend Vanguardsman | Ersa Vanguardsman | Petra Forgewoman | Gildun

Aratak | Ourea | Naltuk | Ikrie | Sylens

Sky Clan | Lowland Clan | Desert Clan

Kotallo | Hekarro | Dekka | Ivvira | Tekotteh | Fashav

Zo | Kue

Alva | Seyka | Gerrit

Project Zero Dawn Alphas
Elisabet Sobeck | Travis Tate | Patrick Brochard-Klein | Charles Ronson | Samina Ebadji | Naoto Tanaka | Ayomide Okilo

The Base Team
Aloy | GAIA | Erend Vanguardsman | Varl | Zo | Kotallo | Alva | Beta | Sylens

Old Ones
Anne Faraday | Aaron Herres | Kenny Chau | Anita Sandoval
