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Not forever, Cosmo. Just until we destroy the evil Metarex monsters for good. Only then can we rest and search for a new planet to call home. Come on, let's go. Mother has many errands for us today!
~ Galaxina

Galaxina, also referred to as Cosmo's older sister, is a character that appears in the anime series Sonic X. She was a member of Cosmo's species and Cosmo's older sister. During their space travels however, Galaxina was killed amidst an attack from the Metarex.

She is voiced by Michiko Neya in the Japanese version, and by Veronica Taylor in the English version.


Galaxina is physically similar to Cosmo, as having dark cyan colored hair and wears white and yellow clothing. As well as having a similar physical appearance compared to Cosmo, she has teal features.


As opposed to Cosmo, Galaxina is very smart, sophisticated and down-to-earth. Despite this, she is tender and worry a great deal about Cosmo and their mother, Earthia.


  • In the original Japanese version, Galaxina has no name; she was referred to as onee-sama ("big sister") by other members of her clan. It was only in the English dub of Sonic X that she received the name "Galaxina".

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            SonicXLogo Heroes

Sonic's World
Sonic and Friends
Amy Rose | Cheese | Cream the Rabbit | Knuckles the Echidna | Miles "Tails" Prower | Rouge the Bat | Sonic the Hedgehog | Vanilla the Rabbit
Chaotix Detective Agency
Charmy Bee | Espio the Chameleon | Vector the Crocodile
Eggman Empire
Bokkun | Decoe and Bocoe | Dr. Eggman
Other Characters
Big the Cat | Tikal the Echidna

Human World
Main Characters
Christopher Thorndyke | Shadow the Hedgehog
Other Characters
Chuck Thorndyke | Danny | Ella | Frances | Helen | Maria Robotnik | Mr. Stewart | Sam Speed | Scarlet Garcia | Seamus MacGuffin | Topaz

Metarex Saga
Cosmo | Earthia | Galaxina | Molly

See Also
Sonic the Hedgehog Heroes
