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Hero Overview

Whatever happens to me, wherever I am, I will always be with you. There comes a time where every boy must become a man. What sort of man, is up to him.
~ Lord Garmadon to Lloyd in Curseworld Part II
As I've told you, there are things in my past I'm not proud of, but I have no regrets. You wouldn't be here otherwise. My fear of losing Misako controlled me and led me down a dangerous path. A path I hope to one day make peace with.
~ Garmadon explaining to Lloyd that he has regrets about the mistakes he made in his past.
Hm… there, that wasn't so bad, was it. After all, I can't keep carrying you around forever. You're a plant. You should have roots. I once thought roots were a sign of weakness. Hm… but I was wrong, we are stronger together. I must go help my son rebuild his monastery now.
~ Garmadon bidding farewell to Christofern in "Roots", and his final words in the entire series.

Garmadon is the main antagonist of LEGO Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu. He is the first son of the First Spinjitzu Master, the older brother of Sensei Wu, the husband of Misako and the father of Lloyd Garmadon.

Prior to the beginning of the series, a young Garmadon was bitten by the Great Devourer and infected with evil. The corruption transformed him into Lord Garmadon, a power-hungry villain who served as the main antagonist of the first two pilot episodes of the series. After a battle with his younger brother, Garmadon was trapped in the Underworld, where he gained command of the Skulkin. During the pilot episodes of the series, he sent the Skulkin to retrieve the Golden Weapons in order to grant him incredible power.

In the first full season of the series, Garmadon is revealed to have a son, Lloyd Garmadon, who seeks to follow in his footsteps. Lord Garmadon actually becomes something of an ally to the Ninja after Lloyd unleashes the Serpentine on Ninjago, working with his old foes to both save his son and to remove a potential rival for conquest of the land. Despite seeing their alliance through to the end, Lord Garmadon continues to seek means of gaining the advantage over the Ninja, eventually finding himself with a perfect opening to steal the Golden Weapons.

In the second season, Lord Garmadon once again becomes the main villain of the series, using the power of the Golden Weapons to take leadership over the remaining Serpentine. Combining the weapons into a single Mega Weapon, he schemes to remake Ninjago in his own dark image. Later on, he allies with the Overlord and gains control of the Stone Army, only to be betrayed by the former and used as a vessel for the original evil's rebirth.

After the Overlord's defeat at the hands of Lloyd, Garmadon is completely purified of evil, and happily reunites with his family at last. He has since joined his brother Wu as a mentor to the Ninja, hoping to atone for his evil deeds by helping them overcome whatever new evils may arise to threaten Ninjago.

He is voiced by Mark Oliver, and by Paolo Marchese in the Italian dub. In the LEGO Ninjago: Nindroids handheld game, he is voiced by Andre Sogliuzzo.


He serves as the main antagonist of the Pilot Episodes, a supporting anti-hero/anti-villain in Season 1: Rise of the Snakes, one of the two main antagonists (alongside the Overlord) of Season 2: Legacy of the Green Ninja, a major character in both Season 3: Rebooted and Season 4: Tournament of Elements, a minor character in Season 5: Possession and a posthumous character in both the TV special Day of the Departed and Season 7: The Hands of Time.

He would later return as the main antagonist of The Oni Trilogy, specifically as the titular overarching antagonist of Season 8: Sons of Garmadon, one of the two main antagonists (alongside Iron Baron) of Season 9: Hunted, and the anti-heroic deuteragonist of Season 10: March of the Oni. He is also a flashback character in Season 11: Secrets of the Forbidden Spinjitzu, a mentioned character in Season 13: Master of the Mountain, one of the two titular protagonists (alongside Wu) of the tie-in book series Spinjitzu Brothers, the titular protagonist of the tie-in comic miniseries Garmadon and a major character in Season 15: Crystalized.


As a child, Garmadon was especially mature for his age, using phrases of wisdom to his younger brother during their youth. However, upon being bitten by the Great Devourer, he began to take on darker, more megalomaniacal aspects that he fought with, showing great determination by keeping the beast's venom from fully controlling him for centuries.

However, under Chen's influence, the Great Devourer's venom would continue to grow. As a result of his master's teachings, Garmadon felt the need to win at all costs and would even resort to blatant cheating in order to achieve his goals. He would even go so far as to lie in order to win Misako's heart, though despite all this, his true, good side managed to prevail at times, such as through guilt and virtue.

Likewise, when Chen sought to ally with the Serpentine, Garmadon managed to summon enough of his strength to resist the temptation given to him by both his master and the venom and refused, siding with his friends and family. During the war, he went on to fight with bravery, and displayed great intelligence after creating the Serpentine's only known weakness, the Sacred Flutes.

However, despite this victory and the love of Misako, who would go on to be his wife, Garmadon eventually was unable to fight on any longer and ultimately succumbed to the influence of the Great Devourer's venom. Under its control, he became noticeable far more sinister and megalomaniacal, ruthlessly insulting his father's legacy and showing no hesitation to murder his brother over the Golden Weapons. Upon being banished to the Underworld, his evil continued to fester as he mercilessly stole Samukai's authority, refusing to give up even in death.

From there, he would hone his skills of manipulation, and afterwards also displayed signs of mocking sarcasm to his enemies, relishing in their dilemmas. He was also noticeably vengeful towards his brother, even more so as a result of his banishment and because he blamed Wu for the Great Devourer infecting him.

One thing that the venom of the Devourer failed to suppress, however, was his love for his wife and Lloyd; Upon being told that his son was in danger, Garmadon didn't hesitate to save his arch-nemesis and brother in order to rescue his son. Likewise, he was unable to bring himself to harm Lloyd, even under the influence of the Overlord, instead feigning eagerness to fight, when in reality he was insecure over his deteriorating relationship with his loved ones. Indeed, he would also fight back the venom by offering to save Misako by having her rule at his side, and also showing betrayal upon learning she had tricked him.

After being purged of the Great Devourer's venom after countless years of scheming and manipulating, Garmadon's true, good side finally begins to show through; However, as a result of his crimes, he was left to feel enormous guilt. To cope, he began to live in solitude, training pupils to defend themselves, and was extremely pacifistic, relying exclusively on the Art of the Silent Fist in combat. Despite this, he was unwilling to let his personal guilt place his loved ones in danger, and promptly broke his vow in order to later rescue his son. Additionally, Garmadon would later refuse to take hostages, regardless of who they were, in order to accomplish any goals.

As a master, Garmadon was also noticeable different in that while his brother was generally more cryptic and vague, Garmadon was far more down-to-earth and practical, making his advice and instruction to the ninja more direct and not hesitating to emphasize their wariness of his former master, Chen. He also acted very fatherly to his son, and built a greater relationship with him.

Ultimately, without the venom of the Great Devourer, Garmadon proved to be incredibly selfless as well; Upon the need, he willingly had himself banished to the Cursed Realm in order to save Ninjago from the Anacondrai Cultists, and likewise emphasized the defeat of the Preeminent over his own safety. Because of his virtuous side, Garmadon ultimately changed his legacy from that of a vile Dark Lord to a benevolent hero, being remembered forever by his friends and family. This aspect of his persisted even after his resurrection at hands of Sons of Garmadon who intended him returned as the dark lord he was, leading to his team-up with his son to stop Oni invasion and subsequent journey to relearn emphathy.

Powers and Attributes[]

Like his brother, Master Wu, Garmadon has the ability to perform Spinjitzu, with his version channeling the power of Destruction. After being bitten by the Great Devourer, his power became unbalanced. He was also a skilled fighter, being proficient in martial arts and the use of many different weapons.

In his first appearance, Lord Garmadon was able to summon and duplicate Shadows - dark entities able to harm physical beings while the latter could not do the same. Similarly, during his stay in the Underworld, he had the ability to use his powers to create a shadow duplicate of himself in order to interact with Ninjago to some extent.

During his time in his dark dimension, he gained the power of doing what was seemingly impossible for him to achieve: to wield all four Golden Weapons of Spinjitzu at once. In addition to this newfound ability, he gained two extra arms to help him hold each weapon more easily - though this new power still left him feeling weak upon using the Mega Weapon.

Upon being purified at the Overlord's defeat, Garmadon lost his extra pair of arms and subsequently, the power to wield all four Golden Weapons. In addition, Garmadon's Destruction returned to balance. Initially after being cured, he repressed his power by refusing to fight, but he eventually returned to being an active combatant in order to save his son, and remained so until his end.




  • Ninja (former enemies)
  • Elemental Masters
  • Order of Felis
  • Obachan (formerly)
  • Hana (formerly)
  • Sage (formerly)
  • Shezada (formerly)
  • Skulkin (formerly)
  • Evil ninja (destroyed)
  • Stone Army (formerly)
  • Sons of Garmadon (formerly)
  • Two Moon villagers
  • Bears


  • Tanabrax
  • Puppets
  • Sphinx
  • Sand warriors
  • Ghouls
  • Beetle warriors
  • The Chroma
  • The Grays
  • Original Master of Amber
  • Time Twins
  • Pirates
  • Nindroid Army
  • Anacondrai Cultists
    • Clouse (Archenemy)
  • Ghost Warriors
  • Oni
    • The Omega (archenemy)
  • Red Crows (formerly)
  • New Ninja (non-canon)
  • Crystal army
  • Nineko (former ally; revealed to be an enemy)
  • The Overlord (former ally; revealed to be an enemy)

External Links[]


           Ninjago Logo Heroes

TV Series
The Ninja: Master Wu | Cole | Jay | Zane | Kai | Lloyd | Nya
The Serpentine: Arcturus | Clancee | Pythor P. Chumsworth | Skales
Nindroids: Nindroid Sentries | Echo Zane | P.I.X.A.L.
Elemental Masters: Ash | Bolobo | Gravis | Griffin Turner | Jacob Pevsner | Karlof | Mr. Pale | Neuro | Shade | Skylor | Tox | Ray | Maya | Nyad
Police: Commissioner | Hounddog McBrag
The Resistance
First Realm: Faith | Firstbourne
The Never-Realm: Akita | Krag | The Resistance (Grimfax | Kataru)
Prime Empire Residents: League of Jay | Okino | Blazey H. Speed | Scott
Shintaro: Queen Vania | The Upply (Korgran | Fungus | Plundar | Adam)
Keepers of the Amulet: Chief Mammatus |PoulErik
Merlopia: Benthomaar | Trimaar | Glutinous
Other: Brad Tudabone | Clutch Powers | Cyrus Borg | Dareth | Dr. Julien | First Spinjitzu Master | Flintlocke | Garmadon | Harumi | Hutchins | Lil' Nelson | Misako Montgomery Garmadon | Mistaké | Morro | New Ninja | Ronin | Twitchy Tim | Unagami

The LEGO Ninjago Movie
Master Wu | Secret Ninja Force (Lloyd | Kai | Jay | Nya | Cole | Zane)

Dragons Rising
Arin | Sora | Riyu | Source Dragon of Energy | Euphrasia | Wyldfyre | Alfonzo Frohicky | Arrakore | Geo | Bonzle | Percival Tartigrade | Rapton | Egalt | Rontu | Gandalaria | Source Dragon of Motion | Frak | Roby

See Also
Lego Heroes | Legends of Chima Heroes

           Legodimensions logo Heroes

Good Guys
Original: X-PO
DC Comics: Alfred Pennyworth (DC Universe) | Aquaman | Batman (DC Universe) | Commissioner Gordon | Cyborg (DC Universe) | Green Arrow (DC Universe) | Jimmy Olsen | Lois Lane | Robin (DC Universe) | Superman (DC Universe) | The Flash (DC Universe) (Arrowverse) | Wonder Woman (DC Universe)
The LEGO Movie: Wyldstyle | Emmet Brickowski | Batman (The LEGO Movie) | Unikitty | Metalbeard | Benny | Good Cop
The Lord of the Rings: Aragorn | Boromir | Frodo Baggins | Gandalf | Gimli | Legolas | Meriadoc Brandybuck | Peregrin Took | Samwise Gamgee | Sméagol
Back to the Future: Einstein | Clara Clayton | Lorraine Baines McFly | Marlene McFly | Marshal James Strickland | Seamus McFly | Marty McFly | Marty McFly Jr. | Emmett Brown
Portal 2: Adventure Core | ATLAS and P-body | Chell | Doug Rattmann | Space Core
The Simpsons: Homer Simpson | Bart Simpson | Krusty the Clown | Mayor Quimby | Hans Moleman | Abraham Simpson | Comic Book Guy | Ralph Wiggum | Groundskeeper Willie | Milhouse Van Houten | Lisa Simpson | Nelson Muntz | Santa's Little Helper | Maggie Simpson | Dr. Julius Hibbert | Marge Simpson | Chief Clancy Wiggum | Seymour Skinner | Ned Flanders | Apu Nahasapeemapetilon | Edna Flanders | Snowball II | Professor Jonathan Frink | Scratchy | Martin Prince | Rainier Wolfcastle | Plopper the Pig | Simpson Family
Jurassic World: ACU Trooper | Claire Dearing | Gray Mitchell | Lowery Cruthers | Blue | Owen Grady | Simon Masrani | Zach Mitchell
Scooby-Doo!: Fred Jones | Dada-Doo | Daphne Blake | Mumsy-Doo | Scooby-Doo | Shaggy Rogers | Velma Dinkley | Mystery Inc.
Legends of Chima: Laval | Eris | Cragger
The Wizard of Oz: Dorothy Gale | Scarecrow | Tin Woodman | Cowardly Lion
Doctor Who: Captain Jack Harkness | Clara Oswald | K9 Mark II | Madame Vastra | Rusty the Dalek | Strax | Time Lords | The Doctor (First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, War, Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh & Twelfth) | Torchwood Institute
Ninjago: Lloyd Garmadon | Kai | Jay Walker | Nya | Cole | Zane | Master Wu | Sensei Garmadon | Karlof
Ghostbusters: Ghostbusters (Peter Venkman, Ray Stantz, Egon Spengler & Winston Zeddemore) | Slimer
Midway Arcade: Gamer Kid | Merlin the Wizard | Questor the Elf | Thor the Warrior | Thyra the Valkyrie
Ghostbusters (2016): Ghostbusters (Abby Yates, Erin Gilbert, Jillian Holtzmann & Patty Tolan)
Adventure Time: Finn Mertens | Jake the Dog
Mission: Impossible: Ethan Hunt
Harry Potter: Harry Potter
The A-Team: A-Team (B.A. Baracus, Hannibal Smith, H.M. Murdock & Faceman Peck)
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: Newt Scamander | Tina Goldstein
Sonic the Hedgehog: Sonic the Hedgehog | Miles "Tails" Prower | Knuckles the Echidna | Amy Rose | Big the Cat | Shadow the Hedgehog
Gremlins: Gizmo
E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial: E.T.
The LEGO Batman Movie: Batman (The LEGO Batman Movie) | Robin (The LEGO Batman Movie) | Batgirl (The LEGO Batman Movie)
Knight Rider: Michael Knight
The Goonies: Sloth Fratelli
LEGO City Undercover: Chase McCain
The Powerpuff Girls (2016): Blossom | Bubbles | Buttercup
Teen Titans Go!: Robin (Teen Titans Go!) | Cyborg (Teen Titans Go!) | Beast Boy (Teen Titans Go!) | Raven (Teen Titans Go!) | Starfire (Teen Titans Go!)
Beetlejuice: Beetlejuice
Others: Explorer | Heroic Knight | Pharaoh | Skutters | Snacky
