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Heroes Wiki
Chihiro cropped

Chihiro Ogino has declared Gatekeeper (Star Fox) is to be renamed to
GateKeepers (Star Fox)

for the following reason(s): Proper term and plural.
Please discuss it on the talk page for this article.
"I want you to know my real name. It's Chihiro."

Stop hand

Gatekeeper the Gatekeepers are the guardians of the SpellStone and the gateway portals to other locations of the planet Sauria.


As guardians it is the Gatekeepers jobs to protect the SpellStones and portals of Sauria. The Gatekeepers have the power to open up gateways that lead to different sections of the planet. There are five gateways across the planet and five Gatekeeper who guard these gateways. The Gatekeepers can also pass their ability to open gateways to their children or other future Gatekeepers to pass on their skills to the future generation.

It is the Gatekeepers job to protect the SpellStones that holds the planet Sauria together making the Gatekeepers protectors of the whole planet. As protectors of the SpellStones and the planet the Gatekeepers were targeted by General Scales so he could steal the SpellStones and take over Sauria.


           StarFoxTitle Heroes

Star Fox
Main: Fox McCloud (Benimaru Itoh) | Falco Lombardi (Benimaru Itoh) | Peppy Hare (Benimaru Itoh) | Slippy Toad (Benimaru Itoh) | Krystal | ROB 64 | Direct-i
Other: Fay | Miyu

Cornerian Army
General Pepper (Benimaru Itoh) | James McCloud (Benimaru Itoh) | Bill Grey | Amanda | Lucy Hare | Dash Bowman | Beltino Toad | Grippy Toad

Katt Monroe

Saurian Dinosaurs
GateKeepers | CloudRunner Tribe (Queen CloudRunner) | Gradabug | EarthWalker Tribe (King EarthWalker), (Queen EarthWalker), (Prince Tricky) | ThornTail Tribe | HighTop Tribe | LightFoot Tribe (Chief LightFoot) | SnowHorn Tribe (Garunda Te, Belina Te)

Fara Phoenix

See Also
Starlink Heroes
