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Really? It’s always been my dream to win that award!
~ Mr. Sneedly

Professor Gaylord M. Sneedly is a minor character of the Captain Underpants books series and The Epic Tales of Captain Underpants. He is the father of Melvin Sneedly and husband of Cindy Sneedly. He is a scientist and inventor. He taught his son how to be a scientist and inventor.



In Captain Underpants and the Big, Bad Battle of the Bionic Booger Boy, When Melvin turns into The Bionic Booger Boy, he gets defeated by Sulu. Mr. Sneedly takes George's advice by switching the batteries in the Combine-O-Tron 2000 so that Melvin can return to normal. It takes two blasts from the Combine-O-Tron 2000 to separate things.

After Sulu shot the Robo-Boogers to space, everyone, including Cindy and Gaylord, prepares to go home. But it becomes obvious that there was a mistake with the Combine-o-Tron 2000, and now Melvin and Mr. Krupp have switched bodies. Several jokes are made with this outline, including Kruppy the Kid (Mr. Krupp in Melvin's body) demanding Ms. Anthrope give him coffee or he would fire her. Seeing only a fourth grader, Ms. Anthrope gives him a wedgie. As for Mr. Melvin (Melvin in Mr. Krupp's body), he is also the basis of some abuse. For instance, when he runs to hug his mother, who only sees a guy in his underwear coming to give her a hug, she promptly and ruthlessly assaults him with her purse.

George and Harold go back in time two days and retrieve the Combine-o-Tron after it gets Melvin and Mr. Krupp back to normal, but before it is smashed (they replace it with a look-alike). This is done thanks to the use of the Forgetchamacallit 2000 on Melvin's parents.

TV Series[]

In The Shocking Showdown of the Staggering Sugamechanger, Gaylord, along with Cindy, is one of the parents that go to Lake Summer Camp for Parents' Weekend.

In a flashback of the Halloween special, Gaylord and Cindy send Gooch to Melvin's house for a playdate. Melvin, uninterested, steals the five dollar bill Gooch was holding and leaves.



           Captain underpants logo Heroes

George Beard (Yesterday, Old) | Harold Hutchins (Yesterday, Old) | Melvin Sneedly (Mel-evator) | The M.I.S.F.A.R.T.S (George Beard, Harold Hutchins, Erica Wang (Aternate Timeline, Adult), Dressy Killman, Bo Hweemuth, Steve "Gooch" Yamaguchi, Stanley Peet, Jessica Gordon, Sophie One, Other Sophie)

Benjamin Krupp (Old, Alternate Timeline) | Kenny Brian Meaner | Toilette Ree | Jerry Citizen

Sulu | Crackers | Tony, Orlando and Dawn | Great-Granny Girdle and Boxer Boy | The Incredible Robo-Plunger | Cavemen | Gaylord Sneedly | Cindy Sneedly

The Epic Tales of Captain Underpants
Diddlysaurus | The Society of Robes | Cash Networth | Bigfoot | Creeply Rattlechains | Viper Chai | Moxie Swaggerman | Dr. Shifty Fitzgibbons | Cosmicops | Livmen | Santa Claus | The Tolietastics

Ook and Gluk
Ook Shadowski and Gluk Jones | Lily | Master Wong | Lan Wong | Mog-Mog

See Also
Dog Man Heroes
