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Heroes Wiki

Gelus is a Shinigami and minor character in Death Note. He gave up his life to save Misa Amane from death.

He is voiced by Kenichi Matsuyama in the Japanese version, and by Michael Dobson in the English version.


Gelus physically appears like a doll. His skin is like poorly sewn-together fabric of all different colors like blue and green. He is physically small in size despite being a Shinigami with a set of barely visible wings. He is missing one of his eyes while the other appeals yellow.


Not much is known about Gelus's personality but it can be deduced that he was far more caring and empathetic than any other Shinigami considering he fell in love with a human and died to save her despite it being so far from what Shinigami are supposed to do.


Gelus was a Shinigami who was infatuated with a human girl on Earth, Misa Amane. He would always watch her from the Shinigami Realm and would always talk about her, occasionally to his acquaintance Rem. One day Gelus sadly noticed that Misa's lifespan was at its end and became distraught because of how young and healthy she was. Then, a crazed man appeared and was about to kill her because of his obsession with her. Gelus couldn't stand to see it and wrote the name of the man to save her. He knew it would've killed him if he did it, but he didn't care, he did it in order to protect her. Due to it being against the rules he got turned into rust, ending his life. As a result of sacrificing his life for Misa Amane, his Death Note became hers.

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           Death Note logo Heroes

Japanese Task Force
L Lawliet | Soichiro Yagami | Touta Matsuda | Shuichi Aizawa | Kanzo Mogi | Hirokazu Ukita | Hideki Ide | Watari | Aiber | Wedy

Wammy's House
Quillsh Wammy | Roger Ruvie | L Lawliet | Near | Mello | Matt

Special Provision for Kira
Near | Anthony Rester | Stephen Gevanni | Halle Lidner

Rem | Raye Penber | Naomi Misora | Gelus | Taro Kagami

TV and Film Series
Light Turner | L (Death Note 2017) | L Lawliet (film series) | Naomi Misora (film series) | Sanami
