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My friends, sunsets are regarded as omens of endings, but we are beginning anew. May we all find what we are seeking.
~ Geo-Force.
Deathstroke hurt my family. But you hurt my country.
~ Prime Earth Geo-Force to Talia al Ghul.

Geo-Force (real name Brion Markov) is a fictional character, and a comic book superhero appearing in publications by DC Comics



Brion Markov was the second in line as a prince of the eastern European country of Markovia, which lies between Franceand Belgium. However, the young prince's life would dramatically change when Markovia was invaded by the forces of the war-monger Baron Bedlam. Brion's father, King Viktor, was killed in this conflict, and Brion's older brother, Gregor, ascended the throne of Markovia. In an attempt to repel Bedlam and save his country, Brion was instilled with his powers by the scientific discoveries of Dr. Helga Jace. The good Dr. Jace originally intended to give super-powers to both Brion and his older brother, Gregor, but Gregor openly scoffed at Dr. Jace's researches. During the invasion, Brion also encountered the costumed adventurers Batman, Metamorpho, Black Lightning, Katana, and Halo. After the invasion was repelled, Brion decided to travel to America to learn how to use his powers under the tutelage of the Batman.


Geo-force joined the others as a founding member of the Outsiders along with Batman who would lead the team, Metamorpho, Black Lightning, Katana and Halo. The team fought many opponents including the Masters of Disaster, Force of July, and many other enemies. He was in a romantic relationship with Halo at one point, but they ended their relationship. He eventually became the leader of the Outsiders and has been the leader on multiple occasions.


Geo-Force's elemental abilities tie him directly into the Earth's gravitational forces as well as seismic activities. His powers include complete control over Gravity and Earth. He can use gravity control as a defensive shield and to lift objects of various sizes. The limits of this haven't been shown yet. His Earth Manipulation allows him to move any form of earth or mineral on a huge scale. The limits of this also haven't been shown. He can also talk to the earth using it as a weak tracking ability. Geo-Force's connection to the earth allows him to heal much more rapidly when in direct contact with it. He is also able to tell what minerals and chemicals are in the earth around him as well. This has allowed him to answer questions on the spot of a crime scene on what specific type and location of origin on any soil found.



           JusticeLeagueLogo Heroes

Justice League | Justice League of America | Justice League Dark | Justice League Europe | Justice League Incarnate | Justice League International | Justice League Task Force | Justice League Queer | Super Buddies

Aquaman | Atom | Batman | Black Canary (Dinah Laurel Lance | Dinah Drake) | Cyborg | The Flash (Barry Allen | Wally West) | Green Arrow (DC vs Vampires) | Green Lantern | Hawkgirl | Hawkman | Martian Manhunter | Superman | Wonder Woman

Adam Strange | Agent Liberty | Alan Scott | Amanda Waller | Amazing Man | Ambush Bug | Amethyst | Andrew Bennett | Animal Man | Antaeus | Andy Curry | Atomica | August General in Iron | Avery Ho | Azrael | Aztek | B'wana Beast | Batgirl | Bart Allen | Batwing | Batwoman | Beast Boy | Big Barda | Black Adam | Black Condor | Black Lightning | Black Orchid | Blue Beetle | Blue Devil | Blue Jay | Booster Gold | Bronze Tiger | Captain Atom | Captain Cold | Catwoman | Commander Steel | Congorilla | Conner Kent | Cassandra Cain | Green Arrow (Connor Hawke) | Creeper | Crimson Fox | Damian Wayne | Deadman | Detective Chimp | Doctor Fate | Doctor Light | Doctor Mist | Donna Troy | Element Woman | Elongated Man | Emiko Queen | Equinox | Etrigan | Faith | Fire | Firehawk | Firestorm | Frankenstein | Freedom Beast | General Glory | Geo-Force | Guardian | Guy Gardner | Gypsy | Harley Quinn | Hank Heywood | Hawk and Dove (Hank Hall | Dawn Granger) | Hippolyta | Hourman | Huntress | Ice | Jace Fox | Jackson Hyde | Jade | Jaime Reyes | James Gordon | Jericho | Jesse Quick | Jessica Cruz | John Constantine | John Stewart | Jon Kent | Katana | Kid Flash | Killer Frost | Kyle Rayner | Lex Luthor | Lightray | Lobo | Lois Lane | Madame Xanadu | Man-Bat | Maxima | Mera | Metamorpho | Mister Miracle | Miss Martian | Mister Terrific | Mon-El | Moon Maiden | Natasha Irons | Nightmare Nurse | Nightwing | Nubia | Offspring | Oracle | Orion | Pandora | Pariah | Phantom Girl | Phantom Stranger | Plastic Man | Power Girl | Poison Ivy | Powerhouse | Question | Ragman | Raven | Robin | Red Arrow | Red Hood | Red Robin | Red Tornado | Rhonda Pineda | Rocket Red | Ryan Choi | Saturn Girl | Shade the Changing Mann | Shazam | Silver Sorceress | Star Sapphire | Simon Baz | Sojourner Mullein | Starfire | Stargirl | Starman | Steel | Steve Trevor | Supergirl (DC vs Vampires) | Swamp Thing | Tasmanian Devil | Ted Kord | Tempest | Tomorrow Woman | Triumph | Vibe | Vixen | Wildcat | Wonder Girl | Yara Flor | Zatanna | Zauriel

Theatrical Movies
Justice League: Justice League (Superman | Batman | Wonder Woman | The Flash | Cyborg | Aquaman) | Alfred Pennyworth | James Gordon | Mera | Lois Lane | Hippolyta | Zeus | Artemis | Green Lantern Corps
Zack Snyder's Justice League: Justice League (Superman | Batman | Wonder Woman | The Flash | Cyborg | Aquaman) | Alfred Pennyworth | James Gordon | Mera | Lois Lane | Hippolyta | Nuidis Vulko | Martian Manhunter | Zeus | Artemis | Green Lantern Corps
DC League of Super-Pets: Krypto | Ace | PB | Merton | Chip | Keith and Mark | Superman | Batman | Wonder Woman | Green Lantern | The Flash | Aquaman | Cyborg | Lois Lane

Direct-to-video Movies
Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox: The Flash | Batman | Thomas Wayne | Cyborg | Kal-El | Cole Cash | Godiva | Steve Trevor | Lois Lane | Etrigan | S.H.A.Z.A.M. | Samuel Lane
Justice League: War: Justice League (Batman, Superman, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, Shazam, & Cyborg) | Steve Trevor | Freddy Freeman |Sarah Charles | Thomas Morrow | Silas Stone
Justice League: Throne of Atlantis: Aquaman: | Atlanna | Mera | Justice League (Batman, Cyborg, The Flash, Green Lantern, Shazam, Superman, & Wonder Woman) | Steve Trevor | Lois Lane
Justice League vs. Teen Titans: Teen Titans (Raven, Robin, Starfire, Blue Beetle, Beast Boy, & Nightwing) | Justice League (Batman, Cyborg, The Flash, Superman, & Wonder Woman)
Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths: Justice League (Superman | Batman | Wonder Woman | The Flash)

Also See
DC Multiverse Heroes

           The Outsiders Members

Arsenal | Atomic Knight | Batgirl | Batman | Black Lightning | Captain Boomerang, Jr. | Captain Marvel, Jr. | Catwoman | Creeper | Dervish | Doctor Light | Eradicator | Faust | Francine Langstrom | Freight Train | Geo-Force | Grace Choi | Green Arrow | Halo | Huntress | Indigo | Jade | Katana | Looker | Martian Manhunter | Metamorpho | Nightwing | Owlman | ReMac | Shift | Signal | Starfire | Technocrat | Terra | Thunder | Windfall | Wylde
